Books Download Transcendence (Transcendence #1) Free Online

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Title:Transcendence (Transcendence #1)
Author:Shay Savage
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:1st edition
Pages:Pages: 312 pages
Published:February 13th 2014 by Shay Savage, LLC
Categories:Romance. Science Fiction. Time Travel. Historical. Fantasy. Historical Romance. New Adult. Adult
Books Download Transcendence (Transcendence #1) Free Online
Transcendence (Transcendence #1) Kindle Edition | Pages: 312 pages
Rating: 4.09 | 16456 Users | 2763 Reviews

Description Concering Books Transcendence (Transcendence #1)

It’s said that women and men are from two different planets when it comes to communication, but how can they overcome the obstacles of prehistoric times when one of them simply doesn’t have the ability to comprehend language? Ehd’s a caveman living on his own in a harsh wilderness. He’s strong and intelligent, but completely alone. When he finds a beautiful young woman in his pit trap, it’s obvious to him that she is meant to be his mate. He doesn’t know where she came from; she’s wearing some pretty odd clothing, and she makes a lot of noises with her mouth that give him a headache. Still, he’s determined to fulfill his purpose in life – provide for her, protect her, and put a baby in her. Elizabeth doesn’t know where she is or exactly how she got there. She’s confused and distressed by her predicament, and there’s a caveman hauling her back to his cavehome. She’s not at all interested in Ehd’s primitive advances, and she just can’t seem to get him to listen. No matter what she tries, getting her point across to this primitive, but beautiful, man is a constant – and often hilarious – struggle. With only each other for company, they must rely on one another to fight the dangers of the wild and prepare for the winter months. As they struggle to coexist, theirs becomes a love story that transcends language and time.

List Books In Pursuance Of Transcendence (Transcendence #1)

Original Title: Transcendence ASIN B00IFV9AXY
Edition Language: English URL!transcendence/c1o7
Series: Transcendence #1
Literary Awards: Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Romance (2014)

Rating Based On Books Transcendence (Transcendence #1)
Ratings: 4.09 From 16456 Users | 2763 Reviews

Article Based On Books Transcendence (Transcendence #1)
5 Hoh! Stars My life with Beh was beautiful, transcending everything that set us apart from each other and bringing us together with our family and tribe. What a truly beautiful and unique love story! I knew at some point I'd get around to reading this simply because the premise was too different for me to ignore, but the idea of the story narrated solely from the POV of a prehistoric dude had me doubting how much I'd enjoy it. To be fair I don't REALLY know That much about the prehistoric-ish

4 Caveman Style StarsEhd luffs BehWhen a man without a tribe find his mate at the bottom of his hunting pit, the real love adventure begins....You think you 've met the ultimate alpha male?You think you know what goes on inside his head?You think you have trouble communicating with you man?THINK AGAIN!Ehd is a real, living and breathing caveman that the mate he was always expecting falls literally in his lap, or his pit but you catch my drift. She is not at all what he had in mind. She makes a

5 I Luffed this book Stars! Transcendence was unlike any book I have ever read. To be honest, after reading the blurb I wasnt too sure if it sounded like something I would like. After hearing a few friends rave about it, I decided to give it a go. Im so happy I did. A beautiful, moving, and original story told in the pov of Edh, our caveman.Edh has been living alone for a long time. After his tribe was destroyed many seasons ago, he was the only survivor. Going at it alone isnt easy. He longs

So I listened to this on audio and the narrator kept saying the girls name (Beth) as bae bc the main character doesnt really know how to speak and I couldnt stop giggling bc I kept picturing a prehistoric fuckboy and I just 😂😂 but anyway yall this book was WILD. It felt a little long for my personal tastes but it was def hella smutty and also really... primal? Idk yall this is one of the weirdest books Ive ever read but I definitely didnt hate it lmao

If I could give this more than 5 stars I would.This was such a beautiful story. Ehd was such a "pure" character in the sense that he lived honestly and simply, according to his instincts and emotions. He never had ulterior motives. He just wanted Beh to be his mate and to provide for her and make a family with her.Just the fact that Shay Savage was able to conceive and write this amazing story - a story in which there are only really two characters and virtually NO dialogue - is a testament to

Sometimes I read books just for the sheer hilarity. Or awesome riveting dialogue. Like the one heavily featured in this book: "Ehd.... Beh..... Ehd..... Beh..... Ehd...... Beh...." Irresistible, right? Right? Right? Right?... Bueller? Bueller?... Bueller?...A young woman from our present is somehow transported into the prehistoric times and comes across an idealized version of a prehistoric man who is dead-set on sexxxing her up, after a thoughtful courtship, of course. Let me note that she

ITS LIVE....IF YOU BUY ONE BOOK THIS YEAR IT NEEDS TO BE THIS ONE!.I want to give this book more than 5 stars, it's just that good.I will provide for her. I will protect her. I will give her anything she wants.Transcendence is quite simply perfection, and right now, I want to rewind my life back to when I began reading it, when my expectations were at a manageable level, and my interest was mainly piqued because of an unusual synopsis, with it being very different to the books I have generally

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