Free Download Books Angel Betrayed (The Fallen #2) Online

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Title:Angel Betrayed (The Fallen #2)
Author:Cynthia Eden
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 352 pages
Published:June 26th 2012 by Brava (first published January 1st 2012)
Categories:Fantasy. Paranormal. Romance. Paranormal Romance. Angels. Demons
Free Download Books Angel Betrayed (The Fallen #2) Online
Angel Betrayed (The Fallen #2) Paperback | Pages: 352 pages
Rating: 4.19 | 2203 Users | 169 Reviews

Rendition In Favor Of Books Angel Betrayed (The Fallen #2)

A Little Bit Of Angel Lust Sammael--call him Sam--was an angel once. An angel of Death. But the dispassionate, watch-from-above thing just wasn't working for him when it meant watching evil torture innocent souls day in and day out. It might have cost him his wings, but these days he gets to apply the direct method on the bad guys. Problem is, what's making his life difficult is a bad girl. . . Seline O'Shaw needs protection, and with the hounds of hell on her tail, she's not going to quibble too hard about where she gets it. Sam's virtue is questionable, but he's smoking hot, massively powerful, and owes her a favor. So what if she's getting a little case of angel lust? There are some damn deadly sins after her hide. . . Praise for Cynthia Eden's novels "Highly sensual and definitely dangerous." --Shannon McKenna on Hotter After Midnight "A wickedly unique voice in paranormal romance!" --Larissa Ione on I'll Be Slaying You "A fast-paced, sexy thrill ride you won't want to miss." --Christine Feehan on Eternal Hunter

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ISBN: 0758267614 (ISBN13: 9780758267610)
Edition Language: English
Series: The Fallen #2

Rating Based On Books Angel Betrayed (The Fallen #2)
Ratings: 4.19 From 2203 Users | 169 Reviews

Discuss Based On Books Angel Betrayed (The Fallen #2)
Wow. Just wow. I started reading Angel Betrayed fairly late at night and was resentful when I had to set it down at 3am to get some sleep. I couldnt wait to get back to it! Seline had me intrigued from the beginning. Shes not your average heroine. As a half succubus/half fallen angel, she isnt out to save the world, shes just trying to save her own ass. When she is sent to kill Sam, the biggest and baddest Other around, she sees her chance to finally be free of the Other that commands her. Its

Angel Betrayed is how paranormal romance should be! Fast furious and sexy! Over 6 years I have read tons of paranormal romance and have enjoyed a many of them, but as the years have gone by I find it harder to come upon true romance in the stories. Cynthia Eden hits the nail on the head with this one. Get ready for an emotional ride with characters you can read over and over again. My hats are off to you Cynthia and I CANT WAIT FOR THE REST!!!I have never been an angel fan, but I absolute loved

I figure you owe me, Fallen.Seems you told me that before.Well, yeah, I did. Because every time I turn around, youre owing me.LOVED IT!!!!!Oh...Cynthia Eden you did it again.I just can't resist reading your books.Once again here I am giving 5 stars to an incredible book.Angel Betrayed is an amazing addition to The Fallen series.Since Angel of Darkness I've been patiently waiting for Sam's story and finally I read it!!!Wow...Sam and Seline????Talk about chemistry.Especially with an angel and a

Blackie's Stamp of Approval!!

Review posted at Got Fiction? Book BlogWith sexy Fallen Angels, and a sultry half-succubus, the pages steam from page one.This is one of those novels that stuck with me long after I read it. I kept having daydreams about my own Fallen Angel, because, wow, Sammael is one sexy hero. The shadowy image of his black wings is such a nice touch. Hes a Fallen, and hes one of those bad boys who doesnt care about anything. But when Seline dances into his life, he realizes that it kind of sucks not caring

DNF at 30%I'm sorry, I thought I was going to read about a butt-kicking, nut-chopping female assassin. Instead, I got a stuttering fool.If I can't connect with the characters early on, then I won't waste my time.I also didn't particularly like the writing style.

4.5 StarsYou'll definitely Fall for Cynthia Eden's Angel Betrayed!Sammael was once an Angel of Death until the day he could no longer stand by while innocent lives were being taken, and for that he Fell. Centuries walking the earth as a Fallen has taught Sam two things; you cant trust anyone and the bad guys arent just the humans and demons that walk beside him. Seline OShaw is half-succubus and willing to do whatever it takes to gain her freedom. Raised by the Punishment Angel, Rogziel, he


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