Books Download The Ends of the Earth (Alexandros #3) Online Free

Details Based On Books The Ends of the Earth (Alexandros #3)

Title:The Ends of the Earth (Alexandros #3)
Author:Valerio Massimo Manfredi
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 464 pages
Published:August 27th 2002 by Washington Square Press (first published 1998)
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. Fiction
Books Download The Ends of the Earth (Alexandros #3) Online Free
The Ends of the Earth (Alexandros #3) Paperback | Pages: 464 pages
Rating: 4.11 | 4310 Users | 108 Reviews

Narration Supposing Books The Ends of the Earth (Alexandros #3)

All his life, Alexander defied the limits the gods gave mortals. That passion overwhelmed cities and armies...and united a vast empire. Alexander was no longer simply King of Macedonia: The Pan-Hellenic League had named him Supreme Leader. Egypt crowned him Pharaoh. And all Persia acknowledged him as Great King. He was a true heir to Achilles and Hercules, a leader who had guided troops to victory beyond the Nile, the Tigris, and the Euphrates. Now, conquering India would place all of Asia in his hands. But his army reached the limit of its endurance, and the cost of triumph had been high -- in blood, betrayal, and tragedy. Alexander lost Barsine, his first beloved; Bucephalus, a steed unequaled; Peritas, his loyal hound; and Hephaestion, the closest companion of his youth. Still he sought the wisdom and might to transform the empire he had claimed into the one of which he dreamed, no longer divided into victors and vanquished, but a unified people under his rule. For Alexander was destined for timeless glory in the domain of heroes and gods -- both in his lifetime and in the realm of eternal legend.

Particularize Books As The Ends of the Earth (Alexandros #3)

Original Title: Aléxandros: il confine del mondo
ISBN: 0743434382 (ISBN13: 9780743434386)
Edition Language: English
Series: Alexandros #3
Characters: Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Hephaestion, Parmenion, Callisthenes, Philotas, Ptolemy I Soter, Craterus, Eumenes, Leonnatus, Perdiccas, Lysimachus, Seleucus I Nicator, Barsine, Kalanos, Roxana of Bactria, Stateira II

Rating Based On Books The Ends of the Earth (Alexandros #3)
Ratings: 4.11 From 4310 Users | 108 Reviews

Comment On Based On Books The Ends of the Earth (Alexandros #3)
Historical fiction at its best, equal amounts of romanticism added to the story line, which is why the fiction I suppose! Makes for very interesting reading. Please read all three books in the line, you won't be disappointed!

i loved this series. i try to compare it to mary renault series they both talk about the battles of course but the difference i see in them in renaults alexander is more compassionate and she has him more of his love interest being with men than with women, she hardly ever says anything about his wives and there views on roxanne are totally diffrent. the times lines are a little different between the 2 this series i love how it talked about memnon in the second book,i had never really

Didnot like how it ended. The most important part in Alexandar's life is the part when he came to India and fell sick. Manfredi wanted so much space to describe the battles or Alexander's sex scenes and finally complete the conclusion in a rapid fire manner. Too bad.

The final volume of Manfredi's Alexander trilogy covers his life and journey from Egypt through Persia, all the way to India and back, until his untimely death. Much like the second book, it's just a little too longwinded and the characters continue to be somewhat too bland and superficially drawn. And I'm just really not a fan of this "Alexander, supreme ladies' man" characterisation...

Last book of 2010!I found this novel just as well written and descriptive as its forerunners, but I must admit the whole besiege, surrender, endless journeying and sex plot was getting tiresome. Despite how thorough the author's researching has been, I do believe that it was a misjudgment on his part to overlook Alexander's relationship with Hephaestion, considering the 'indefatigable' efforts Manfredi went to describe his repetitive sex sessions with his various and docile wives.

A fitting end to a wonderful trilogy! Valerie Massimo Manfredi has outdone himself with the Alexander trilogy. A masterful storytelling to the legendary heroics of Alexander of Macedon. The story, although most of which is known by any average enthusiast of history, has a wonderful re-imagining at the hands of this gem of a writer who I think is very underrated. It certainly won't leave you guessing but rather keeps you wanting more!

I thoroughly enjoyed this three book series! One of the greatest adventures, with one of the world's greatest of warriors, spanning thousands of miles! Who isn't intrigued by Alexander the Great? I highly recommend reading this series. I don't normally bother reading historical fiction, but the author went to great lengths to make it as realistic as possible, using dates and facts and figures, locations, characters, all taken from real history. I do miss he'd focused more on Alexander's final


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