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Original Title: The Butter Battle Book
ISBN: 0394865804 (ISBN13: 9780394865805)
Edition Language: English
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The Butter Battle Book Hardcover | Pages: 42 pages
Rating: 4.18 | 11947 Users | 571 Reviews

Specify Appertaining To Books The Butter Battle Book

Title:The Butter Battle Book
Author:Dr. Seuss
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition, First Printing
Pages:Pages: 42 pages
Published:January 12th 1984 by New York: Random House
Categories:Childrens. Picture Books. Fiction

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Illus. in full color. "Dr. Seuss chronicles the feud between the Yooks and the Zooks from slingshots through sophisticated weaponry, until each side has the capacity to destroy the world. The language amuses, the drawings are zesty and humorous, and the demand for this book will be large."-- "School Library Journal." "Provocative, packs an allegorical punch. The parade of increasingly elaborate (and ridiculous) armaments makes a telling point."-- "Booklist."

Rating Appertaining To Books The Butter Battle Book
Ratings: 4.18 From 11947 Users | 571 Reviews

Judge Appertaining To Books The Butter Battle Book
Okay you are probably wondering why I am talking about this book. In my Language Arts class my students had to read "The Sneetches" by Dr. Seuss. Today I read "The Butter Battle Book" also by Dr. Seuss. The idea is they are to compare and contrast the two books. Needless to say my very knowledgeable sixth graders proceeded to tell me how the Butter Battle Book is actually a political story about the Cold War. I almost dropped my teeth. Why? A few years ago when I did a lesson on the Berlin Wall

A perfect story for our world today. When I was a young girl, my father used to read Dr. Seuss books to me before bed. He would do accents and speak in a comforting rhythm that never failed to lull me to sleep. Its one of my earliest memories of reading. And one of my fondest.I knew once I found out I was going to be a mother that I would get to pass on that love of Dr. Seuss to my daughter. Im confident it will turn into a tradition because my daughter loves to read Dr. Seuss to me; I can

We all are intimately familiar with the glorious rhyming and the honest joy of reading a Dr. Seuss book aloud. Considering some of the check-outs that my kindergartner has brought home this year - the kind I begrudgingly cracked open and read each night with the sort of over-taxed smile and forced lilt necessary to make it through the more inane children's books - seeing a Dr. Seuss was a great relief. One that I've never read or heard of to boot!Unfortunately, the nightly recite until

That cliffhanger ending! AARGH! I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!The Butter Battle is about the Yooks who eat their toast butter side up and the Zooks who eat their toast butter side down (blasphemy!). This resulted in the great Butter Battle where each country is convinced that their way of eating toast is the correct way. What started off as a disagreement quickly escalates to a full on war. I think this is a great book that teaches kids about war and how pointless it is. We should just

Dr. Seuss has been known to include many different political issues and views in his children's books. I find this extremely interesting and different than many authors. I feel like most children book authors would steer away from politics since many children do not understand the deeper meaning. However, Dr. Seuss used his children books as a platform for different political issues. Dr. Seuss uses this book as a platform to talk about the Cold War to a younger audience. In the book, there are

This is basically a book about differences and how they can lead to people acting without thinking. The book does not really end, it just stops and lets the reader fill in the details. It is a good book to help children understand that there are many kinds of people in the world.


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