Online Scent of Darkness (Darkness Chosen #1) Books Download Free

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Original Title: Scent of Darkness
ISBN: 0451221737 (ISBN13: 9780451221735)
Edition Language: English
Series: Darkness Chosen #1
Characters: Jasha Wilder, Ann Smith
Setting: Blythe, Washington(United States) California(United States)
Online Scent of Darkness (Darkness Chosen #1) Books Download Free
Scent of Darkness (Darkness Chosen #1) Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 392 pages
Rating: 3.97 | 9611 Users | 423 Reviews

Itemize Of Books Scent of Darkness (Darkness Chosen #1)

Title:Scent of Darkness (Darkness Chosen #1)
Author:Christina Dodd
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 392 pages
Published:July 3rd 2007 by Signet
Categories:Fantasy. Paranormal. Romance. Paranormal Romance. Shapeshifters

Commentary Concering Books Scent of Darkness (Darkness Chosen #1)

A thousand years ago, a brutal warrior roamed the Russian steppes and struck a sinister bargain. In return for the ability to change at will into a coldhearted predator, Konstantine promised his soul—and the soul of his descendents—to the devil. Then one day a dangerous prophecy reveals the truth: One family has been chosen to battle the darkness—or face damnation. Ann Smith loves her dynamic boss, Jasha Wilder, but her daring plan to seduce him goes awry when she encounters a powerful wolf who, before her horrified eyes, changes into the man she adores. She soon discovers that she can't escape her destiny, for Jasha is Konstantine's descendant, and Ann is the woman fated to break the curse that binds his soul.

Rating Of Books Scent of Darkness (Darkness Chosen #1)
Ratings: 3.97 From 9611 Users | 423 Reviews

Criticism Of Books Scent of Darkness (Darkness Chosen #1)
There is something special and unique about this book. The chemistry between Ann and Jasha was inevitable. Looking forward to the other books - the Turkish publisher is raaather slooow.

Christine Dodd is a new author for me, and I admit that the only reason I purchased the books in this series was due to the shapeshifting paranormal romance bits.I'm such a sucker for cheap thrills. I've been working on my thesis (Done by the way!) so I have desperately needed something to fill in the *staring at my monitor and mindless tapping at my keys* moments...So, I filled it with books that are written in 7th grade reading level. Over 300 pages in less than a day, my thesis is finished

This author took what could have been an interesting plot and turned it into something a grade-schooler might have written if she sneaked peeks at her mama's romance novels and reassembled the pieces incorrectly. Terrible prose (wonder boobies?), terrible characterization, poorly plotted.

great book - can't wait to read the rest of the series!

This book was truly outstanding-these days, the paranormal has become increasingly common in the romance genre. This particular series, the first one, was a truly nice surprise. Instead of having the common elements found in paranormals, this one contains a fresh storyline that pushes the boundaries of good and evil. Definitely a must-read for anyone that desires a storyline that is not predictable, and is full of twists that leaves you panting for more.

These are the reasons why I didnt like this book:> The story starts off in a really uncomfortable way. The h gave me the impression of a stalker or a stage-5 clinger with her thoughts and behavior, tbh. > I didnt like the vibe of their first sexual encounter. I didnt find it hot or steamy at all. (view spoiler)[It was a little too close to rape, imo. (hide spoiler)]> I didnt like the h. My first impression of her wasnt good to begin with (the stalker behavior from the first few


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