Books Download The Guns of August Free Online

Books Download The Guns of August  Free Online
The Guns of August Paperback | Pages: 606 pages
Rating: 4.17 | 53020 Users | 2307 Reviews

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Original Title: The Guns of August
ISBN: 0345476093 (ISBN13: 9780345476098)
Edition Language: English
Literary Awards: Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction (1963), National Book Award Finalist for Nonfiction (1963)

Chronicle In Favor Of Books The Guns of August

Historian and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Barbara Tuchman has brought to life again the people and events that led up to World War I. With attention to fascinating detail, and an intense knowledge of her subject and its characters, Ms. Tuchman reveals, for the first time, just how the war started, why, and how it could have been stopped but wasn't. A classic historical survey of a time and a people we all need to know more about, THE GUNS OF AUGUST will not be forgotten.

Identify Based On Books The Guns of August

Title:The Guns of August
Author:Barbara W. Tuchman
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 606 pages
Published:August 3rd 2004 by Ballantine Books (first published 1962)
Categories:History. Nonfiction. War. World War I. Military Fiction

Rating Based On Books The Guns of August
Ratings: 4.17 From 53020 Users | 2307 Reviews

Write-Up Based On Books The Guns of August
As always, Barbara W. Tuchman delves deeply into the historical subject matter. This book is about the First World War, its causes, the conduct of it, and the results. I see that what I've just written in the preceding sentence doesn't sound inviting; it comes off as dry and uninteresting. But this book is anything but that. It is actually exciting in its description of the progress of the war, and the various armies. It is also fascinating to burrow into the causes and the intrigue involved. It

The Guns of August which I read in SeptemberNothing so comforts the military mind as the maxim of a great but dead general. Barbara W. Tuchman, The Guns of AugustWhat an amazing piece of historical writing. Tuchman shows how August, 2014 was impacted by two failed plans (Plan 17 & the Schlieffen Plan), Generals and politicos who were either overly optimistic at the wrong time or overly pessimistic at the wrong time. She detailed how inadvertent acts by disgraced Generals might have saved

The Guns of August is history that reads like a novel. This compelling read delves into personalities and connects them to events with skill and verve bringing alive what could easily be just dull recitation. I am not a war novel buff, but this detailed account of the first month of WWI maintained my interest throughout. Tuchmans style kept it suspenseful even though I knew the final outcome. Christopher Brassard of the National War College summarizing Clausewitz called war a dynamic, inherently

Phew, this was a difficult book to digest in the audiobook format. Neither is it easy to digest in a paper book format. It is dense. It is detailed. Names and places and battles are thrown at you in rapid succession. You have to remember who is who, which corps is fighting where and its number, the title of each commander and more. You do not have time to stop and think and recall what was told to you minutes/pages or even hours/chapters before. You need more than a detailed map because you dont

This is a superb read. It is a tightly packed book, full of detail about arcane goings on in the corridors of power and on the battlefield. Europe in 1914 was divided into two armed camps, a rising power in Germany shackled to an Austro-Hungary about to succumb to the lure of nationhood amongst its subject peoples, and an encircling status quo alliance of France, Russia and probably perfidious Albion.The murder of Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian empire, by uppity Serbs provided the spark

Brilliant. There's no other word for it.

This book came highly recommended and I can now see why. Tuchman really brings the war to life, which is quite a harrowing experience, I have to say. This book would be a great starting point for any serious would-be-scholar of the First World War and has just the right general overview to detail ratio for the casual reader like myself.It made me realise how we'd only studied the war from the British perspective at school (many, many, many years ago) and it was very interesting to see the French


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