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Original Title: Jonas (Beautiful Dead, #1)
ISBN: 0340988614 (ISBN13: 9780340988619)
Edition Language: English
Series: Beautiful Dead #1
Characters: Hunter Edgington, Phoenix Rohr, Summer, Darina, Arizona, Jonas (Eden Maguire)
Books Download Online Jonas (Beautiful Dead #1) Free
Jonas (Beautiful Dead #1) Paperback | Pages: 279 pages
Rating: 3.39 | 4834 Users | 404 Reviews

List Appertaining To Books Jonas (Beautiful Dead #1)

Title:Jonas (Beautiful Dead #1)
Author:Eden Maguire
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 279 pages
Published:April 2nd 2009 by Hodder Children's Books (first published 2009)
Categories:Young Adult. Fantasy. Paranormal. Angels. Ghosts

Explanation Conducive To Books Jonas (Beautiful Dead #1)

Something strange is happening in Ellerton High. Phoenix is the fourth teenager to die within a year. His street fight stabbing follows the deaths of Jonas, Summer and Arizona in equally strange and sudden circumstances. Rumours of ghosts and strange happenings rip through the small community as it comes to terms with shock and loss. Marina, Phoenix's grief-stricken girlfriend, is on the verge. She can't escape her intense heartache, or the impossible apparitions of those that are meant to be dead. And all the while the sound of beating wings echo inside her head! And then one day Phoenix appears to Darina. Ecstatic to be reunited, he tells her about the Beautiful Dead. Souls in limbo, they have been chosen to return to the world to set right a wrong linked to their deaths and bring about justice. Beautiful, superhuman and powerful, they are marked by a 'death mark' - a small tattoo of angel's wings. Phoenix tells her that the sound of invisible wings beating are the millions of souls in limbo, desperate to return to earth. Darina's mission is clear: she must help Jonas, Summer, Arizona, and impossibly, her beloved Phoenix, right the wrong linked to their deaths to set them free from limbo so that they can finally rest in peace. Will love conquer death? And if it does, can Darina set it free?

Rating Appertaining To Books Jonas (Beautiful Dead #1)
Ratings: 3.39 From 4834 Users | 404 Reviews

Comment On Appertaining To Books Jonas (Beautiful Dead #1)
This book irked me for many reasons... (Listed in the order that they annoyed me as I read it)Firstly, the names! How many people do you know with names like Phoenix, Arizona, Darina and HUNTER (esp as he would have been named aaages ago... not exactly a realistic name)? Now, does practically everyone you know have kinda kooky names like that? Probably not! It's fine to have odd names for your SIMs or whatever, but not in books!!!!Secondly, all the Twilight copying..... I mean, obviously it got

This book was awful. Truly awful. No description of the characters. They were so flat and two dimensional. Almost like ideas of characters. I didn't connect with or feel a thing for any of them. It was a cheesy, predictable, horrible story. I'm trying to think of one redeeming quality about it and I can't.

wowits quite goodi could not put it down i need to know what happens to everyone else

Wow, I had to stop at 118 pages, this was a really bad book. I think it would have been better ifAll the characters had normal namesThe book started before phoenix was murdedLess like a twilight rip offLess whiny main characterAnd had somthing unique to it.

The concept of the book made it an enjoyable quick read. It was something different compared to what the usual teenage books are offering up (in the sense that this is not a vampire love story). However, I found the main character to be somewhat of a cliché: almost as though the usual love-struck teenage girl from the vampire stories had been thrown into something different.Nevertheless, the idea itself is great if youre looking for a quick read. Plus the way it is set out leaves you curious to

I am trying to think of one redeemable thing about this book and I find myself coming up short. At some point in the third chapter I decided to take notes on the things I disliked about the book, but there were so many that it was taking too long for me to read the book and I just wanted to be done with it. There are so many things wrong with this book; the characters were un-relatable, the situations were unbelievable, the setting was just stupid. Just about every sentence I came across

I tried to read the first "Beautiful Dead" book by Eden Maguire, but failed. I felt like I was reading a piece of work by one of my year 9 students! The pacing was off and the characters seemed predictable... perhaps it gets better as you get into it, but that's hardly a commendation. I dislike giving bad reviews as I appreciate the time and effort it takes to write a book. However, even as a confessed lover of YA lit, this book was just too juvenile in its least for me. Plenty of


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