Books Download Free Tangled Webs (The Black Jewels #6) Online

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Original Title: Tangled Webs
ISBN: 0451461606 (ISBN13: 9780451461605)
Edition Language: English
Series: The Black Jewels #6
Characters: Jaenelle Angelline, Daemon Sadi SaDiablo, Saetan SaDiablo, Lucivar Yaslana, Surreal SaDiablo
Books Download Free Tangled Webs (The Black Jewels #6) Online
Tangled Webs (The Black Jewels #6) Hardcover | Pages: 368 pages
Rating: 4.05 | 11617 Users | 315 Reviews

Point Regarding Books Tangled Webs (The Black Jewels #6)

Title:Tangled Webs (The Black Jewels #6)
Author:Anne Bishop
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 368 pages
Published:March 4th 2008 by Roc
Categories:Fantasy. Romance. Fiction. Magic. Dark Fantasy. Science Fiction Fantasy. High Fantasy

Commentary During Books Tangled Webs (The Black Jewels #6)

Anne Bishop's national bestselling and critically acclaimed Black Jewels series has enthralled readers with its lavish blend of "the darkly macabre with spine-tingling emotional intensity, mesmerizing magic, lush sensuality, and exciting action." Now readers can return to the violently passionate world rules by the Blood, a race of witches and warlocks whose power is channeled through magical jewels.... The invitation is signed Jaenelle Angelline, she who had been both Witch and Queen. It summons her family to an entertainment she had specially prepared. Surreal SaDiablo, former courtesan and assassin, arrives first. But as she and her escort enter the house, the door disappears. Surreal finds herself trapped in a nightmare created by the tangled webs of Black Widow witches - a nightmare where the monsters are too real. And if she uses Craft to defend herself, she risks being sealed in the house forever. But Jaenelle did not send the invitation. And now Jaenelle and her family must rescue Surreal and the others inside without becoming trapped themselves, and they must also discover who created such an evil place and why. Because there is one thing they all know about this house: No matter who planned it as a way to kill members of the SaDiablo family, only one of the Blood could have created the trap.... Includes the Black Jewels short story "BY THE TIME THE WITCHBLOOD BLOOMS"

Rating Regarding Books Tangled Webs (The Black Jewels #6)
Ratings: 4.05 From 11617 Users | 315 Reviews

Write-Up Regarding Books Tangled Webs (The Black Jewels #6)
Okay, maybe it's nostalgia, but I found this book highly readable despite its obvious faults. It was an easy read, comfortable in a way, and just...I don't jives with the younger, more innocent me.

This one was plenty dark for me, but as always a delight to spend time with these characters in this world.

The story is just too slow in the beginning. If you can get past the slow beginning the story is not so bad.

66 points/100 (3.5 stars/5).Jaenelle and Marian are building a "Spooky House" to play with some children, and are trying to rope others into helping them. There is also a book author out there with the same idea, but less nobel goals.You know those episodes in tv series that are completely out of place within the story, but only seem to be there to celebrate some holiday like Halloween or Christmas? Well, imagine if they managed to stretch that episode out the entire season. That would be the

UPD: on a re-read, it's still very good! Go, Lucivar! :)Wow, this was different! Surreal and Rainier were the main characters of the book but Daemon, Lucivar and Jaenelle weren't left far behind. This book is a perfect Halloween read, peeps! It involves an evil house designed to trap and kill SaDiablo family and their very gory struggle to stay alive and destroy this house. Chilly, scary and very intense, this was a fantastic read!

4.5 ⭐Trigger warnings: violence/murder, gore, PTSD, mentions of sexual assaultIf you asked me why I love these books so much, I probably wouldn't be able to answer you. They're classist, cissexist, and the diversity rep is abysmal (yes, Rainier is gay, but everything else is so heteronormative it kinda becomes homophobic). Not to mention the fact that Daemon following Jaenelle's growth sounds a hell of a lot like predatory/grooming behaviour. Everything should lead me to hate this series. And

Not terribly pleased with this book. It was well written, however it was horribly slow. The last book was also slow, however I could forgive a slow story, given the state of the characters. This book feels very much like a dead end novel. Do I get to see all/most of the characters I have emotionally invested in? Yes. Is that enough to have me read it? Yes. Is it good for the series? I would say no. This book did provide a lot of insight into the world state and the popular opinions of the

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