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Title:Without Fail (Jack Reacher #6)
Author:Lee Child
Book Format:Audiobook
Book Edition:Unabridged
Pages:Pages: 14 pages
Published:May 17th 2002 by Brilliance Audio (first published May 13th 2002)
Categories:Thriller. Fiction. Mystery. Crime
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Without Fail (Jack Reacher #6) Audiobook | Pages: 14 pages
Rating: 4.15 | 80740 Users | 2382 Reviews

Description As Books Without Fail (Jack Reacher #6)

Skilled, cautious, and anonymous, Jack Reacher is perfect for the job: to assassinate the vice president of the United States. Theoretically, of course. A female Secret Service agent wants Reacher to find the holes in her system, and fast - because a covert group already has the vice president in their sights. They've planned well. There's just one thing they didn't plan on: Reacher.

Be Specific About Books During Without Fail (Jack Reacher #6)

Original Title: Without Fail
ISBN: 1590860624 (ISBN13: 9781590860625)
Edition Language: English
Series: Jack Reacher #6, Jack Reacher Chronological Order #9
Characters: Frances Neagley, Mary Ellen "M.E." Froelich, Brook Armstrong, Stuyvesant, Jack Reacher
Setting: Washington, D.C.(United States) Grace, Wyoming(United States)
Literary Awards: Barry Award Nominee for Best Novel (2003), Dilys Award Nominee (2003)

Rating Based On Books Without Fail (Jack Reacher #6)
Ratings: 4.15 From 80740 Users | 2382 Reviews

Column Based On Books Without Fail (Jack Reacher #6)
Number 6 in the Reacher series.A bit disappointed in Without Fail I found it a bit on the slow side in places. Lots of, what I would call, irrelevant information.I found the plot a bit unbelievable, the secret service couldn't protect the Vice President without Jack Reacher's help?? At the beginning when Jack was brought in to do a independent audit for the S.S., this sounded like it was feasible. But when Jack found gaping holes in the S.S's procedures Jack was invited to help protect the V.P.

Without Fail (Jack Reacher #6), Lee ChildWithout Fail is the sixth book in the Jack Reacher series written by Lee Child. It was published by Putnam in 2002. It is written in the third person. Jack Reacher arrives in Atlantic City, New Jersey from California after hitching a ride with a couple of aging musicians. He is approached there by M.E. (Mary Ellen) Froelich, a beautiful agent from the United States Secret Service who has managed to track him down. She has a special request for him.

4.75/5 Why look for trouble?I'm not looking for trouble. I don't see it as trouble. Alright, Lee Child had me glued to the pages in his engrossing suspense/thriller once again. I couldn't put this book down even for a minute!Jack Reacher is amazing as always and I admire him even more in this book. Man, hes freaking clever! Thankfully, Neagley helped him with this investigation; otherwise things might turn out differently from what I expected. I can tell I really enjoyed seeing them working

Another "Reacher" reread because of reading a couple out of the series of "Hunt for Reacher"...Reacher is pulled into the Secret Service & their duty to protect the Vice-President by an ex-girlfriend of his brother Joe...Great Read like all "Reachers!"

The sixth Jack Reacher novel opens when a woman named M. E. Froelich, who is the Secret Service agent in charge of security for Vice President-Elect Brook Armstrong, asks Reacher to assassinate Armstrong--in theory, of course. Someone has been sending death threats to Armstrong, which have been intercepted by the Secret Service, and Froelich wants Reacher to test the security arrangements that they have designed for the VP-Elect.Reacher recruits his ex-army sergeant Frances Neagley, and together

This is a bare-bones thriller, a puzzle played-out in blood and death, with almost no emotional involvement.Jack Reacher stands at the centre, almost more puzzling than the mystery he is trying to solve. He has insights that stretch credibility, based on a hyper-aware level of observation, remarkable recall and a willingness to run with intuition when logic can't get him there. Yet, the man who sees everything, seems to have no desire to engage with the world unless it is to exact revenge. He

I was pretty disappointed with the 6th book in the Jack Reacher series. The first few were brilliant - fast, furious and somewhat believable despite the larger than life protagonist and plot lines.Without Fail lacked most of the drama that we have come to expect from Lee Child's thrillers. The plot didn't tie up (I won't spoil it, but the antagonists had a very poor motive for killing the VP). There is also one massive plot hole that doesn't add up. It was to do with the 'messages' and one


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