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Original Title: The Wednesday Wars
ISBN: 0618724834 (ISBN13: 9780618724833)
Edition Language: English
Setting: United States of America New York State(United States)
Literary Awards: Newbery Medal Nominee (2008), Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children's Book Award Nominee (2009), California Young Readers Medal Nominee for Middle School/Junior High (2010), Judy Lopez Memorial Award for Children's Literature (2008), Society of Midland Authors Award for Children's Fiction (2008) Rebecca Caudill Young Readers' Book Award Nominee (2010)
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The Wednesday Wars Hardcover | Pages: 264 pages
Rating: 4.08 | 35067 Users | 5866 Reviews

List Regarding Books The Wednesday Wars

Title:The Wednesday Wars
Author:Gary D. Schmidt
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 264 pages
Published:May 21st 2007 by Clarion Books
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. Young Adult. Fiction. Childrens. Middle Grade. Realistic Fiction

Narration Concering Books The Wednesday Wars

In this Newbery Honor-winning novel, Gary D. Schmidt offers an unforgettable antihero. The Wednesday Wars is a wonderfully witty and compelling story about a teenage boy’s mishaps and adventures over the course of the 1967–68 school year in Long Island, New York. Meet Holling Hoodhood, a seventh-grader at Camillo Junior High, who must spend Wednesday afternoons with his teacher, Mrs. Baker, while the rest of the class has religious instruction. Mrs. Baker doesn’t like Holling—he’s sure of it. Why else would she make him read the plays of William Shakespeare outside class? But everyone has bigger things to worry about, like Vietnam. His father wants Holling and his sister to be on their best behavior: the success of his business depends on it. But how can Holling stay out of trouble when he has so much to contend with? A bully demanding cream puffs; angry rats; and a baseball hero signing autographs the very same night Holling has to appear in a play in yellow tights! As fate sneaks up on him again and again, Holling finds Motivation—the Big M—in the most unexpected places and musters up the courage to embrace his destiny, in spite of himself.

Rating Regarding Books The Wednesday Wars
Ratings: 4.08 From 35067 Users | 5866 Reviews

Discuss Regarding Books The Wednesday Wars
I loved it. This is me GUSHING! Set in 1967 during the Vietnam War, it captured all the complex, nostalgic feelings of middle school. It was tender and full of humor, but also handled the deeper issues of the time period with care. It explored friendships, crushes, sibling relationships, embarrassment, bullies and more. I loved so many things about this book, but the best part was the relationship between inspirational-teacher Mrs. Baker and Holling. I would recommend it for any adult and the

This is a beautiful book, so I reviewed it for our librarian blog at work.Holling Hoodhood has many things on his mind. The U.S. is at war with Vietnam. His older sister has painted a flower on her face. His father is trying to run the towns other architect out of business. And Hollings teacher, Mrs. Baker, hates his guts. You see, every Wednesday after lunch, half of the kids in Hollings 7th grade class go to the Temple Beth-El for Hebrew School. The other half goes to St. Adelberts for

When a teacher makes you read Shakespeare outside of school, you know she hates you. Throw in some cream puffs and a couple of demented rats, and, well, you have the beginning of a very interesting school year. Plus theres a war going on that is making things rather complicated. So Holling Hoodhood isnt exactly looking forward to the upcoming year. The Wednesday Wars is a highly amusing coming-of-age story that manages to teach some good lessens in between the laughs. I found it really

I understand your critique, but I feel these things may be fun or educational for younger students

I think I have come to understand what it takes for a book to be awarded Newbery. It seems these Newberry awarded books are just so wholesome, so full of great life lessons, so sweet and touching in a non-nauseating or preachy way. The Wednesday Wars is just like that.13-year old Holling Hoodhood is in trouble. While his Jewish and Catholic classmates attend religious studies on Wednesday afternoons, he, the only Presbyterian in his class, is forced to spend this time with his English teacher

If a junior high aged boy is part of your household, give him this book. He'll love it, and it will do him good. And if you happen to have been in junior high during the year 1968, this book can serve as a reminder of life (and national politics) at that time. In case you don't remember, 1968 is the year that both Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy were assassinated.People today worry about the polarization of American politics. Back in the late 60s things were more polarized, and in a

this is my second book for the readventurer challenge.this book is very...sweet. and ordinarily,a sweet book would make me feel like i had chiggers or something else foul crawling under my skin, and its earnest gee-whizzery would make me feel unclean just because of my mental rolodex of words that are more satisfying to say in moments of astonishment or crisis than "gee whiz."but this one was different. this one was entirely wholesome, yeah, but wholesome and satisfying like fresh-baked bread,

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