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Present Books As The Snow Queen

Original Title: Snedronningen
ISBN: 0375415122 (ISBN13: 9780375415128)
Edition Language: English
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The Snow Queen Hardcover | Pages: 96 pages
Rating: 3.75 | 13601 Users | 1305 Reviews

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Title:The Snow Queen
Author:Hans Christian Andersen
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 96 pages
Published:November 5th 2002 by Everyman's Library (first published 1844)
Categories:Classics. Fantasy. Fiction. Childrens. Fairy Tales. Audiobook. Picture Books

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Reprinted here for the first time since the 19th century, these color illustrations by T. Pym make the classic Andersen fairy tale even more magical. One of Andersen's best-beloved tales, The Snow Queen is a story about the strength and endurance of childhood friendship. Gerda's search for her playmate Kay–who was abducted by the Snow Queen and taken to her frozen palace–is brought to life in delicate and evocative illustrations.

Rating Out Of Books The Snow Queen
Ratings: 3.75 From 13601 Users | 1305 Reviews

Critique Out Of Books The Snow Queen
The Snow Queen is a fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen, first published in 1845. It is a tale that centers on the struggle of good and evil as experienced by a little boy and girl, Kai and Gerda. The tale is told in seven stories that weave together, and it is one of Andersens longest fairy tales.Heart of this story lies a deep and beautiful tale, about saving and sacrifice. Well written and a must read!

One day, when the Devil was feeling very good about himself, he created a special mirror. The mirror took everything that was good and beautiful in the world and turned it into bad and ugly, and when things were bad and ugly it did the opposite. When the goblins the Devils pupils tried to fly to Heaven, to mock angels, the mirror laughed so much that it slipped from goblins hands and shattered into millions of pieces when it hit the ground. Some of those pieces were so small that they could fly

It seems that Frozen was inspired by this story but I can't see much of a similarity. Really liked the determined little girl who sought after her lost playfellow. The phrase birds of a feather flock together stuck out to me and I looked it up to see if this was the first time it had appeared in literature. It wasn't. Apparently the origin of the phrase was William Turner's 1545 version of it in The Rescuing of Romish Fox: "Byrdes of on kynde and color flok and flye allwayes together." Though

★ one very bewildered starSo this is awkward. I was not expecting The Snow Queen to be religious. Spoiler alert: this is a *very* Christian fairy tale.The genres listed on the main Goodreads page for the book made no mention of anything religious, just simply "fairy tale", "fantasy", "classic", "fiction" and the like. When recommended to me, it was supposed to be the children's fairy tale that inspired a Disney movie -- a winter story of friendship and love, not The Gospel According to Andersen.

Well, I'm not gonna turn down an audible freebie now am I?Their take: The Snow Queen will be free until January 31, 2015. Audible's 2014 Narrator of the Year Julia Whelan performs one of Hans Christian Andersen's most beloved fairy tales, The Snow Queen. This classic tale is a fantastical fable of two dear friends - one of whom goes astray and is literally lost to the north woods, while the other undertakes an epic journey to rescue him. This charming, strange, and wonderful story is a timeless

Audible freebie (like everyone else). I listened to this one while trying, and failing, to take a nap. Stupid stuffyrunnysore nose. >_
This is a favourite winter read of my favourite childhood fairy tale. The story starts with Kay and Gerda pressing hot pennies against the ice on the inside of their windows to see out and there's a full page illustration of this. There is a double page illustration of the snow queen taking Kay away, the sledge pulled by a dapple grey horse accompanied by ice chickens and the world below looking like a scene from a Bruegel painting. The chapter of the little robber girl is accompanied by a

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