Online Books Free Empress Orchid (Empress Orchid #1) Download

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Original Title: Empress Orchid
ISBN: 0618562036 (ISBN13: 9780618562039)
Edition Language: English
Series: Empress Orchid #1
Characters: Tzu Hsi, Emperor Hsien Feng, Prince Kung
Setting: The Forbidden City(China) Beijing(China) China
Online Books Free Empress Orchid (Empress Orchid #1) Download
Empress Orchid (Empress Orchid #1) Paperback | Pages: 368 pages
Rating: 3.88 | 21566 Users | 1304 Reviews

Rendition Supposing Books Empress Orchid (Empress Orchid #1)

To rescue her family from poverty and avoid marrying her slope-shouldered cousin, seventeen-year-old Orchid competes to be one of the Emperor's wives. When she is chosen as a lower-ranking concubine she enters the erotically charged and ritualised Forbidden City. But beneath its immaculate façade lie whispers of murders and ghosts, and the thousands of concubines will stoop to any lengths to bear the Emperor's son. Orchid trains herself in the art of pleasuring a man, bribes her way into the royal bed, and seduces the monarch, drawing the attention of dangerous foes. Little does she know that China will collapse around her, and that she will be its last Empress.

Identify About Books Empress Orchid (Empress Orchid #1)

Title:Empress Orchid (Empress Orchid #1)
Author:Anchee Min
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 368 pages
Published:April 11th 2005 by Mariner Books (first published 2003)
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. Fiction. Cultural. China. Asia. Literature. Asian Literature. Romance

Rating About Books Empress Orchid (Empress Orchid #1)
Ratings: 3.88 From 21566 Users | 1304 Reviews

Crit About Books Empress Orchid (Empress Orchid #1)
The story is extremely well written; the characters were compelling, the historical references are well introduced into the story and never weigh the plot down, and the storyline was exciting - I couldnt put it down. You will appreciate Orchids agonies, triumphs, tragedies, and heartaches. These characters will touch your heart, and you will think of them long after the book has ended.

This book is filled with drama, intrique, loyalty, corruption, forbidden love and mystery. The Forbidden City is a totally different world for the book's heroine, Orchid, who becomes one of the Emperor's wives at the age of 17. Ms. Min has written a spellbinding novel, with colorful and interesting characters, rich detail and a vivid, interesting history of China, complete with details on customs, rituals and distictions between the Manchu's and the Chinese. Orchid and her eunech, An-te-hai will

I had high expectations for this book after hearing so much about it on GoodReads. It sort of fell short of those expectations though. I give it 3 ½ stars, which is not bad but I thought it was going to be a 4 to 5 star book. The story itself was very good and it certainly started very well. Orchid is a very likeable character and because of her humble beginnings and barriers she has to battle you cant help but like her. As woman living during the Ching Dynasty in 1852 Orchid has many hurdles to

This is the fictionalized story of the last empress of China, a very interesting insight into the life of the imperial court towards the end of the Qing dynasty. A world apart within the walls of the Forbidden City, dominated by the fight for power and influence.

I can't say exactly whether this book is a work of fiction or a biography. It tells the story of Ci Xi, China's Last Empress (the one who arranged the ascend of China's Last Emperor, Pu Yi) in her own voice. Ci Xi has always been portrayed as a ruthless, evil woman with insatiable thirst for power and, in this book, she's described as a simple and sensuous woman who wants the best for her husband, a mother who wants her son to have what's rightfully his, and a I-don't-know-what who wants the

After my negative review of The Twentieth Wife A Novel, Mintzi recommended The Last Empress as a superior alternative and I thought I might as well read the prequel first. "Empress Orchid" started off pretty strong -- Orchid, like Mehrunissa from "The Twentieth Wife," is a poor girl who miraculously rises to be the emperor's wife but unlike Mehrunissa, is not a goody-goody Mary Sue heroine. Chosen from among thousands of young women as the emperor's fourth concubine, Orchid discovers that palace

4.5 Devoured, and followed with the companion The Last Empress . Engaging, detailed, literate, and intelligent: what one wishes for in the best of historical fiction these days. A soap opera plot is unnecessary when the narrative is so full. Min's personal history in China no doubt contributed immensely to the gravitas of the Empress 'voice' and the attention to physical detail, from weather to plants blooming in the appropriate months ( a shame how often an author throws in the name of a

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