Books Nuskha ha-e Wafa / نسخہ ہائے وفا Online Download Free

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Original Title: نسخہ ہائے وفا
Edition Language: Urdu
Books Nuskha ha-e Wafa / نسخہ ہائے وفا  Online Download Free
Nuskha ha-e Wafa / نسخہ ہائے وفا Hardcover | Pages: 704 pages
Rating: 4.55 | 738 Users | 29 Reviews

Representaion Supposing Books Nuskha ha-e Wafa / نسخہ ہائے وفا

Reading Faiz is akin to discovering a new existence such that once you discover it, the life you had hitherto known feels utterly without meaning, without purpose, without substance, as if none of it had mattered before, as though you have been born just now. I know I'm waxing poetic but how can one praise Faiz if not by poetry itself? The fact is, there are no words to enumerate the gifts Fiaz's words bestow on you. You just accept it, like a penitent, kneeling, head bowed, with a bowl of palms spread to receive the elixir of his poetry. His word is humanity in its most pristine; it teaches you the highest form of existence, all in a single volume of his collected works, Nuskha Haye Wafa - the manuscript of faith, the treatise of love, a compendium of all that makes one a human being. Faiz is my all time favourite poet. He's most certainly and most undoubtedly the best modern poet Urdu has produced in Pakistan, in India and elsewhere. I ritually read him every year, every month, every week, picking up this volume with shaking hands, leafing through it abruptly, settling on a poem at random, scanning the words, which devastate me without fail every time I set my eyes on them. A shiver runs through my guts. I stand, I pace about the room, I can't sit down with a mug of coffee or a Cuban tucked between my fingers. I must stand, slightly dazed, with a light head like a helium balloon, an itch trembling in my nose, warming my forehead, a thin film of moisture lining my eyelashes, viscous blood boiling in my veins, and coursing through my heart swelling it with one hundred and one emotions.

Be Specific About Of Books Nuskha ha-e Wafa / نسخہ ہائے وفا

Title:Nuskha ha-e Wafa / نسخہ ہائے وفا
Author:Faiz Ahmad Faiz
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 704 pages
Published: by Maktaba e Karvan, Lahore
Categories:Poetry. Cultural. Pakistan

Rating Of Books Nuskha ha-e Wafa / نسخہ ہائے وفا
Ratings: 4.55 From 738 Users | 29 Reviews

Discuss Of Books Nuskha ha-e Wafa / نسخہ ہائے وفا
Ab Toot Girain Gi Zanjeerain, Ab Zandaanon Ki Khair NahiJo Darya Jhoom K Uthe Hain, Tinkoon Say Na Taalay Jayain Gay!kut'tay Bhi Chalo, Bhartay Bhi chalo, Baazo bhi Buhat Hain, Sar Bhi BuhatChalte Bhi Chalo, K Ab Deiray Manzil Hi Pay Dalay Jayain GayAye Zulm K Maato Lab Kholo, Chup Rehne Walo Chup Kab TakKuch Hashar To Un se Uthe Ga, Kuch Dur To Nalay Jayain Gay!No words can do justice to Faiz. He is one the best poets Urdu Literature have ever had!

I just can't explain my love for his verse. He is my favorite poet, and as i believe one of the greatest poets who ever lived. If someone is surprised by this claim, he'd better read him first.

تم میرے پاس رہو جس گھڑی رات چلےفیض کی شاعری کا کمال یہ ہے کہ اس میں ہمارے ہاں کی روایتی شاعری کے آہنگ میں نئے افکار اور اصناف ایسے پیرائے میں ڈھالے گئیں ہیں کہ وہ پڑھنے والے کے ذہن و فکر کو معطر کر کے رکھ دیتے ہیں جن لوگوں کو کلاسیکی ادب میں دلچسپی ہو یعنی ہمارے ہاں جو غزل قصیدہ و رباعی وغیرہ کی اصناف ہیں ان سے سیر ہونے کے بعد آپ خیال کرتے ہیں کہ اب ادب کی کوئی اور صنف آپ کو متاثر نہیں کرسکتی لیکن فیض کو پڑھنے کہ بعد آپ اس رائے پر قائم نہیں رہ سکیں گے یوں تو اردو نظم فیض سے پہلے بھی کہی جاتی

title is good thats why i want to read this book

Peace of mind reading faiz

Faiz ___ <3

Phenomenal........I absolutely loved it ♡ مانا کہ یہ سنسان گھڑی سخت کڑی ہے لیکن مرے دل یہ تو فقط ایک گھڑی ہے ہمت کرو جینے کو تو اک عمر پڑی ہے °○●○° °○●○° °○●○° °○●○°نہ دید ہے نہ سخن اب نہ حرف ہے نہ پیامکوئی بھی حیلہء تسکین نہیں اور آس بہت ہےامید یار نظر کا مزاج درد کا رنگتم آج کچھ بھی نہ پوچھو کہ دل اداس بہت ہے

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