Free Download Books Half Magic (Tales of Magic #1) Online

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Title:Half Magic (Tales of Magic #1)
Author:Edward Eager
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 192 pages
Published:March 31st 1999 by Harcourt Odyssey (first published 1954)
Categories:Fantasy. Childrens. Fiction. Middle Grade
Free Download Books Half Magic (Tales of Magic #1) Online
Half Magic (Tales of Magic #1) Paperback | Pages: 192 pages
Rating: 3.95 | 34256 Users | 1532 Reviews

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"It seems a shame," said Jane, "that no one's going to know about our adventures. They would make such a good book. If only we could write them down!" "But how would we do that?" asked Mark. "We're just kids. Oh. Wait. You don't mean..." "I certainly do!" said Jane. "We just have to wish for it, and the Charm will take care of the rest. But we need to wish very carefully. Now, what kind of book do we want it to be?" "I want it to be like one of E. Nesbit's books!" said Katherine. "Though... if the Charm makes the book like one of hers... you don't think it would be stealing, do you? That would be very wrong." "We could put in an Acknowledgement," said Mark. "Mr. Smith was telling me about that just the other day. We Acknowledge her Influence, and then it will be quite alright. Now, let's make the wish. And remember that we have to ask for twice as much of everything as we really want." "You don't think I'd forget that, do you?" asked Jane scornfully. "Charm... we wish that two authors could write two books about our adventures, and we wish that both the books will be just like E. Nesbit's books, and we wish that both books will have an Acknowledgement where the author says how much he thanks her for Influencing him, and we wish that it should be a very graceful and polite Acknowledgement." She was quite out of breath by the time she had finished. A moment later, there was the book, sitting on the table between them! It was called Half Magic, and the author was a Mr. Edward Eager. Mark picked it up and opened it. "Oh look!" he said wonderingly. "Here's how we find the Charm! And here's where we meet Sir Launcelot! And here's the bit where we nearly cause a riot! But wait... it's not quite like E. Nesbit. To start off with, we're American!" "You should have asked for it to be twice as much like E. Nesbit as E. Nesbit was!" said Katherine. "You didn't think carefully enough." "How can anything be twice as much like someone as they are themselves?" asked Jane, with the keen metaphysical intuition that comes so naturally to young children. "That doesn't make sense, so I couldn't have wished for it." And the others had to admit that she was right. "Look for the Acknowledgement!" said Martha. Mark thumbed feverishly through the pages. "I've found it!" he said triumphantly after a few minutes. "It's right here on page ten." And it was such a fine Acknowledgement that I must write it down here so that you can read it too.
That summer, the children had found some books by a writer called E. Nesbit, surely the most wonderful books in all the world. They read every one that the library had, right away, except a book called The Enchanted Castle, which had been out. And now yesterday The Enchanted Castle had come in, and they took it out, and Jane, because she could read fastest and loudest, read it loud all the way home, and when they got home she went on reading, and when their mother came home they hardly said a word to her, and when dinner was served they didn't notice a thing they ate.
If you ever have to write an Acknowledgement yourself, you may want to use the one the Charm had written as a model; and I can hardly imagine an author who would not be proud and happy to hear that some other author had so admired their work.

Describe Books Supposing Half Magic (Tales of Magic #1)

Original Title: Half Magic
ISBN: 0152020683 (ISBN13: 9780152020682)
Edition Language: English
Series: Tales of Magic #1
Characters: Jane Whitefield, Mark Fuller, Katharine, Martha

Rating Epithetical Books Half Magic (Tales of Magic #1)
Ratings: 3.95 From 34256 Users | 1532 Reviews

Weigh Up Epithetical Books Half Magic (Tales of Magic #1)

Half Magic is a story about some kids who are having a very boring summer. That changes when they find a strange coin that gives you wishes you ask for. But soon they discover it gives them half only half what they ask for. So they have to ask for two x what they want. A great book to read any day!

Mostly, I love this book. I liked it as a kid (except for that caveat I'll get to in a minute). I like it now, as a grown-up. The story is interesting and engaging. The trouble the kids get themselves into is believable (well, for a fantasy novel...!), and I like their solutions. The problem of having to double all your wishes is interesting to me. The only thing is...The only thing is that a whole chapter is taken up with a trip to a desert, where the children run across an evil, wicked,

I was excited to read Half Magic because I thought it was a pretty cool idea for a book-- that these children receive magical powers but the magic only half works. While the kids end up on some neat adventures and the book does have some funny moments, overall it didn't really live up to my hopes. Part of it was that I didn't think the way the half magic played out was all that cool -- like when Jane is so mad that she wishes there was a fire (weird to begin with...) and a fire comes, but only

A delightful old-fashioned adventure. Reminded me of an E. Nesbit book! Both the feel of family drama as well as magic, I'm shocked that I haven't read Edward Eager before now. As a kid I would have been all over this book! As an adult I'm excited to read more!

Spending my summer reading with my kiddos! We read this aloud. My kids have it a combined rating of 3 stars. Overall, good read! But we didn't love it.

"It seems a shame," said Jane, "that no one's going to know about our adventures. They would make such a good book. If only we could write them down!""But how would we do that?" asked Mark. "We're just kids. Oh. Wait. You don't mean...""I certainly do!" said Jane. "We just have to wish for it, and the Charm will take care of the rest. But we need to wish very carefully. Now, what kind of book do we want it to be?""I want it to be like one of E. Nesbit's books!" said Katherine. "Though... if the


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