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Define Books During Gantenbein

Original Title: Mein Name sei Gantenbein
ISBN: 0156344076 (ISBN13: 9780156344074)
Edition Language: English
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Gantenbein Paperback | Pages: 304 pages
Rating: 4.04 | 1850 Users | 71 Reviews

Identify Regarding Books Gantenbein

Author:Max Frisch
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 304 pages
Published:November 22nd 1982 by Mariner Books (first published 1964)
Categories:Fiction. European Literature. German Literature. Classics

Representaion Conducive To Books Gantenbein

Okay, now that I have finished the book for the second time, I feel up to writing a review about it. Now I feel I have halfway captured what is even going on. Or not going on. Because, let’s face it, 95% of what is happening in this book is not even happening. Okay? Wait, first things first. This book is amazing. I shit you not. It fascinated me every time over when I opened it withing a few sentences I was just baffled. Frisch’s writing style is incredible, and he manages to convey so many emotions, so deep and unimaginable feelings in such an everyday language. None of the words he uses is overly sophisticated, but together they form an exquisite example of highly poetic literature. I can not stress enough how good this book is. And that is even though virtually nothing happens. It’s an amazing tale of fantasy and escapism, of searching for identity, of exploring life in only your mind, of sonder. Oh, so much sonder. There are so many layers. Honestly guys. Forget all about Inception. There is a fuckload of layers in this book and you might need a few times, just as I needed a few times and will probably need a few more to really grasp this book in its entirety, but guys, it’s SO worth it. I can not thank my Literature teacher from high school enough for recommending this to me. She, too, was as completely captivated by this book as I am now, and with this enthusiasm she got me to read it although I didn’t like Max Frisch. It completely changed my mind. This is a book that will occasionally make you laugh, occasionally bring you to the verge of tears, quite a few times present you with emotions you can relate to so much that it hurts, and always, always will it suck you completely into its world of absurdity, or confusion, of fantasy.

Rating Regarding Books Gantenbein
Ratings: 4.04 From 1850 Users | 71 Reviews

Article Regarding Books Gantenbein
Max Frisch was een grootheid, die volgens veel mensen de Nobelprijs had moeten krijgen, en in 2013 las ik met veel plezier zijn prachtboeken "Stiller", "Homo Faber" en "Dagboek 1946-1949" (zie recensies). Nu heb ik dan "Gantenbein" gelezen, ook met veel plezier, ondanks de wat houterige vertaling. Wat een heerlijk sprankelende en tegendraadse schrijver was die Frisch toch! En hoe origineel en stimulerend! In het prachtige "Stiller" roept de hoofdpersoon ons toe "Ik ben Stiller niet", en schotelt

იყო აგვისტოს ხვატში გაფაციცებით წაკითხული ეს და ასეთი მერე აღარაფერი ყოფილა..

Ah shit! The spine broke when someone walked into me on the subway the other day... now the brittle pulp pages are peeling off when I turn them... if anyone out there has a copy of Gantenbein (very hard to find a decent used copy of this and it is out of print as far as I know) and or Montauk as well, to trade or sell please drop me a note.

gutes buch, aber keine einfache lektüre! Wer Frisch mag, dem gefällt auch dieses Buch! Ich persönlich bevorzuge aber Homo Faber und Andorra. "Mein Name sei Gantenbein" ermöglicht es dem/der LeserIn den Mensch einmal "anders" kennenzulernen, ich könnte jedoch unmittelbar nach dem Lesen den Inhalt nicht wiedergeben.

Отличнейшая ядерная смесь Борхеса, Ремарка и Набокова.Дерзкая попытка ниспровержения тезиса о том, что история не терпит сослагательного наклонения.Плюс лютое количество хорошо прописанной ванили на страницу текста.

3,5'tan 4, çünkü okuması her ne kadar kafa karıştırıcı olsa da zevkliydi. Bir de Max Frisch gibi zeki, sıra dışı bir yazarın kişinin var oluş sorununa, insan ilişkilerindeki ikiyüzlülüğe, kadın-erkek ilişkilerine, aldat(ıl)maya, evliliğe dair fikirlerini okumak çok güzeldi. Kahramanın "görünmezlik" dileğine sözde körlük ile erişmesi, bu rolü sürdürürken yaşadıkları hem eğlenceli-hem de düşündürücüydü. Hele hele anlatıcının kitabın belki de en tali (ve belki de en bahtsız) karakteri Camilla'ya

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