Online Books A Woman of Independent Means Free Download

List Appertaining To Books A Woman of Independent Means

Title:A Woman of Independent Means
Author:Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Virago Modern Classics
Pages:Pages: 288 pages
Published:March 2nd 2000 by Virago Press Ltd (first published 1978)
Categories:Fiction. Historical. Historical Fiction. Classics
Online Books A Woman of Independent Means  Free Download
A Woman of Independent Means Paperback | Pages: 288 pages
Rating: 3.96 | 3107 Users | 510 Reviews

Description Conducive To Books A Woman of Independent Means

A bestselling sensation when it was first published by Viking in 1978, A Woman of Independent Means has delighted millions of readers and was the inspiration for the television miniseries starring Sally Field.

At the turn of the century, a time when women had few choices, Bess Steed Garner inherits a legacynot only of wealth but of determination and desire, making her truly a woman of independent means. From the early 1900s through the 1960s, we accompany Bess as she endures life's trials and triumphs with unfailing courage and indomitable spirit: the sacrifices love sometimes requires of the heart, the flaws and rewards of marriage, the often-tested bond between mother and child, and the will to defy a society that demands conformity. Now, with this beautiful trade paperback edition, Penguin will introduce a new generation of readers to this richly woven story. . .and to Bess Steed Garner, a woman for all ages.

Mention Books To A Woman of Independent Means

Original Title: A Woman of Independent Means
ISBN: 1860497667 (ISBN13: 9781860497667)
Edition Language: English
Literary Awards: California Book Award for First Novel (Silver) (1978)

Rating Appertaining To Books A Woman of Independent Means
Ratings: 3.96 From 3107 Users | 510 Reviews

Weigh Up Appertaining To Books A Woman of Independent Means
This was different, but overall, I liked it. In the beginning, I was a little put off by the frivolity of this woman. It had me wondering why this book has received so many 4 and 5 star rating. As I read further, there were threads of truth that remain poignant even in this century, that were woven throughout. It is a short book, so this isn't an in depth look at the MC. But there were plenty of glimpses, both subtle and powerful, into the woman she was becoming.

Written by Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey in epistolary form, A Woman of Independent Means, portrays the life of a middle to upper-middle-class white woman, Elizabeth Alcott, coming of age at the turn of the 20th century. Through letters written by Elizabeth we are shown portions of her life, though because these are letters, we are never able to get as truly close to Elizabeth as we would like. She is honest and forthcoming in many of the letters she writes, including those to her father, her cousin

A Woman of Independent Means is a little saga that follows the life of Bess, a woman living through the tumultuous first half of the 20th century. It is a time of war, of depression and hardship, of a blossoming women's rights movement and confusion over modernity and tradition. Bess stumbles through each of these obstacles throughout her life. The book is written in a letter format, which is a little annoying, because the reader must figure out who the letter is to, what the date is, what

This book is the life story of a woman born in the 1890s through 1960s told via her letters to friends and family. I did not know this was the books formats and it took me awhile to get used to. The book kept my interest and I read it in 3 days, but there were so many things I didnt like about it. They all had to do with the heroine. I could not relate to her on so many fronts. If you don't want to read all my ramblings: in a nutshell, she was too materialistic, too concerned about status and

Not many books do I read more than once. This was one. I read it about 35 years ago when I was busy raising 5 kids, and a husband, and it had a big impact on my life. I have just requested it from the library so that I can read it again! I cant think of higher praise I could give for any book. It was recommended to me by my mother who, I believe, identified with Bess. I certainly saw the comparisons when I read it, as did my sisters. One reviewer described the story as "A portrait of a woman

This is another book that reaffirms my belief in books having the uncanny power of choosing their readers when the time is just right.My gaze has lingered on the tattered spine of A Woman of Independent Means for many months now; I've been perusing my shelf and consistently pausing there, hearing an echo of my sister's voice saying, "I think you'd like it. Here, take my copy." Still, it wasn't until a few days ago that I actually heeded its call. Mortality is a topic every thing and one can

This is such a hard one to rate... at the beginning I was so irritated with the woman that I checked that this really was the book I saw so highly recommended. The one-sided letter writing format was probably partly to blame for this. And also that I thought it would be more openly feminist than it was. But eventually I started to love her. And despite my initial irritation I couldn't help but cry when her husband died and sob when her little boy died. I loved observing Bess grow older and the


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