Download 魔道祖师 [Mo Dao Zu Shi] (魔道祖师) Books Online

Download 魔道祖师 [Mo Dao Zu Shi] (魔道祖师) Books Online
魔道祖师 [Mo Dao Zu Shi] (魔道祖师) ebook | Pages: 1452 pages
Rating: 4.64 | 4243 Users | 675 Reviews

Mention About Books 魔道祖师 [Mo Dao Zu Shi] (魔道祖师)

Title:魔道祖师 [Mo Dao Zu Shi] (魔道祖师)
Book Format:ebook
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 1452 pages
Published:2016 by jjwxc
Categories:Fantasy. LGBT. Romance. Historical. Cultural. China

Chronicle In Favor Of Books 魔道祖师 [Mo Dao Zu Shi] (魔道祖师)

前世的魏無羨萬人唾罵,聲名狼藉。 嘔心瀝血護持師弟, 師弟帶人端了他老巢,親自送他下地, 縱橫一世,死無全屍。 被鎮壓數年, 曾興風作浪的一代魔道祖師,重生成了一個…… 腦殘。 還特麼是個人人喊打的斷袖腦殘! 我見諸君多有病,料諸君見我應如是。 他決定敬業地做好一名腦殘。 但修鬼道不修仙,任你千軍萬馬,十方惡霸,九州奇俠,高嶺之花, 但凡化為一抔黃土,統統收歸旗下,為我所用,供我驅策! 高貴冷豔悶騷攻×邪魅狂狷風騷受。 As the grandmaster who founded demonic cultivation, Wei WuXian roamed the world in his wanton ways, hated by millions for the chaos he created. In the end, he was backstabbed by his dearest shidi and killed by powerful clans that combined to overpower him. He incarnates into the body of a lunatic who was abandoned by his clan and is later, unwillingly, taken away by a famous cultivator among the sects—Lan WangJi, his archenemy. This marks the start of a thrilling yet hilarious journey of attacking monsters, solving mysteries, and raising children. From the mutual flirtation along the way, Wei WuXian slowly realizes that Lan WangJi, a seemingly haughty and indifferent poker-face, holds more feelings for Wei WuXian than he is letting on…

Present Books As 魔道祖师 [Mo Dao Zu Shi] (魔道祖师)

Original Title: 魔道祖师 [Mo Dao Zu Shi]
Edition Language: Chinese
Series: 魔道祖师

Rating About Books 魔道祖师 [Mo Dao Zu Shi] (魔道祖师)
Ratings: 4.64 From 4243 Users | 675 Reviews

Column About Books 魔道祖师 [Mo Dao Zu Shi] (魔道祖师)
this 5 stars is for making me cry so much and breaking my heart into million pieces but it's also for me for finishing this behemoth... let's pour a one out for my eyes because they have rotten over from all this crying and staring at my laptop...this is so gorgeous and intense and i love them so so much!!!

Christine did you just reread a 570k novel that you are also currently experiencing as an animated series, a comic adaptation, and a live action?YES. YES, THIS IS WHAT IS HAPPENING. No regrets.

I just started the show and plan to read this!

2nd round (reread):-Decided to re-read this while waiting for the rest of the anime episodes to be subbed. I was at around episode 13 or so and the anime is really good. And the manhua was awesome too. So I was driven to reread this novel once again since the first round I was rather overwhelmed and confused by the amount of characters in the book and got myself lost a couple of times. Rereading the novel after watching the anime and reading the manhua managed to give me clearer picture of the

Me to this book:💖I want to commit the self killing! There are no words that could precisely describe this amazing journey. I had fun, so much that I laughed so hard my stomach hurted. I also felt sad, I DEEEFINITELY cried (like a weak-hearted bithc), and I felt all this emotions within this book that allowed me to feel them within myself too. This story was quite amazing in a sense that it filled me in a strange yet unique way no other book has ever done so. AUTHOR, I really hope you're having a

i would just like you all to know that if i hadn't spent the last three months exclusively reading mdzs fics i would definitely have actually finished my goodreads challenge by now.also pls read this. it's very gay and has swords and slow-burn pining and a *chef's kiss* plot.

Curious about the novel behind the series The Untamed, which series turns out is faithful to the novel, good and not so good.The translation into English is full of errors in spelling, grammar, and proper use of actual English words, but it was done by an unpaid volunteer out of generosity, so readers who get poked out of the reading experience by that sort of thing should know that going in, be prepared, and be grateful at least there's a translation.The plot is bent around BL, so don't look


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