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Define Books To The Struggle (The Vampire Diaries #2)

Original Title: The Struggle
ISBN: 006102001X (ISBN13: 9780061020018)
Edition Language: English
Series: The Vampire Diaries #2, Il diario del vampiro #2, Upíří deníky / Upírske denníky #2, Pamiętniki wampirów #1, part 2 , more
Characters: Elena Gilbert, Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Matt Honeycutt, Bonnie McCullough, Caroline Forbes, Meredith Sulez
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The Struggle (The Vampire Diaries #2) Paperback | Pages: 278 pages
Rating: 3.48 | 33770 Users | 1267 Reviews

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Title:The Struggle (The Vampire Diaries #2)
Author:L.J. Smith
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Reissue
Pages:Pages: 278 pages
Published:March 1st 1999 by HarperCollins Publishers (first published 1991)
Categories:Young Adult. Paranormal. Vampires. Fantasy. Romance

Rendition As Books The Struggle (The Vampire Diaries #2)

Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest #1 The Awakening - ★★★★★ #2 The Struggle - ★★★★★ The Struggle is the continuation of the Vampire Diaries Series by L.J. Smith. The second book that features the life of popular girl Elena Gilbert and her endeavors with the mysterious vampire brothers Stefan and Damon Salvatore. The Struggle continues where The Awakening ends; Elena is looking to talk to Damon, knowing that he has something to do with Stefan's disappearance. I felt like there was more action in this book, compared to the first one. It made me more engrossed with the story and I was very excited for all the twists. Elena was obviously the main character in this book, alongside Stefan and Damon. I am not sure how I felt about Elena in this book. She seemed to ignore everyone for a while and just be her selfish self - which resulted in getting people in trouble. On the other hand, I really loved the history of Stefan and Damon. The memories from hundreds of years ago. The author manager to portray the time very well, and I was easily transported into another world, another time... I think these scenes were definitely the favourite part of this book. I wish we saw more chapters with Bonnie and Meredith. Even though best friends, it didn't feel like they were too involved in the story. We didn't get to know them properly and it has already been two books. I really hope book three will let us meet these two characters better. I am happy with the book in general. The scenes, the plot, the twists - they were all very carefully put together. Elena's love choices are opening up, letting us wonder which brother she might choose. Making us choose sides (team Damon here!). This battle between the love and hate of the two brothers definitely seems interesting. The ending was everything I was hoping for and now I can't wait for the next book. The Awakening and The Struggle were only an introduction and the real adventures are yet to begin! I recommend it to all of you that love young-adult, teen romance and vampire stories. It will keep you on your toes for sure! Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest

Rating Containing Books The Struggle (The Vampire Diaries #2)
Ratings: 3.48 From 33770 Users | 1267 Reviews

Weigh Up Containing Books The Struggle (The Vampire Diaries #2)
I did a book report on this volume in 7th grade. I made a movie poster on fluorescent orange poster board. My cast was horrible, because I was limited to cutting pictures out of magazines. So Stefan was Leonardo DiCaprio, because I obviously hated Stefan enough to foist this casting decision on him. Elena was Alicia Silverstone because she was the only blonde I could find, and Damon was Skeet Ulrich because he was so hot in Scream.Anyway, it's a super ugly poster (I still have it), but I got an

Elena becomes less likeable as she gains the man of her dreams and starts shutting out everyone in her life that cares about her. What's up with that? Will I ever read a book about a girl involved with a vampire in a HEALTHY way? Though at least Stefan seems to want her to be with her friends. It's only Elena who's being the stupid one. Then add in Damon and Elena's stupidity knows no bounds.The lesson that comes from this book? I'd say something along the lines of - if things are troubling you

Read this in high school and really enjoyed it! That's about all I can remember.

2 thoughts:1- Matt is too good for any of the people in this book. He's a sweet cinnamon roll too pure for this world.1- Holy shit that ending!

Better than the first book...had more going on in the story. So it's obviously a bit better since pretty much nothing happened in the 1st book lol. But still overrated and the characters are still shallow and unlikable. I didn't think it was possible to dislike every single character in a book...but then I read the Vampire Diaries..😝 Actually Matt and Meredith are a bit better than the rest but the fact that they are Elena's friends makes me dislike them. 🤧

No SERIOUS spoilers Continuing directly from "Awakening" Elena finds herself screaming for Damon to appear so she can confront him about Stefan's whereabouts. He appears and Elena gets what's seems to be her first real look at him. He looks like Stefan, with the same dark hair, pale skin and good looks. Taking it in she sees unlike Stefan his hair is straight, his eyes are "black as midnight" and he has a "cruel smile". While she is trying to confront him about the murders and trying to get

I mean these aren't exactly wonderful but I'm getting through them quickly and to be honest it's keeping me entertained.

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