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The Garden of Forking Paths Audiobook | Pages: 10 pages
Rating: 4.29 | 2879 Users | 201 Reviews

Point Books As The Garden of Forking Paths

Original Title: El jardĂ­n de los senderos que se bifurcan
ISBN: 110122245X (ISBN13: 9781101222454)
Edition Language: English

Rendition Conducive To Books The Garden of Forking Paths

"The Garden of Forking Paths" (original Spanish title: "El jardĂ­n de senderos que se bifurcan") is the title story in the collection El jardĂ­n de senderos que se bifurcan (1941), which was republished in its entirety in Ficciones (Fictions) in 1944. It was the first of Borges's works to be translated into English by Anthony Boucher when it appeared in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine in August 1948.

Describe About Books The Garden of Forking Paths

Title:The Garden of Forking Paths
Author:Jorge Luis Borges
Book Format:Audiobook
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 10 pages
Published:June 24th 2010 by Penguin Audio (first published 1941)
Categories:Short Stories. Fiction. Classics. Magical Realism. Philosophy. Literature. Fantasy

Rating About Books The Garden of Forking Paths
Ratings: 4.29 From 2879 Users | 201 Reviews

Critique About Books The Garden of Forking Paths
The Universal LibraryIf life (or a life) can be construed as a text, then the universe might be (analogous to) a library:"The universe (which others call the Library) is composed of an indefinite, perhaps infinite number of hexagonal galleries."This early, 1941 collection is a mini-gallery of Borges stories that revolve around construction and interpretation, imagination and understanding, of the universe. On the way, it takes in time, space, meaning, truth, consciousness, our selves and our

Quite an interesting short story, especially when the concept of time is being talked about- my eternal object of horror.The magic realism of Borges always tickles my interest in the most curious of ways.

As always with Borgess books , it was a break either from reality or very straightforward (somehow dull) thinking. Forking paths with the idea of embracing all possibilities of time , is between both while Book of Sand with infinite book and Circular ruins with being dreamt by another just to be understood by the test of fire are in the first classification. Both drive the thinking about contemporary arguments of time in post quantum era and existential discussions lately about what the reality

The master of all things metaphysical and dark. Borges was surreal, washed in darkness, and strangely distant, long before it was ever considered cool and/or hip. Think of him as the Proto-Goth, think of him as whomever you wish, but any reader who enjoys the strange and shadowy should give Borges a try.

An exhilarating spy story combined with magical realism. Borges proposes that time is infinite and its path forks forward based on the decisions made when faced with choices. The reader is left seesawing on the premise of fate versus free will (and likely ruminating on how choices/decisions may have altered their own lives). This notion goes one step further when the characters are allowed to become unbound from decision making and can occupy all paths concurrently thus creating multiple

Defeating TimeI recently rebuked Robert Coover for considering hypertext a modern literary invention ( Electronic technology may have given the genre a name but the idea and practice of hypertext has been around quite a while. I gave the example of the Bible as just such a text. And in his The Garden of the Forking Paths, Borges provides the conceptual rationale for hypertext 80 years ago. He also identifies its primary function: defeating time.Like all

I thought of a maze of mazes, of a sinuous, ever growing maze which would take in both past and future and would somehow involve the stars.


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