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Original Title: Heroes
ISBN: 0440227690 (ISBN13: 9780440227694)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Francis Cassavant, Larry LaSalle, Nicole Renard
Literary Awards: Carnegie Medal Nominee (1998)
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Heroes Paperback | Pages: 144 pages
Rating: 3.42 | 2799 Users | 296 Reviews

Point Out Of Books Heroes

Author:Robert Cormier
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 144 pages
Published:February 8th 2000 by Laurel Leaf (first published August 10th 1998)
Categories:Young Adult. Historical. Historical Fiction. Academic. School. Fiction. War

Interpretation In Favor Of Books Heroes

Francis Joseph Cassavant is eighteen. He has just returned home from the Second World War, and he has no face. He does have a gun and a mission: to murder his childhood hero. Francis lost most of his face when he fell on a grenade in France. He received the Silver Star for bravery, but was it really an act of heroism? Now, having survived, he is looking for a man he once admired and respected, a man adored by many people, a man who also received a Silver Star for bravery. A man who destroyed Francis's life

Rating Out Of Books Heroes
Ratings: 3.42 From 2799 Users | 296 Reviews

Criticism Out Of Books Heroes
For those of us who have never known war, there's something chilling about the post-war experience of those who have. For all the bullet-dodging action heroes that Hollywood produces and America consumes, we rarely get a taste for the horrors that the scarred veteran must face upon return to the home-front. Even when a movie does try to convey that horror, it remains a visual experience. Robert Cormier's "Heroes" has no such problems. Francis, Cormier's young protagonist, has been marred by war,

This book was interesting and I thought that the characters were well introduced as we are given a lot of information for such a short book but overall it just wasn't my cup of tea.Francis signs up to become a soldier at the age of fifteen and is brutally injured when a bomb blows off his face. He returns home to Frenchtown and looks back on why he decided to fight for his country. Nicole his childhood sweetheart moved away from the town and he longs to find her again but it is hinted upon that

Cormier, Robert (1998). Heroes. New York: Delacorte Press. 135 pages.Summary and Evaluation: After three years fighting in World War II, Francis Cassavant returns home a mangled, faceless Silver Star war hero. He still has one final mission though to find and eliminate the childhood hero who destroyed his life. The reasons for this intense hatred are unraveled through the main characters flashbacks and examine the nature of heroism and cowardice, betrayal and revenge.I really enjoyed this book

This was not as relentlessly dark and depressing as Dr Crowe sold it as, which is funny, but also I can't figure out what makes me think of it as 'not that dark,' I mean, it's all about murder and war and such. Maybe I'm just desensitized. I mean, I just read Romeo and Juliet, so the line between 'contains a lot of suicide' and 'is dark' is pretty conflicted (R&J is not a dark or depressing story and you can fight me on this at a later date if you disagree). Anyway, there were definitely

Like many others on this website, I had to read this novel in my English Literature Class. At the time, I thought it was great. The synopsis made the novel sound promising, intriguing and full of potential. Mostly, I was just glad it wasn't written by Shakespeare.I went into this book with expectations. Francis would kill Larry LaSalle - that was a given. Francis continuously told himself that as soon as Larry LaSalle moved back into Frenchtown, he would shoot him. And then Francis didn't. He

This book was the second of my GCSE texts. Given my prior enjoyment of 'Of Mice and Men' and my fondness for war books, I was quite looking forward to reading this, and dived eagerly into it straight away.However, after that first reading, I came away disappointed- the book was not what I had expected at all.Young soldier, Francis Cassavant, has just returned to Frenchtown after World War ll horribly maimed and disfigured.With only the clothes on his back, and gun in his bag, Francis is set on

ROBERT CORMIER REQUIRED READINGThis is the story of Francis, a young 14 year old boy who worships a town hero names Larry Lassal. Larry opens up a recreation hall for youth and teaches Francis how to play ping pong and a young girl names Nicole how to dance. After Lassal lets Francis win a ping pong tournament, Francis overhears him rape Nicole and Nicole rages that Francis did nothing to stop it. Francis enlists in the army in order to die and throws himself on a grenade but instead of dying is


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