Books Online The Elements of Style Download Free

Books Online The Elements of Style  Download Free
The Elements of Style Hardcover | Pages: 105 pages
Rating: 4.19 | 69448 Users | 3698 Reviews

Be Specific About Books To The Elements of Style

Original Title: The Elements of Style
ISBN: 0205313426 (ISBN13: 9780205313426)
Edition Language: English

Representaion Concering Books The Elements of Style

This book is good for the following things: 1. Propping up a short table leg 2. Lining a bird cage 3. Building a fire 4. Using as a coaster for cold drinks I devoted some of my grammar thesis to criticizing this book, and it was time well spent. Geoff Nunberg may have said it best: "The weird thing is to see rules like these passed down as traditional linguistic wisdom. Take that edict that you ought to say "10 persons" rather than "10 people." You can still find it in the recent editions of Strunk and White's revered Elements of Style, along with antique admonitions against saying "contact us" or calling something "worthwhile." The linguist Arnold Zwicky calls these zombie rules. Somebody should have run them through a wood chipper long ago, but here we are in 2010 assigning students a style guide that tells them that correct English requires them to write, "There were 5,000 screaming persons at the Lady Gaga concert."

Present Of Books The Elements of Style

Title:The Elements of Style
Author:William Strunk Jr.
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 105 pages
Published:September 3rd 1999 by Pearson (first published 1918)
Categories:Language. Writing. Nonfiction. Reference. Humanities

Rating Of Books The Elements of Style
Ratings: 4.19 From 69448 Users | 3698 Reviews

Crit Of Books The Elements of Style
The manual of language for formal writing. Don't read it if you're interested in writing fiction books.

Had I read this a year ago, happily under the spell of nazism, I might have filled this little review with the kind of gleaming praise and happy diligence of the awakened; however, in the past year I was compelled to take up a few contemporary grammar and style guides and subsequently have developed a sore throat around these pills. I spit them out.My grammar is not sparkling, nor even prone to an occasional gloss shimmer; nonetheless, a book of this sort does little to help the sheen. Its voice

This small book is a mountain of good writing advice!

Everyone thinks of this as a book for writers, but today, most of us are. We write to communicate through email, memos & letters. Everyone can benefit by reading this book. It looks quite short & slim, but that is deceiving, like Kern & Ritchie's book on C. They fit a LOT into a small package & it takes practice & referral to get the basics down.

This is a wonderful book for beginning writers to use as a guide. It cleary spells out the rules of English grammar, and provides examples to explain each guideline. I highly recommend this little gem! I bought this book at special price from here:

It is an old observation that the best writers sometimes disregard the rules of rhetoric, says professor Strunk. The old fart was probably referring to his students at Cornell University. The Elements of Style is indeed a dusty textbook (1918), but still widely in use today. It aims at providing a set of rules and tips on how to write properly, if not elegantly. Stephen King, in On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, strongly recommends this book to any aspiring fiction writer.In truth, such rules

Dated and Obsolete.Readers that are looking for a style manual, a usage or grammar guide can find many options better than Strunk and White. When I began using this book back in the late 1980s, it helped me immensely with college papers and then my early writing for work. Now, reading it again, thirty years later, it is just like the computer I used back in the late eighties, obsolete in many ways and underpowered for today's tasks. The English language is always growing and changing, impacted

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