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Alexander Crowley - A New King in Town Kindle Edition | Pages: 182 pages
Rating: 4.41 | 1546 Users | 17 Reviews

Particularize Appertaining To Books Alexander Crowley - A New King in Town

Title:Alexander Crowley - A New King in Town
Author:Don Barr
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 182 pages
Published:January 30th 2018 by Between the Lines Publishing
Categories:Contemporary. Novels. Fiction. Book Club. Drama. Epic. Adventure

Rendition Supposing Books Alexander Crowley - A New King in Town

Set in St Ives the Cornish boutique holiday resort this fast paced page turning adventure fantasy draws on the locality, traditions, religions and myths for its themes. Starring Alexander Crowley a smart arsed shoot from the hip trickster (Supposedly the bastard Great Grandson of Aleister Crowley the 20th Century Occultist) who is on the run from his recent escapades. He decides to lay low in a holiday home borrowed from a dubious benefactor and his swashbuckling adventures throughout the summer draw on supernatural foundations and circumstances that are well researched and contain a modicum of reality. From the minute he enters the town our hero is pitched at odds with the local mobsters, demons and deities. There is an intriguing and exciting cast of supporting characters who are a delight; Booby De-Faux - a needy “Sidekick” The Spirit Saint who acts as “Minder” supported by her mysterious cat “The Black Manilishi” A Vampire assassin and a Killer King are also along for the ride and even romance is on the cards as our character, a renowned and successful womaniser seems this time to be looking for a meaningful relationship amongst all the chaos. Strap in!

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Rating Appertaining To Books Alexander Crowley - A New King in Town
Ratings: 4.41 From 1546 Users | 17 Reviews

Evaluation Appertaining To Books Alexander Crowley - A New King in Town
I received this novel as a gift and it turned out to be a good one. The main character, Alexander Crowley, is the great grandson of the infamous occultist and supposed magician Aleister Crowley. Unlike Aleister, Alex has true magical powers. His most useful one is the ability to mesmerize people and get them to do what he wants them to do. Since Alex is an ethically-challenged scoundrel, he often uses this power to get people to give him money, including card game opponents, cab drivers and

Set in a fictionalised St.Ives (the most south-westerly point of England), this is exactly as Barr describes it - a boys own adventure story for the twenty first century. With a twist. Part one being called Were All Going on a Summer Horrorday was enough for me to know this was going to be good! The central character, Alexander Crowley (related to the one and only Aleister Crowley, legendary occultist) is a Londoner and we hear the world as he speaks, Cockney Rhyming Slang and all, really

Learning that our protagonist, Alexander Crawley as a member of the Aleister Crawley lineage, only increases one's interest in reading this book. Known as a magician and trickster, Alex vacates to St. Ives holiday resort, granting him the most adventurous time off he's every experienced. Being the "new king in town" he never has to announce himself, as everyone including street cats knows just how powerful he is. Set out to reap the benefits of his celebrity status he encounters several

You have been warned to strap on as Don Barr astonishes his readers with A New King in Town. Even the cats knew there was a new king in town as they follow Alexander Crowley as he makes his way through the city of St. Ives. With British sarcasm and humor, this urban novel will make you smile as this swindler hypnotizes simpletons to do his bidding. With no respect for rules or authority, Alex makes this city his playground for the summer, while he hides out. But players in this tourist paradise

Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans!Alexander Crowley, reportable related to the occultist Aleister Crowley, has just hit the seaside town of St.Ives,Cornwall, intent on a bit of R+R. Question is whether hell find it. He and his pal: local author Booby de Faux kind of get into other peoples business as Alex is tasked with several tasks that the local Saint,IA, accompanied by her familiar black cat The Black Manilishi gives him...and if he actually completes them?Being familiar

Alexander Crowley- A New King in Town by Don Barr could easily be one of the funniest books around. Our lead character Alex is a bit of a scallawag with real magical powers he has inherited from his great grandfather. In fact,he uses his powers so much,that he rips off cab drivers, putting them under a trance, then taking all their money. At least that is how the story begins, appropriately setting the stage for the fun that begins and continues throughout this rollicking novel. You will love

'A New King in Town' by Don Barr follows con artist Alexander Crowley, who is forced to go on the run after conning one person too many. The reason hi finds it so easy to take people for a ride, is that he has some magical abilities- he can put people under his spell and essentially take them for all that they have. Hiding out in Cornwall seemed like a good choice, but he soon finds himself back in peril, facing off against demons, mobsters, and a number of supernatural entities. An enjoyable


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