Free See Jane Run Download Books Online

Free See Jane Run  Download Books Online
See Jane Run Paperback | Pages: 416 pages
Rating: 3.92 | 7762 Users | 573 Reviews

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Original Title: See Jane Run
ISBN: 0380711524 (ISBN13: 9780380711529)
Edition Language: English
Setting: Boston, Massachusetts(United States)

Narrative During Books See Jane Run

What do you do when you don't know who you are... Jane has lost her memory. ...Where you are... Jane is found walking the streets wearing a blood-stained dress with $10,000 in the pocket. ...What you've done? Unable to get answers from her husband, Jane is forced to seek the truth about her accident on her own. But the truth doesn't always set you free . . . When you can't trust yourself, who can you trust?

Mention Based On Books See Jane Run

Title:See Jane Run
Author:Joy Fielding
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 416 pages
Published:September 1st 1992 by Avon (first published May 1st 1991)
Categories:Mystery. Thriller. Fiction. Suspense. Mystery Thriller

Rating Based On Books See Jane Run
Ratings: 3.92 From 7762 Users | 573 Reviews

Piece Based On Books See Jane Run

4.5vaya libro tan atrapante e intenso. Últimamente me está tocando leer libros que leo en referencia a la pérdida de memoria o traumas que la mente oculta para protegerse de actos o situaciones fuertes que saben de antemano que pueden dañar. y con este libro lo sigo diciendo: la mente en ese sentido es busa caperusa! bueno, agradezcámosle esto a nuestro subconsciente, que es quien recibe toda la carga. es interesante verlo en forma de teoría o ensayos según diferentes estudiados en el tema, pero

See Jane Run, by Joy Fielding was an interesting novel. It was the first I have read about memory loss, and I don't normally read suspense or mystery so it was a new and interesting experience for me to read this book. I felt the book was unnecessarily long, lingering on details of little importance. The dialogue was a little dry for my taste, and the characters flat. However, the plot was interesting. I was not expecting the memories that eventually came rushing back to Jane. Almost all of the

4+Ona odjednom zaboravlja svoje ime, njena haljina je natopljena krvlju, u džepu ima oko 10 hiljada dolara, nepoznati muškarac je uvjerava da joj je muž i da je njeno ime Jane te da je njihova voljena kćerka Emily mrtva. Pokušava se oporaviti uz muškarca koji je neizmjerno voli sve dok se ne ispostavi da nije sve tako idilično i da se ustvari dešava nešto strašno... mala zamjerka na kraj romana koji je pomalo zbrzan, ali sve u svemu odličan rasplet i problem kojim se roman bavi. Preporuka!

"Nadie ha dicho que olvidar quién eres sea tarea fácil" Acabo de terminar este libro y lo único que puedo decir es Wow!! Sumamente adictivo, Huye, Jane, huye es uno de los mejores thrillers que he leído últimamente. Adictivo, te atrapa entre sus páginas y lo único que quieres es seguir leyendo para descubrir que está pasando. La historia me ha mantenido enganchada desde el principio y tanto Jane, nuestra prota, como el resto de personajes me han tenido mosqueada durante toda la lectura pensando

"No me preguntes por mis secretos y no tendré que mentirte"×Una tarde, Jane Whittaker fua a la tienda para comprar... Y olvidó quién era. Cuando despierta, está sumida en una pesadilla. No sabe quién es, cómo se llama, cuántos años tiene, ni siquiera sabe cómo es su aspecto. Sólo es consciente que tiene su vestido manchado de sangre y diez mil dólares en el bolsillo. Toda su vida desapareció y lo único que tiene es un hombre que dice ser su marido, una hija muerta que no logra recordar y el

I found this book lurking in the corner of a disused upstairs bedroom and, being a fan of mystery/suspense, it looked interesting enough at first glance that I immediately curled up with it to read. Unfortunately, I found See Jane Run to be disappointing at best.The story starts out with great potential--a woman suddenly finds herself in the middle of downtown Boston, alone and with no idea of who she is, wearing a bloody dress and a coat with $10,000 stuffed in the pockets. It could have been

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