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Acide sulfurique Hardcover | Pages: 198 pages
Rating: 3.6 | 5878 Users | 458 Reviews

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Original Title: Acide sulfurique
ISBN: 2226167226 (ISBN13: 9782286016722)
Edition Language: French URL

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« Vint le moment où la souffrance des autres ne leur suffit plus : il leur en fallut le spectacle. » Concentration : la dernière-née des émissions télévisées. On enlève des gens, on recrute des kapos, on filme… Tout de suite, le plus haut score de téléspectateurs, l’audimat absolu qui se nourrit autant de la cruauté filmée que de l’horreur dénoncée. Etudiante à la beauté stupéfiante, Pannonique est devenue CKZ 114 dans le camp de concentration télévisé. Le premier sévice étant la perte de son nom, partant de son identité. Zdena, chômeuse devenue la kapo Zdena, découvre en Pannonique son double inversé et se met à l’aimer éperdument. Le bien et le mal en couple fatal, la victime et le bourreau, la belle et la bête aussi. Quand les organisateurs du jeu, pour stimuler encore l’audience, décident de faire voter le public pour désigner les prisonniers à abattre, un tollé médiatique s’élève mais personne ne s’abstient de voter et Pannonique joue sa vie…

Define Appertaining To Books Acide sulfurique

Title:Acide sulfurique
Author:Amélie Nothomb
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 198 pages
Published:August 24th 2005 by Albin Michel
Categories:Fiction. Cultural. France. Science Fiction. Dystopia. European Literature. French Literature. Contemporary

Rating Appertaining To Books Acide sulfurique
Ratings: 3.6 From 5878 Users | 458 Reviews

Weigh Up Appertaining To Books Acide sulfurique
I need to think about this. And then reread it. And then think some more.

How far can a society sink into a collective pit of stupidity, sadism, brutality and barbarism? Tune into Belgian novelist Amélie Nothomb's Sulphuric Acid and see for yourself.In the parks and on the street of Paris, hundreds of women, men and children are grabbed by the organizers and taken to a station to be piled into a cattle-truck. A stunningly attractive young paleontologist by the name of Pannonique, who just so happened to be out for a walk in the Jardin des Plantes, is among their

How far can a society sink into a collective pit of stupidity, sadism, brutality and barbarism? Tune into Belgian novelist Amélie Nothomb's Sulphuric Acid and see for yourself.In the parks and on the street of Paris, hundreds of women, men and children are grabbed by the organizers and taken to a station to be piled into a cattle-truck. A stunningly attractive young paleontologist by the name of Pannonique, who just so happened to be out for a walk in the Jardin des Plantes, is among their

She would be God in every respect. It was no longer a matter of creating the universe: too late, damage done. Basically, once creation was accomplished, what was the task of God? Probably that of a writer when his book is published: publicly to love his text, to receive compliments, jeers and indifference on its behalf. To confront certain readers who denounce the works shortcomings when, even if they are right, it would be impossible to change it. To love it to the bitter end. That love was the

Amelie Nothomb is an author who is new to me, despite her prolific writing over the last 20 years. I understand now that I've finished it, that Sulphuric Acid was controversial when it was first released, with the author being asked to publicly explain herself. I find that hilarious, if for no other reason than what I got out of it could not have been more clear.This short novel is based around a new, hit television show called "Concentration," wherein one set of people is herded together and

Any human being who experiences a lasting or a passing hell can, in order to confront it, resort to the most gratifying mental technique in existence: he can tell himself a story. The exploited worker invents himself as a prisoner-of-war, the prisoner-of-war imagines himself a Grail hunter, and so on. Every form of wretchedness has its own emblem and its own heroism. The poor wretch who can inflate his chest with a breath of greatness holds his head up high and ceases to complain.

Amelie Nothomb is an author who is new to me, despite her prolific writing over the last 20 years. I understand now that I've finished it, that Sulphuric Acid was controversial when it was first released, with the author being asked to publicly explain herself. I find that hilarious, if for no other reason than what I got out of it could not have been more clear.This short novel is based around a new, hit television show called "Concentration," wherein one set of people is herded together and


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