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Original Title: The Madman's Tale
ISBN: 8466619461 (ISBN13: 9788466619462)
Edition Language: Spanish
Literary Awards: Anthony Award Nominee for Best Novel (2005), Hammett Prize Nominee (2004)
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La historia del loco Paperback | Pages: 544 pages
Rating: 3.98 | 8426 Users | 661 Reviews

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Han pasado veinte años desde que el Western State Hospital cerró sus puertas y sus últimos pacientes se reintegraron a la sociedad. Francis Petrel tenía poco más de veinte años cuando su familia lo recluyó en el psiquiátrico tras una conducta imprevisible y la crisis posterior. Ahora, alcanzada la mediana edad, lleva una vida sin rumbo y solitaria, alejado en un piso barato y permanentemente medicado para acallar el coro de voces en su cabeza

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Title:La historia del loco
Author:John Katzenbach
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 544 pages
Published:January 1st 2007 by Ediciones B (first published 2004)
Categories:Thriller. Mystery. Fiction. Suspense. Novels. Mystery Thriller. Crime

Rating Of Books La historia del loco
Ratings: 3.98 From 8426 Users | 661 Reviews

Column Of Books La historia del loco
THE MADMANS TALE (Psychological Thriller) - ExJohn Katzenbach 10th non-fictionBallantine Books, 2004 HardcoverFrancis Xavier Petrel, named C-Bird by his former fellow inmates at Western State Hospital, is now living on this own. But an invitation to the hospital, closed for 20 years, being made a museum, draws Francis back, both to the place and the memories of the events, people and murders there. *** An incredible book which draws you in and keeps you there to the very end, this is not a

Kind of slow in the middle... but I had to finish to see who dun it!!

I'm taking this as my first spooky read of October.As I said before, this wasn't what I expected. I had so many expectations for this book because I've read other works by Katzenbach and I found them atonishing, thrilling and incredibly written. This was certainly not the case. The narrator is an schizophrenic man who has recovered been under so many pills and routine that he no longer hears voices. I wanted delusions, fantasies, voices that crept under his skin and made you cringe. I actually

It was my first book on the genre. I really liked what it was about and the setting and the characters but, I felt that it was somehow tedious or even boring through the whole middle part of the book. I started it really excited but as I kept reading I kept losing interest or was really trying to keep reading but I just got bored a lot of times that I had to put it down and come back later to the same process. I was expecting a little bit more from the book.

As boring as watching my grandma knit with an absurd ending I didn't buy at all 😊Tan aburrido como ver a mi abuela tejer y con un final tan absurdo que no me creí ni un poco😊

Picked this up at a Library book sale since it looked interesting. A murder mystery, told from the eyes of a young man who hears voices and has been committed to a mental hospital by his family. The murder takes place in the hospital and circumstantial evidence points to one of the other patients in this hospital. A young woman prosecutor hears of it and comes to investigate it after finding it fits in with some previous serial murders outside of the hospital. She befriends the young man and

What can I say? I was expecting much more from thisThe mystery was mediocre, not thrilling or entertainingThe pace was awful, sometimes I felt the author was just filling gaps to make the book longerThe protagonist, someone who's supposedly crazy acts as everything but crazy, I'm willing to say he's the most sane person through the storyAnyway, maybe I was expeting too much from this and ended up dissapointed


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