Books The Man in the Iron Mask (The d'Artagnan Romances #3.4) Download Free

Books The Man in the Iron Mask (The d'Artagnan Romances #3.4) Download Free
The Man in the Iron Mask (The d'Artagnan Romances #3.4) Paperback | Pages: 470 pages
Rating: 3.99 | 64285 Users | 945 Reviews

Details Books Toward The Man in the Iron Mask (The d'Artagnan Romances #3.4)

Original Title: Le Vicomte de Bragelonne, ou Dix ans plus tard
ISBN: 0140439242 (ISBN13: 9780140439243)
Edition Language: English
Series: The d'Artagnan Romances #3.4
Characters: D'Artagnan, Athos, Porthos, Aramis, Louis XIV of France, Anne of Austria, Raoul de Bragelonne, Nicolas Fouquet, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, The Man in The Iron Mask, Louise de la Valliere, Henrietta Anne Stuart, duchess d'Orléans, Philippe de France, duke of Orléans

Ilustration Supposing Books The Man in the Iron Mask (The d'Artagnan Romances #3.4)

A swashbuckling novel of political intrigue. In the concluding installment of Alexandre Dumas's celebrated cycle of the Three Musketeers, D'Artagnan remains in the service of the corrupt King Louis XIV after the Three Musketeers have retired and gone their separate ways. Unbeknownst to D'Artagnan, Aramis and Porthos plot to remove the inept king and place the king's twin brother on the throne of France. Meanwhile, a twenty-three-year-old prisoner known only as "Philippe" wastes away deep inside the Bastille. Forced to wear an iron mask, Phillippe has been imprisoned for eight years, has no knowledge of his true identity, and has not been told what crime he's committed. When the destinies of the king and Phillippe converge, the Three Musketeers and D'Artagnan find themselves caught between conflicting loyalties.

List Containing Books The Man in the Iron Mask (The d'Artagnan Romances #3.4)

Title:The Man in the Iron Mask (The d'Artagnan Romances #3.4)
Author:Alexandre Dumas
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Penguin Classics
Pages:Pages: 470 pages
Published:August 28th 2003 by Penguin Books (first published 1850)
Categories:Classics. Fiction. Historical. Historical Fiction. Adventure

Rating Containing Books The Man in the Iron Mask (The d'Artagnan Romances #3.4)
Ratings: 3.99 From 64285 Users | 945 Reviews

Write Up Containing Books The Man in the Iron Mask (The d'Artagnan Romances #3.4)
Everyone in the book lives behind an iron mask-built of honor first and foremost. Honor is first before riches or political place or family or work. I am torn. As much as I am in love with the Musketeers I cannot accept the code of honor they live by. Because they adhere so religiously to their honor code they are led into life threatening and adventurous episodes which entertain in reading but left me mystified by the underlying dismal outcomes in most cases. The characters who followed the

This is a superb novel -- and a frequently misunderstood one. The Man in the Iron Mask is only tangentially about the mysterious masked figure. I have read this book so long ago, and in the interval I have seen several filmed version of the story which turned it into a novel of derring-do, as if it were a young man's book, like The Three Musketeers. No, Alexandre Dumas had other fish to fry. He had done adventure. Here, he writes about a most solemn subject: The end of life.Athos, Porthos,

FINALLY!!!! The D'Artagnan series ends with a great novel. The other entries since "The Three Musketeers" were unbalanced: too much political intrigue or too much romance (the latter applies especially to "Louise de Valliere") and -- worst of all -- the disappearance of the Musketeers for hundreds of pages. "The Man In The Iron Mask" strikes a perfect balance. It's all there: the intrigue, the romance, the swashbuckling. And the Musketeers are all back as main characters, not as side characters

Parbleu! Morbleu! Corboeuf! Ma foi! Mordioux! Not to mention Cordieu! (I think they are variations of OMG).I usually prefer to know as little as possible about the book I am about to read, including avoid reading the synopsis, or if I have read the synopsis in order to decide whether to read the book I try to forget it (and do very well in the forgetting department, there is a character in this book called M. Fouquet, a name I would like to adopt for future social media shenanigans). Anyway,

4.5★ Having finally read the entire series, I found that I liked this final section even more. Some sections that I previously thought a bit dull or unrelated I now realize where the continuation or wrapping up of things that had happened previously. Several of the relationships, such as that between Raoul & Louise, are not at all clear if you read this as a stand-alone but make perfect sense having read the previous parts of "Vicomte de Bragelonne; or Ten Years Later". However the book is

I never thought I'd ever say it, but I have finally met a book whose movie I like infinitely better. Before I begin my list of complaints, I must say that I respect Dumas as a great classic writer, and I did try to just write off his style as something in the revered past. However, I could find no excuse to explain the lack of interesting plot or story. As I slogged through the 700 + pages, I kept hoping for Dumas's sake that the story would pick up, but the characters just kept talking to each

My insignificant words can hardly do justice to my love for this book, so I'll keep it short.You can read my original review here.If you are curious about this book because you're familiar with the title, or saw the (terrible) movie, or have read The Three Musketeers and can't be bothered with everything that comes in between, please don't bother with this book. You've hardly earned it, and as such it'll ring hollow for you.If, however, you have loyally followed our musketeer friends over their

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