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Title:The Prince of Mist (Niebla #1)
Author:Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 218 pages
Published:May 4th 2010 by Little, Brown Books (first published 1993)
Categories:Fantasy. Young Adult. Mystery. Fiction. Horror
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The Prince of Mist (Niebla #1) Hardcover | Pages: 218 pages
Rating: 3.71 | 31472 Users | 2673 Reviews

Narration Concering Books The Prince of Mist (Niebla #1)

A mysterious house harbors an unimaginable secret. . . . It’s wartime, and the Carver family decides to leave the capital where they live and move to a small coastal village where they’ve recently bought a home. But from the minute they cross the threshold, strange things begin to happen. In that mysterious house there still lurks the spirit of Jacob, the previous owners’ son, who died by drowning. With the help of their new friend Roland, Max and Alicia Carver begin to explore the suspicious circumstances of that death and discover the existence of a mysterious being called The Prince of Mist—a diabolical character who has returned from the shadows to collect on a debt from the past. Soon the three friends find themselves caught up in an adventure of sunken ships and an enchanted stone garden, which will change their lives forever.

Itemize Books Conducive To The Prince of Mist (Niebla #1)

Original Title: El príncipe de la niebla
ISBN: 0316044776 (ISBN13: 9780316044776)
Edition Language: English
Series: Niebla #1
Characters: Max Carver, Maximillian Carver, Alicia Carver, Irina Carver, Andrea Carver, Roland (Niebla), Victor Kray, Dr. Richard Fleischmann, Eva Fleischmann, Jacob Fleischmann
Setting: Spain
Literary Awards: Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children's Book Award Nominee (2012), Premio Edebé Juvenil (1993)

Rating Of Books The Prince of Mist (Niebla #1)
Ratings: 3.71 From 31472 Users | 2673 Reviews

Weigh Up Of Books The Prince of Mist (Niebla #1)
This was my first Ruiz book and it was fantastic! I recommend the audio book, it was very well done and even features music from Ruìz's own compositions. It almost had an Alfred Hitchcock feel to it. Just really good!

Who would have thought that Zafon, best known for The Shadow of the Wind and The Angels Game, started his writing life as a young adult author? Now that he has achieved fame his publisher is bring these back in English translation, some of which won YA awards in Spain. I picked it up without knowing it was a YA book.The story is a spooky mystery based around the main character, a pre-teen boy, his older sister and the boys older friend. It is set in a coastal village in Spain just before WW II.

Carlos Ruiz Zafon never disappoints me when I'm looking for a good story!!!

Book 21 of 2018 : "The Prince of Mist " by Carlos Ruiz Zafron.This has been sitting on my shelf for a very long time .It was bought during a period when I was overwhelmed with "The Shadow of the Wind" and wanted to read all of Zafron's work.This is his debut novel and the writing shows that ,but it is still a good read for middle grade and it is not a surprise that it was initially published as a YA novel.The story is horror based and reminded me of IT .We have a group of kids trying to kill an

I didn't pay much attention to genre tags or even the synopsis before I picked up this book, so the story came as quite a surprise to me!Well-written with an interesting storyline that keeps you wondering for a great deal of the book.Max didn't strike me as the typical 13-year old, in a positive way, and I enjoyed seeing him develop and grow up a little. His older sister Alicia is still pretty much a mystery and I would have enjoyed getting to know more about her background, but since the book

This is the first book I've EVER read in Spanish and I didn't struggle with it (after having studied it for roughly 6 months) so I don't really know what that says about the writing, lol. Seriously though, I'm feeling oddly vindicated that conversely, reading novels in German still gives me headaches when I've started learning it at 12 but... My native language is French and I studied Latin, so that helps a lot when Spanish is concerned, I guess.This said, even though it's shelved as YA on

See more of my book reviews on my blog, Literary FlitsThis young adult horror story was Zafon's first published novel and it reads like a classic adventure tale similar to those I remember from my early teens. The unidentified setting was originally intended to be southern England. Its descriptions are detailed enough for me to be easily able to envisage the immediate surroundings of the village and coastline, while remaining vague enough on the regional location that the book could be imagined

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