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ISBN: 1416989803 (ISBN13: 9781416989806)
Edition Language: English
Series: The Missing #4
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Torn (The Missing #4) Hardcover | Pages: 352 pages
Rating: 4 | 7906 Users | 437 Reviews

Representaion In Pursuance Of Books Torn (The Missing #4)

Still reeling from their experiences in Roanoke in 1600, Jonah and Katherine arrive in 1611 only moments before a mutiny on Henry Hudson’s ship in the icy waters of James Bay. But things are messed up: they’ve lost the real John Hudson, and they find what seems to be the fabled Northwest Passage—even though they are pretty sure that that route doesn’t actually exist. Will this new version of history replace the real past? Is this the end of time as we know it? With more at stake than ever before, Jonah and Katherine struggle to unravel the mysteries of 1611 and the Hudson Passage...before everything they know is lost.

Define Of Books Torn (The Missing #4)

Title:Torn (The Missing #4)
Author:Margaret Peterson Haddix
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 352 pages
Published:August 23rd 2011 by Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers
Categories:Science Fiction. Time Travel. Historical. Historical Fiction. Young Adult. Fantasy

Rating Of Books Torn (The Missing #4)
Ratings: 4 From 7906 Users | 437 Reviews

Evaluate Of Books Torn (The Missing #4)
I didn't like this one as much as Haddix's first three in this series. It confused me a little. But we're getting it from Junior Library Guild in the media center, so I thought I'd read it over break. It was alright. I like the author a lot. I think my biggest complaint is that it skipped around and I felt really confused. The setting wasn't my favorite either. I liked the time periods and historical fiction topics better from books 2 and 3 (Sent and Sabotaged). We'll keep it though. It was

A Social Studies teacher and I read the first 3 books in this sci-fi/historical fiction blended series YEARS ago, and after the third book, we were content to discontinue the series. However, my student-lead book club chose the first book in the series, Found, for their monthly read. I was relieved that I had already read it and would not have to scramble to add it to my to-read pile. Win-win! However, 4 of my 6 students finished the book in record time, came into to library at lunch, passing

2.5 starsFor being the fourth book in the series, I don't feel like the story is terribly emotionally resonant nor cohesive. Partly b/c the time travel is not very well researched and the rules continue to change. But Jonah and Katherine are thoroughly modern, with an outlook that fails to carry weight or depth. Which in turn makes them forgettable.I have Caught, book 5, on hand, so I'll be reading that next, but I am not really excited about it, so if nothing changes with that one, I cannot see

This is definitely my favorite book in the series. It had a level of suspense that the other books did not have which made it much more enjoyable.

As a fourth grade teacher, I find this novel to be indescribably important. As soon as I finished reading it, I immediately started writing a Donors Choose project to try to get a class set (link here: Haddix has a remarkable way of drawing readers in to this incredible tale of exploration through two beautifully crafted characters in the form of adolescent time travelers. Her art of writing made me believe, even as an adult, that I was right there

I enjoyed this book very much. I highly recommend Torn because there are many twists and turns throughout the story that are unexpected. Each chapter the book pulls you deeper into the story and you don't want to stop reading. Jonah and his sister Katherine go back in time, following the story of explorer Henry Hudson and his son, John. The book details a very dangerous voyage to find the Northwest Passage, and many things happen that you would never expect. The book will have your heart

Personal Response: The book Torn is the fourth book by Haddix and it was pretty interesting. The author based this story off of Henry Hudsons ship, and Jonah has to disguise himself as John Hudson; Henry Hudsons son. This book is decent because the story line keeps changing, but the things that Jonah and Katherine have to do are very repetitive. Plot: Jonah and Katherine are sent from 1600 to 1611 to The Discovery, Henry Hudsons ship. They are put in the middle of a mutiny, but nobody notices

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