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Title:Vlad: The Last Confession
Author:C.C. Humphreys
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 366 pages
Published:September 25th 2008 by McArthur Publishing (first published January 1st 2008)
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. Horror. Fiction. Paranormal. Vampires. Fantasy
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Vlad: The Last Confession Paperback | Pages: 366 pages
Rating: 3.86 | 2904 Users | 324 Reviews

Narration Supposing Books Vlad: The Last Confession

Dracula. A name of horror, depravity and the darkest sensuality. Yet the real Dracula was just as alluring, just as terrifying, his tale not one of a monster but of a man... and a contradiction.

His tale is told by those who knew him best. The only woman he ever loved...and whom he had to sacrifice. His closest comrade...and traitor. And his priest, betraying the secrets of the confessional to reveal the mind of the man history would forever remember as The Impaler. This is the story of the man behind the it has never been told before.

Details Books As Vlad: The Last Confession

Original Title: Vlad: The Last Confession
ISBN: 1552787311 (ISBN13: 9781552787311)
Edition Language: English

Rating Of Books Vlad: The Last Confession
Ratings: 3.86 From 2904 Users | 324 Reviews

Piece Of Books Vlad: The Last Confession
Man or monster? The author wants the reader to decide for herself!This book is nonjudgmental. Humphreys presents the findings of his extensive research into this historical figure and draws no conclusions. Was he a crazed immortal that drinks blood to survive? No! We first meet Vlad and his younger brother as youths held as hostage by a Turkish Sultan. The reason for their incarceration is to ensure their fathers cooperation with Turkey. Vlad has a naturally rebellious nature and is very

This the first Western novel about Vlad that does him justice as a great champion of Christendom, as well as bringer of peace and prosperity - true at a cost, but considering the times, not particularly a great cost.It just happened that instead of the peasantry and the poor, the cost was born by the rich, merchants and noble alike as well as their families, so the truly bad press Vlad got at the times and since.I read tons of Romanian novels with Vlad as a hero for sure, but due to the Saxon

Thanks to Bram Stoker when most people hear the name Dracula they think of a vampire from Transylvania. The myth, I think has become more famous than the real man. C.C. Humphreys uses his novel to delve into the life of the real Dracula; the man who has come down through history as Vlad the Impaler. A real man with a story that is not easy to read.The period in history when Vlad was fighting for his throne in the small kingdom of Wallachia (which is now part of Romania) is not exactly noted for

You know a writer is skilled when they can take someone who is quite ruthless and insane and make you like them, and in many ways understand/sympathies with them. Thomas Harris did it with Hannibal Rising, and C.C Humphreys has done it with Vlad the Impaler. I must admit, that I did have to put this book down a few times because of the brutality of it, but once you learned about what Vlad lived and went through in his life you understand in a strange way. He wasn't the first person to impale

When I was pitched this book, it almost sounded to good to be, well . . . good. How many times have you bought a book (or asked for a review copy) and wanted it to be as good as the blurb, yet past let-downs jaded your hope? Ive never been so happy to be disappointed.Historical Fiction can be a challenging genre to read if the author hasnt take care to do their research. It also takes skill to weave that knowledge into a story seamlessly, never allowing it to detract from the overall

I'm really glad I gave this book a second chance. I found the beginning a little difficult to get into, but once Vlad's story began, I was riveted. The book is engaging, and dare I say, entertaining. Yes, it is historical fiction and some events seem romanticized or stitched together to suit the story, the book does a very nice job of painting a picture of the time period and circumstances, the treachery and betrayal, the brutality brought about by war for land and religion. I picked up this

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