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Present Based On Books The White Plague

Title:The White Plague
Author:Frank Herbert
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 502 pages
Published:December 1983 by Berkley (first published August 21st 1982)
Categories:Science Fiction. Fiction. Apocalyptic. Post Apocalyptic. Science Fiction Fantasy. Horror. Fantasy. Dystopia
Books Online The White Plague  Download Free
The White Plague Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 502 pages
Rating: 3.7 | 5637 Users | 300 Reviews

Relation Supposing Books The White Plague

The White Plague, a marvelous and terrifyingly plausible blend of fiction and visionary theme, tells of one man who is pushed over the edge of sanity by the senseless murder of his family and who, reappearing several months later as the so-called Madman, unleashes a terrible plague upon the human race—one that zeros in, unerringly and fatally, on women.

Describe Books Toward The White Plague

Original Title: The White Plague
ISBN: 0425067572 (ISBN13: 9780425067574)
Edition Language: English
Characters: John Roe O'Neill

Rating Based On Books The White Plague
Ratings: 3.7 From 5637 Users | 300 Reviews

Judgment Based On Books The White Plague
I really dug the premise of this book and the realism of the probleem. A crazed man with powerful motivations creates a plague that quickly wipes out all women and very slowly all men. Eventually, the modern world turns into a very savage place and finally a matriarchal society for the single woman left to every then thousand living men.Even though I liked the plot, it occurred to me after reading this that I do not like Frank Herbert's style. I didn't mind the constant jumping of scenes, but I

Surprisingly, disappointingly dreadful.The characters were flat, unlifelike and none incited any sympathy in me. The story would have looked vaguely interesting on a chalk-board, but was not fleshed out interestingly.The book read like it had never been read. By the author. Full of idiotic verbosity.A bore.I loved the entire Dune series: perhaps my expectations were too high. Or perhaps his style of political generalities and semi-religious drama was transformed into, or revealed as, vapid

I expected better from Herbert. What I liked: The disease. I liked that the invention and distribution of the disease was described as the investigators figured it out rather than as the Madman was doing it. I liked the idea of the targeted disease. The politics. The way the different countries failed to come together in the face of a world-wide catastrophe was plausible. The turn against science... while only briefly touched on, the way the angry masses turned on scientists was believable. What

THE WHITE PLAGUE is a novel of meticulously calculated revenge. While in Ireland with his family, a man loses his wife and two children to a terrorist's bomb. He is a molecular biologist, and in his grief and ensuing madness, develops and unleashes a deadly pandemic which only targets women.This is a very long novel, but the best section features John O'Neil, the biologist, and the terrorist who planted the bomb, playing an endless game of psychological 'cat and mouse' while on a trek across

Molecular biologist John Roe O'Neill is on vacation in Ireland when a bomb explodes and kills his wife and two children. The trauma splits his personality and he splices genes into viruses and contaminates bacteria with them, creating a disease that targets women and speeds up their aging. When he releases the bacteria in Ireland, England and Libya, the plague begins to spread around the world and governments have to close their border and expel these countries' nationals. And Barrier Command

Marvelous if somewhat (unavoidably) dated... a morality piece in sci-fi/speculative fiction clothing. The science is meticulous, given the time period in which it was written. Herbert brings his epic sense, as rendered so masterfully in the Dune books, down to Earth on a slightly smaller scale. Recommended.

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