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Evil and the Mask Hardcover | Pages: 356 pages
Rating: 3.52 | 1277 Users | 180 Reviews

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Original Title: 悪と仮面のルール
ISBN: 1616952121 (ISBN13: 9781616952129)
Edition Language: English
Setting: Japan

Explanation During Books Evil and the Mask

The second book by prize-winning Japanese novelist Fuminori Nakamura to be available in English translation, a follow-up to 2012's critically acclaimed The Thief─another fantastically creepy, electric literary thriller that explores the limits of human depravity─and the powerful human instinct to resist evil.   When Fumihiro Kuki is eleven years old, his elderly, enigmatic father calls him into his study for a meeting. "I created you to be a cancer on the world," his father tells him. It is a tradition in their wealthy family: a patriarch, when reaching the end of his life, will beget one last child to cause misery in a world that cannot be controlled or saved. From this point on, Fumihiro will be specially educated to learn to create as much destruction and unhappiness in the world around him as a single person can. Between his education in hedonism and his family's resources, Fumihiro's life is one without repercussions. Every door is open to him, for he need obey no laws and may live out any fantasy he might have, no matter how many people are hurt in the process. But as his education progresses, Fumihiro begins to question his father's mandate, and starts to resist.

Particularize Based On Books Evil and the Mask

Title:Evil and the Mask
Author:Fuminori Nakamura
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 356 pages
Published:June 11th 2013 by Soho Crime (first published 2010)
Categories:Fiction. Cultural. Japan. Thriller. Asian Literature. Japanese Literature. Mystery. Crime. Horror

Rating Based On Books Evil and the Mask
Ratings: 3.52 From 1277 Users | 180 Reviews

Evaluate Based On Books Evil and the Mask
"Happiness is a fortress."When Fumihiro Kuki is eleven years old, his father revealed a secret to him. He has many hopes for his son, but not in the way most fathers do. "I created you to be a cancer on the world," he tells him, and he means it. He wanted a child for the sole purpose of making the world a worse place. He wants to show him hell, and then set him loose upon the world. What follows is a story that alternates between Fumihiros childhood and the present, as we find out what hes been

"Happiness is a fortress."When Fumihiro Kuki is eleven years old, his father revealed a secret to him. He has many hopes for his son, but not in the way most fathers do. "I created you to be a cancer on the world," he tells him, and he means it. He wanted a child for the sole purpose of making the world a worse place. He wants to show him hell, and then set him loose upon the world. What follows is a story that alternates between Fumihiros childhood and the present, as we find out what hes been

This is a dark story, but its full of themes that everyone can appreciate on some level. Not feeling like you belong, haunted by your past and your secrets, feeling as though someones life has been completely ruined just because you exist. The journey that Fumihiro takes is a desperate one, and Nakamura shows you this path by flipping back and forth between the past and present. Using short, suspenseful chapters, he keeps you on the edge of your seat, wondering what will happen to these

I was intrigued by the synopsis of this book, about a boy raised to be "a cancer on the world" by his aged, corrupt rich father, in accordance with a longstanding family tradition. Like a lot of people who reviewed this book, I was expecting a kind of dark action thriller about the nature of evil. Instead, I got a fairly meandering book about a poorly conceived attempt to turn a child evil, mostly resulting in him becoming ineffectual and self-doubting, to the point where the second half of the

Not what I expected. Instead of a tightly plotted thriller, this is more of a philosophical treatise on the nature of man and good/evil. Fairly smart and gripping nonetheless, at least for the first half. Towards the end it becomes unnecessarily convoluted and the big conspiratorial themes seem like a cheap add-on.

How does one unleash maximum evil? The novel by the young Japanese writer Nakamura Fuminori, 36, provides many avenues to explore the filthy black nature of murder, impersonation, wars, more wars, terrorism, copycat terrorism. It features an antihero (Fumihiro Kuki) who was chosen by his father to succeed him as a "cancer" in the world, as the embodiment of pure evil. The family business is in fact the very instrument of evil as it built upon destructive, anarchic aims through the trade of war

When I read this from the product description, I figured I pretty much had to read the book: When Fumihiro Kuki is eleven years old, his elderly, enigmatic father calls him into his study for a meeting. "I created you to be a cancer on the world," his father tells him. It is a tradition in their wealthy family: a patriarch, when reaching the end of his life, will beget one last child to dedicate to causing misery in a world that cannot be controlled or saved. From this point on, Fumihiro will

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