Free Download The Beech Tree Books

Mention Books In Pursuance Of The Beech Tree

Original Title: The Beech Tree
ISBN: 1519423888 (ISBN13: 9781519423887)
Edition Language: English
Free Download The Beech Tree  Books
The Beech Tree Paperback | Pages: 332 pages
Rating: 4.11 | 109 Users | 31 Reviews

Declare Of Books The Beech Tree

Title:The Beech Tree
Author:Don Phelan
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 332 pages
Published:May 6th 2016 by Createspace Independent Publishing Platform (first published November 30th 2011)

Narrative To Books The Beech Tree

The Beech Tree introduces you to the lives of those who visited the tree and shared their lives, their loves, their hopes and dreams, beneath the tree’s dark green canopy … and their curious, inexplicable connection to one another. The readers are introduced to Johnny and Margo, the first characters to visit the tree, just before Johnny ships off to fight in The Great War in 1918. We follow Johnny and Margo, Johnny's lifelong, albeit socially taboo, friendship with his friend, “Bullet Joe” Rogan, a pitcher in the Negro Leagues. Johnny introduces his granddaughter, Debby, to the tree in 1957, an era of bobby socks, roller-skating carhops and Elvis music, and Debby meets Mason in 1967's Summer of Love, just before Mason is drafted to fight in Vietnam. For 30 years, Debby wonders whatever became of the boy who changed her life. Then she finds out.

Rating Of Books The Beech Tree
Ratings: 4.11 From 109 Users | 31 Reviews

Article Of Books The Beech Tree
A multi-generational tale that covers the lives of those who meet under the beech tree beginning with Johnny and Margo in 1918. Covering times of war, racial divide, love, hope, and dreams with the changing of times. I won a signed copy of this book during a Goodreads giveaway.  I am under no obligation to leave a review or rating and do so voluntarily.  So that others may also enjoy this book, I am donating it to a senior assisted living facility.

While I thoroughly enjoyed the references to Grand Haven and surrounding areas I couldn't keep the characters straight. I feel like the author had too many. Each relationship vignette could have stood alone and made a wonderful book.

Such an enjoyable summer read. Anyone who has grown up in West Michigan or vacationed here will connect even more.

Bold. Fearless. Poetic. Captivating. I love it when a book goes where few others dare- the real, raw and intimate truth about ourselves as humans. Phelan's book sews together an unlikely cast of characters so well written you feel as though you could pick up the phone and call them. In fact, you'll want to call them as you hold your breath while they make mistakes, remember your own summer romance, cheer them on as they battle social injustice, and feel your soul welling up with cheers and tears

A book about sweet, sad and touching stories. It hurt me to read some things and made me laugh out loud so it was successful in pulling heart strings. However it was a little confusing and I guess if you read it straight without trying to link the stories it would be better. I spent the first half of the book trying to figure what was what until I gave up and just read it for what it was... a good story.

When I read good books, I get lost in the world the book describes and take in the conversation of the characters as if I were standing right there myself. The book transforms into a movie in my head. This happened to me while reading The Beech Tree. The time I spent in the world of this book was well worth my time. I was hooked right away and wanted to consume the entire book in one sitting. The biggest struggle was wanting to know how everything came together at the end, but not wanting the

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