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Title:New Seeds of Contemplation
Author:Thomas Merton
Book Format:paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 297 pages
Published:January 1st 1972 by New Directions (first published 1962)
Categories:Spirituality. Nonfiction. Religion. Theology. Christianity. Christian
Books Online New Seeds of Contemplation  Download Free
New Seeds of Contemplation paperback | Pages: 297 pages
Rating: 4.31 | 6597 Users | 307 Reviews

Interpretation As Books New Seeds of Contemplation

For a few years, I fostered a very robust fascination with Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk who was a prolific writer. I can’t remember how I found Merton, maybe some long ago professor of mine or a reference in someone else’s book, but since I started reading him almost a decade ago, he has, more than any other writer, influenced my way of seeing the world. He was a pacifist and a political activist, at least in the sense that he spoke out boldly against things he found immoral or unethical - like the atomic bomb. He also believed wholeheartedly in the need for a writer to have space to think and be alone - what he called “silence and solitude.” In New Seeds of Contemplation, Merton introduces his readers to the idea of contemplation as a way of life. He urges us all to dip deeper into our thoughts and to slow down from our action, to turn away from that which distracts us and to open up to that which reminds us of true reality, true creation, and true life. If you have ever wanted a model for how to write about thought, this book is for you. Even more so, if you have ever wanted to think about how to slow down, catch your breath, and by do doing, live your life more fully, this book will capture your spirit and heart.

Mention Books In Pursuance Of New Seeds of Contemplation

Original Title: New Seeds of Contemplation
ISBN: 081120099X (ISBN13: 9780811200998)
Edition Language: English

Rating Based On Books New Seeds of Contemplation
Ratings: 4.31 From 6597 Users | 307 Reviews

Column Based On Books New Seeds of Contemplation
I have a huge crush on Merton. He is the grace my Abba gave me in the silence. I weep when I read him and sigh, and say, I feel exactly the same way...over and over again. Read him, if you doubt, if you wonder, if you wander, if you think about your faith.

This is one of the only books I've read that coherently describes contemplation as an act of life rather than something done cross legged in a room. The great thing about Merton is he wanted prayer to be like breathing. But I also love that he didn't dodge the Catholic Church here and make it a bland book about "spirituality." His ode to Mary is one of the most beautiful things written about the Mother of God.

For a few years, I fostered a very robust fascination with Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk who was a prolific writer. I cant remember how I found Merton, maybe some long ago professor of mine or a reference in someone elses book, but since I started reading him almost a decade ago, he has, more than any other writer, influenced my way of seeing the world. He was a pacifist and a political activist, at least in the sense that he spoke out boldly against things he found immoral or unethical - like

I began reading this book in 1996, completing it perhaps a year later. I was completely captivated! At a time in my life when my soul yearned for some sense of reason beyond my daily encounters - Thomas Merton's New Seeds of Contemplation struck a timely cord. The soul that seeks truth, no doubt will find it. To engage truth becomes one's life time endeavor. New Seeds of Contemplation is not a book that can be read without times of ardent reflection. When the soul is in a place of transitioning

I acknowledge that Thomas Merton probably had a true connection to God, that he was a holy man who by all accounts walked the walk as well as talked the talk. I also acknowledge that "New Seeds of Contemplation" is an engaging explanation of some of Merton's core ideas, as well as a compelling argument for the spiritual value in leading what Merton terms a "contemplative" life (more exactly, a life in contemplation of God's will and your purpose within that will). However, nothing I've read in a

This is quintessential Merton - illuminating and vexing. He was omniscient without realizing it. In what he wrote about the militarization of the U.S. in 1961, one could replace Russian with Korea and not tell the difference. His writing on peace, criticism of our government, and the failures of men to contain their desires never ring more true than today. He bemoans the influence of automation and technology on declining values in the country and again ditto for 2018.

This is a book to put on your nightstand and read slowly, a few pages at a time. And then take a break to process it, and read again. So much of what Thomas Merton talks about in this book made my heart race, because I recognized it. I hope someday I am able to experience the parts I have not--yes, even the "deserts" and "darkness" he references routinely. His grasp of the human person and resistance to God makes so much clear about the world today, especially attitudes among both self-righteous


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