Books Online Five Go Adventuring Again (The Famous Five #2) Download Free

Identify About Books Five Go Adventuring Again (The Famous Five #2)

Title:Five Go Adventuring Again (The Famous Five #2)
Author:Enid Blyton
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 246 pages
Published:2001 by Hodder Children's Books (first published 1943)
Categories:Childrens. Adventure. Fiction. Mystery
Books Online Five Go Adventuring Again (The Famous Five #2) Download Free
Five Go Adventuring Again (The Famous Five #2) Paperback | Pages: 246 pages
Rating: 4.02 | 14694 Users | 361 Reviews

Explanation As Books Five Go Adventuring Again (The Famous Five #2)

I read about a dozen of the Famous Five books when I was a kid but I never really looked at the list of titles in the back to appreciate that in fact there were about two dozen of them and I had a random scattering of the titles. This is book number 2 and I'd not read it before this week when I read it to my daughter, Celyn. Being only the 2nd volume it's one where some of the basic 'mythology' of the series is established. Uncle Quentin's important "scientific work" is highlighted in this one. The book was written during the second world war and although the men who are trying to steal Uncle Quentin's SECRET FORMULA aren't identified as German spies ... that's who they are. Similarly, when they're hauled off at the end there's no hint that they were probably shot a week later! Enid Blyton wrote a vast number of books (~800) and she must have written most of them in the space of a few weeks. She also appears to know rather little about history, science, mechanics etc and it shows - but only to adults who find themselves reading the books. SOME SPOILERS here: The book revolves around the theft of Uncle Quentin's papers and unmasking the thief. There's really only one possible suspect and it's a bit disappointing that it turns out to be him. In the house are Uncle Quentin, Aunt Fanny, the children and the tutor. The farmhouse is isolated and snowbound. Important pages are stolen from Uncle Quentin's book and IMPORTANT TEST TUBES are BROKEN! Suspicious falls on naughty George, but when her father looks in her eyes as she denies it we are told that he believes her .... and yet no adult suspects the tutor... But, hey, it *was* him after all. I guess the matter was sealed at the very start when we're directed to the fact he has thin lips ... "like most cruel people" (not an exact quote). The other central issue is that of the Secret Way - which is a secret tunnel that for no apparent reason joins Kirrin Cottage to Kirrin Farm. It seems to be a vast and pointless feat of engineering. It doesn't even have smuggling potential. The secret of the Secret Path which becomes secretly crucial in the secret theft of the secret papers is, for some reason, written in Latin ... although the tunnel seems to only be a couple of hundred years old. Against reason (as in Lara Croft films) all the old mechanisms still work and not only unlock secret doors but helpfully move (and replace) slabs of stone etc. The Secret Way is described as being dug through sandy soil ... which boggles the mind ... and the children encounter cave-ins along the length of it, meaning that their exploration of it is actually mind-bendingly fool-hardy. Timmy is deployed in his usual Swiss Army knife dog mode, capable of almost any feat and able to down his enemies without actually ripping large chunks out of them. Anyway, the baddies are defeated (hoorah!) and the children save the day. I did like the bit where the Christmas tree was decorated with candles that were then lit! I suppose if you're going to live like that then digging your way through collapsing sand tunnels is par for the course! Note, another series in which Blyton includes a Dick and Fanny ... did she know? Join my 3-emails-a-year newsletter #prizes ….

Point Books To Five Go Adventuring Again (The Famous Five #2)

Original Title: Five Go Adventuring Again
ISBN: 0340796154 (ISBN13: 9780340796153)
Edition Language: English
Series: The Famous Five #2, Fünf Freunde Hörspiele #21
Characters: Timothy, George Kirrin (Famous Five), Dick Kirrin, Anne (Famous Five), Julian (Famous Five)

Rating About Books Five Go Adventuring Again (The Famous Five #2)
Ratings: 4.02 From 14694 Users | 361 Reviews

Assessment About Books Five Go Adventuring Again (The Famous Five #2)
I first read this as a child in 1954 I think it was. Like most of my contemporaries I loved The Famous Five series. Re-reading 60 years on was a piece of pure nostalgia. Of course it's a book for children but then I'm a big kid at heart!

Attending classes when you are on holidays will bother anybody. But Timothy isn't happy with the new tutor the four children have got. His distrust takes the Famous Five on an adventure of a lifetime.

These books (Famous five) are hands down one of my favorite books from my childhood. All those adventures and mystery and those sandwiches they always packed! aww, just the best! I would love to read one of these again. To bring back those memories..memories of first experiences with reading books.

This is the second Famous Five novel in the series, and of course is packed full of action and excitement. George (Georgina), Anne , Dick, Julian and the dog Timothy find themselves once again tackling baddies, this time over Christmas.As the schools break up for Christmas George is supposed to spend the holidays with her cousins, but when their mother is taken ill with scarlet fever so plans are altered. Thus Georges cousins go back with her to her home, where they went in the first book. It is

I'm not feeling well today so this will be brief.The second Famous Five book picks up one school term after the first one finishes. The kids are all excited to see each other again and excited because it's almost Christmas. Then George takes a dislike to their new tutor (a private tutor during the Christmas holidays? That sucks) and things start getting adventurey... Adventureish? Adventuresome? Adventurelike? This book does exactly what it says on the tin and the real star is Timothy the dog;

This book is the second in Enid Boston's Famous Five series and to truly understand it, one should know that it was first published in 1943 in the middle of wartime. The four children and Timothy are spending school Christmas break at George's house. George's dad Quentin is working on some mysterious formula that may be useful to the government. A tutor is hired as George and the boys have fallen behind with their schoolwork. Can the tutor be trusted? George and Timothy don't think so. Read on

The five come together again at the Christmas holidays. Julian, Dick, Anne and George (don't call her Georgina!) and of course Timothy the dog all gather at Kirran Cottage. But not everything is going to be fun and games. Three of the kids need tutoring to improve their grades, so a tutor is hired. Even with lessons taking up some of their time each day, they still manage to find adventure and a mystery to solve! There is a thief sneaking about....and the 5 need to find the culprit! I can see

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