Books Swift as Desire Free Download

Books Swift as Desire  Free Download
Swift as Desire Paperback | Pages: 208 pages
Rating: 3.6 | 2761 Users | 214 Reviews

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Original Title: Tan veloz como el deseo
ISBN: 038572151X (ISBN13: 9780385721516)
Edition Language: English
Characters: JĂºbilo, Lluvia, Lucha

Chronicle As Books Swift as Desire

An enchanting, bittersweet story, touched with graphic earthiness and wit; Esquivel shows us how keeping secrets will always lead to unhappiness, and how communication is the key to love. Instead of entering the world crying like other babies, JĂºbilo was born with a smile on his face. He had a gift for hearing what was in people's hearts, for listening to sand dunes sing and insects whisper. Even as a young boy, acting as an interpreter between his warring Mayan grandmother and his Spanish-speaking mother, he would translate words of spite into words of respect, so that their mutual hatred turned to love. When he grew up, he put his gift to good use in his job as a humble telegraph operator. But now the telegraph lies abandoned, obsolete as a form of communication in the electronic age, and don JĂºbilo is on his deathbed, mute and estranged from his beloved wife, Lucha, who refuses to speak to him. What tragic event has come between two such sensuous, loving people to cause their seemingly irreparable rift? What mystery lies behind the death of the son no one ever mentions? Can their daughter bring reconciliation to her parents before it is too late, by acting as an interpreter between them, just as JĂºbilo used to do for other people? Swift as Desire is Laura Esquivel's loving tribute to her father, who worked his own lifelong magic as a telegraph operator. In this enchanting, bittersweet story, touched with graphic earthiness and wit, she shows us how keeping secrets will always lead to unhappiness, and how communication is the key to love.

Define About Books Swift as Desire

Title:Swift as Desire
Author:Laura Esquivel
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 208 pages
Published:August 27th 2002 by Anchor (first published 2001)
Categories:Fiction. Romance. Magical Realism. Historical. Historical Fiction

Rating About Books Swift as Desire
Ratings: 3.6 From 2761 Users | 214 Reviews

Evaluate About Books Swift as Desire

Many said that the other books that Esquivel wrote werent that great as Water for Chocolate. I have to agree that the first was the best, but isnt that always the case. When you adore the first the others are just okay. I didnt had high hopes for this one, but when I started it everything changed.Jubilo is such a great character, he doesnt care about money or material things. I loved that when he gives a present its not a expensive gift, but a gift from the heart. Isnt that the way it should

Great magical realism. Esquivel maintains her voice from 'Like Water For Chocolate'

Jubilo has two great gifts: he was good at communicating and at loving Lucha. As a child he uses his gift for communication to change the messages he is translating between his two warring grandmothers, using simple language tweaks to improve their relationship. Growing up to become a telegraph worker, he plays similar tricks, using his special sensitivity to try to make the world as joyful as he is. And his life is overflowing with the joy of love: "Lucha swayed her hips gently, but with

There were some really interesting turns of phrase in this book. I really admire when a translation can be melodic, poetic, and powerful.Many people have said that this book isn't as good as "Like Water for Chocolate," but I don't care to make a comparison. I liked this book. That's enough for me.I think one thing about this book that threw me for a loop, though, was the part where JĂ¹blio's grandmother, Itzel (a Mexican of Mayan descent), forms a dislike for her daughter-in-law based on the fact

Swift as Desire tells the story of a poor man who falls in love with a rich woman. Both of these individuals have different perspectives on what it means to love someone and how to show someone that they love them. They're love for each other allows them to look past their own perceptions of love and build a great life with each other until a terrible event occurs. Their daughter uncovers the mystery and tells you how a once great love story becomes an estrangement between her parents. I was

I just need to keep reminding myself that not everything is as wonderful as Like Water For Chocolate. But this book does have that same sort of magical realism that Chocolate had, and it did have many beautiful passages. I especially loved the beginning of Chapter 4, where we learn that "Love is a verb." This is a tragic story of love and loss that will probably please most. It's not perfect, and it's not brilliant, and it's not Chocolate, but it's easily better than average.


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