Books Download Free فئران أمي حصة Online

Books Download Free فئران أمي حصة  Online
فئران أمي حصة Paperback | Pages: 440 pages
Rating: 4.17 | 10853 Users | 2333 Reviews

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Original Title: فئران أمي حصة ISBN13 9786140115446
Edition Language: Arabic

Commentary In Favor Of Books فئران أمي حصة

ما عادت الفئران تحومُ حول قفص الدجاجاتِ أسفل السِّدرة وحسب. تسلَّلت إلى البيوت. كنتُ أشمُّ رائحةً ترابية حامضة، لا أعرف مصدرها، إذا ما استلقيتُ على أرائك غرفة الجلوس. ورغم أني لم أشاهد فأرا داخل البيت قط، فإن أمي حِصَّه تؤكد، كلما أزاحت مساند الأرائك تكشف عن فضلاتٍ بنيةٍ داكنة تقارب حبَّات الرُّز حجما، تقول إنها الفئران.. ليس ضروريا أن تراها لكي تعرف أنها بيننا! أتذكَّر وعدها. أُذكِّرها: "متى تقولين لي قصة الفيران الأربعة؟". تفتعل انشغالا بتنظيف المكان. تجيب: "في الليل". يأتي الليل، مثل كلِّ ليل. تنزع طقم أسنانها. تتحدث في ظلام غرفتها. تُمهِّد للقصة: "زور ابن الزرزور، إللي عمره ما كذب ولا حلف زور..".

Mention Appertaining To Books فئران أمي حصة

Title:فئران أمي حصة
Author:سعود السنعوسي
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:الطبعة الأولى
Pages:Pages: 440 pages
Published:February 2015 by الدار العربية للعلوم ناشرون + منشورات ضفاف
Categories:Novels. Fiction

Rating Appertaining To Books فئران أمي حصة
Ratings: 4.17 From 10853 Users | 2333 Reviews

Assessment Appertaining To Books فئران أمي حصة
This novel offers deep insights into the state and society of Kuwait during the last 30+ years. Told in two parallel story arcs, it retells historic events and offers glimpses into a possible near (by the time of the original publication) future of the country.The larger parts are set back in time, starting in the mid 1980s: The narrator and his group of friends grow up as neighbours, classmates and dear mates, even though the different sects they belong to cause tensions between their families

DNF in the 17th of May 2018I honestly tried with this book. I just couldn't continue through with it , it was simply too boring for me.The story wasn't going anywhere, it was just repeating itself.Characters were the best part ,especially hessa.I don't know if this simply his style or if it's just this particular novel, but it was really hard to follow or maintain interest.Language was okay for the most part but it wasn't at the level I expected it to be for a booker prize winner.

I received a free ebook version of this book as a Goodreads giveaway.I admired the structure ( deftly plotted and arranged despite the surface simplicity of the writing) and the difficult topic of the recent history of Kuwait. The questioning protagonist and his friends reflect the various sects and ethnicities of Kuwait. There is a bittersweet almost nostalgic tone to the book. The mix of the present day ( blasts which knock out windows and leave buildings in ruble) with the street and compound

This book tells a compelling story set in Kuwait. It starts on one street and telescopes out. It reveals the conditions that existed before the Iraq Invasion and the aftereffects. The narrator, as a boy, a young man, and later an older man, tenderly recounts the steadfast friendships he cherished in his neighborhood. Friendship is inaccurate here as the intimacy is almost as close as those in a family. And it is that proximity which makes the ensuing conflicts, disagreements, and

This novel showed a personal view of Kuwait before and after the Gulf War. Its hard to imagine real names and faces with the stories we just saw on the news, but this book added so much depth from real lives.Im always in for a book with engaging characters. Through Katkouts memories of the past and the neighborhood where he spent his boyhood, I became invested in seeing what was happening to him and his friends in his descriptions from the present. Alternating between his childhood memories (in

Mama Hissas Mice was a banned book in Kuwait, where the book is set, for over four years.Katkout, Fahd, and Sadiq are the best of friends while growing up in central Kuwait. Though friends, they are of different religions and ethnicities.What joins them beyond their friendship is their desire to protest against the divide causing their neighborhood to become a war zone. In turn, the friends are found to be extremists.Fahds grandmother, Mama Hissa, is wary that the friends could anger God with


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