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Title:Captivated (Affliction #1)
Author:E.M. Jade
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 375 pages
Published:December 1st 2011 by Eminent Books (first published June 10th 2011)
Categories:Fantasy. Paranormal. Vampires. Young Adult. Romance
Online Books Download Captivated (Affliction #1) Free
Captivated (Affliction #1) Kindle Edition | Pages: 375 pages
Rating: 3.9 | 2824 Users | 237 Reviews

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“I stood close to the edge looking down at what I thought was my death. Then, I somehow ignored the water and only saw him. He looked like a dark angel on a cloud of mist holding his arms out to me. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. Then I jumped.” Mindy Mindy's new best friend, Markus Medina, witnesses Dean kill two people behind a club. Mindy has a hard time believing him, especially when he mentions that the bodies disappear. Poof! Into thin air. Markus decides he has to follow Dean around in order to get evidence that he's been killing people, so he doesn't sound like a nut to the police. Despite Marcus' crazy theories about the possibility of Dean not being human. And not to mention the fact that he's dangerous. Mindy can't help that she may be falling in love with him. Even after hiding their feelings for each other from the world. Dean and Mindy being together stirs up dangers that neither of them could ever imagine. When she finds out about what Dean really is and the world he tried to keep her away's already too late.

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Edition Language: English
Series: Affliction #1

Rating Epithetical Books Captivated (Affliction #1)
Ratings: 3.9 From 2824 Users | 237 Reviews

Comment On Epithetical Books Captivated (Affliction #1)
i received this book from the Author for review, this story is very good the book was very exciting and very interesting to read i look forward to reading other books by this Author, i am glad i got the chance to review this book, this book was never dull or boring, it was very very good, it was just the right speed not to fast not to slow, this book caught my interest from t...he very beginning until the very end, it was a very good read, i give this book 5 stars, i highly recommended this book

Captivated is the story of Mindy and Dean. They were childhood friends until Dean's parents are murdered and he turns his back on everyone. Now, a few years later Mindy is happy with her life and her best friends. Everything is fine until strange things start happening and they seem to involve Dean. With Dean back in the picture Mindy is having a hard time controlling her feelings.This book was amazing! It was a great story. I didn't figure out what was going on with Dean until we are told. The

When I read the prologue for "Captivated," I thought this is going to be so good. Boy, was I wrong. The storyline had amazing potential but the mediocre writing, lack of sound characterization and a weak execution of the plot made this a difficult read for me at times.At the age of 13 Mindy and her best friend Dean experienced a life changing event. After seeing a man whose arms were covered in blood leaving Dean's house, the two stumbled upon the dead bodies of Dean's father and mother. After

oh wow! D! this book is STUNNING! I loved it! the characters are awesome! I LOVE DEAN! wow! WOW! I don't even know what to SAY about this book without spoilers..... I want to blurt it all out! and the ENDING! I was holding my breath for the last 20 or so pages! AHHHHH! I need book 2! NOW! STAT!

Captivated started out as what seemed to be my favorite read of August. The story-line was different and very intriguing. But as I continued to read, I noticed the lack of character in the writing, the choppy sentences. I kept waiting for it to change, but it never did. The protagonist started off so strong-willed to me, but as the story progressed, she just seemed like any other teenage drama queen. I have many pet peeves, but putting constant exclamation points at the end of sentences in the

I had never heard of this book until I came across it on facebook. I know they say don't judge a book by it's cover, but when it actually comes to books most of us do. The cover is what makes us pick it up in the first place. The cover of this book is mysterious, aside from the title and authors name, a beautiful face... which makes you want to find out what's awaiting you inside. I was so curious to find out what this book was about that I got in contact with the author and asked to do a

I want me a DEAN!!I can whole heartily say that I absolutely, 100%, fell in love with this book, the characters and their world!This will be a series that will grab a hold of you and won't let go until you've reached the end & are trying to sell your first born to get a copy of the next book!A new school year has started for Mindy and she has come to terms with the fact that, her once best friend, Dean is no longer apart of her life. But when a new, extremely gorgeous, student by the name of

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