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Original Title: Cranford
ISBN: 0141439882 (ISBN13: 9780141439884)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Mary Smith, Miss Matty Jenkyns, Miss Deborah Jenkyns, Miss Pole, Betty Barker, Captain Brown, Thomas Holbrook, Peter Jenkyns
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Cranford Paperback | Pages: 257 pages
Rating: 3.85 | 35322 Users | 2238 Reviews

Mention Appertaining To Books Cranford

Author:Elizabeth Gaskell
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 257 pages
Published:June 30th 2005 by Penguin Classics (first published June 1853)
Categories:Classics. Fiction. Historical. Historical Fiction. Literature. 19th Century. Victorian

Ilustration In Pursuance Of Books Cranford

'It is very pleasant dining with a bachelor...I only hope it is not improper; so many pleasant things are!' A portrait of the residents of an English country town in the mid nineteenth century, Cranford relates the adventures of Miss Matty and Miss Deborah, two middle-aged spinster sisters striving to live with dignity in reduced circumstances. Through a series of vignettes, Elizabeth Gaskell portrays a community governed by old-fashioned habits and dominated by friendships between women. Her wry account of rural life is undercut, however, by tragedy in its depiction of such troubling events as Matty's bankruptcy, the violent death of Captain Brown or the unwitting cruelty of Peter Jenkyns. Written with acute observation, Cranford is by turns affectionate, moving and darkly satirical. In her introduction, Patricia Ingham discusses Cranford in relation to Gaskell's own past and as a work of irony in the manner of Jane Austen. She also considers the implications of the novel in terms of class and empire. This edition also includes further reading, notes, and an appendix on the significance of 'Fashion at Cranford'.

Rating Appertaining To Books Cranford
Ratings: 3.85 From 35322 Users | 2238 Reviews

Evaluation Appertaining To Books Cranford
Great fun! Mrs. Gaskell's gentle yet probing comedy of manners is a book worthy of many readings. There's a lot of dressing up in this book--wearing the perfect hat for the occasion, buying the latest material, dressing a cow in flannel, Peter's ill-received jokes. No clear plot, but then I don't usually read for the plots. The character studies here are priceless.

"the humor is so sly. at times it's difficult to believe that this was written over 150 years ago. I guess that gentle social humor has always been with us." --- this was one of my status updates while reading Cranford, my first experience reading Elizabeth Gaskell. As I finished reading, I felt the same way: pleased with the experience, surprised at the wit and wisdom written so well so many years ago. But then I ask myself...Why am I surprised? There are always intelligent women and always

Is it possible to discuss Cranford without using the word "charming?" It'd be like playing literary Taboo. Like trying to talk about The Road without saying "bleak," or Catcher in the Rye without "insufferable twat."Cranford is a charming book. If it seems a bit more episodic than plot-driven, it's because it is; it was originally commissioned by Dickens as a series of eight essays for his publication Household Works. It was enormously popular, so Gaskell ended up novelizing it. And it does have

This little novel about small-town life in 19th century England deals with a group of ladies in Cranford and their daily travails, is easy to read and filled with amusing anecdotes. The story flies by too quickly and ends too soon, however, leaving a taste of insubstantiality and emptiness, like when you finish eating candy floss (cotton candy, for the Americans out there). Because this book doesn't really tell a story in the traditional sense, with a start, a middle and an end, and there's no

Cranford is a small English village inhabited mostly by ladies. Few gentlemen take up residence.Much ado about the proper ways to conduct life. There are few men who the women seem to enjoy. There is loss, death, marriage and childbirth like any other village. There is social standings and one who is a go to person for knowledge of what is correct, that they depend on. Cranford society changes and comes full circle in the end.I wish I had found it more interesting than I did. At times had a hard

Written as a series of vignettes about living in a small English town, Elizabeth Gaskell isn't bothered about any plot with Cranford (which was originally edited by Charles Dickens), she simply focuses on a small group of ladies and their adventures (or lack of), as they meander, yawn, and gossip their way through mid 19th century life. While it may not be the sort of book to keep you up half the night with clammy hands, it's pleasant and good old-fashioned nature is where it's power lies, which

I love Gaskell's writing. And this book was no exception, even though i personally just never love short story collections, books that are made up of letters or anything that is not written in novel format from start to finish. Some of those stories about this quaint little village of Cranford were nice, some were also really boring -as it always happens with me and this type of book. I do think its a really nice classic if you want a every day life kind of view into the specific time, into a


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