Online Warrior (Doppelganger #1) Books Download Free

Describe About Books Warrior (Doppelganger #1)

Title:Warrior (Doppelganger #1)
Author:Marie Brennan
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 395 pages
Published:August 1st 2008 by Orbit (first published April 1st 2006)
Categories:Fantasy. Paranormal. Fiction. Witches. Magic
Online Warrior (Doppelganger #1) Books Download Free
Warrior (Doppelganger #1) Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 395 pages
Rating: 3.87 | 3021 Users | 230 Reviews

Description During Books Warrior (Doppelganger #1)

When a witch is born, a doppelganger is created. For the witch to master her powers, the twin must be killed. But what happens when the doppelganger survives? Mirage, a bounty hunter, lives by her wits and lethal fighting skills. She always gets her mark. But her new mission will take her into the shadowy world of witches, where her strength may not be a match against powerful magic. Miryo is a witch who has just failed her initiation test. She now knows that there is someone in the world who looks like her, who is her: Mirage. To control her powers and become a full witch, Miryo has only one choice: to hunt the hunter and destroy her.

Identify Books As Warrior (Doppelganger #1)

Original Title: Doppelganger
ISBN: 0316027057 (ISBN13: 9780316027052)
Edition Language: English
Series: Doppelganger #1

Rating About Books Warrior (Doppelganger #1)
Ratings: 3.87 From 3021 Users | 230 Reviews

Article About Books Warrior (Doppelganger #1)
I loved these! I thought the whole concept was really refreshing and original. They were really well written and entertaining. I wish there were more.

Mirage is a bounty hunter, one of the best there is. Miryo is a witch, studying for her initiation tests. When Miryo fails, her teachers tell her that it's because she has a double -- Mirage -- whom Miryo must kill in order to control her powers and pass her initiation. It's a captivating premise, and the books live up to it. The worldbuilding is excellent, particularly in the second book, when we learn more about the witches' community and organization, and the magical system is intriguing and

Uh wow selfish much let's hope this doppelgänger kicks her ass I've always wanted a twin er doppelganger that would be so f'in cool !

3.5 stars. I enjoyed the story, but the pacing wasn't quite right (imho). The characters took a long time to find out information that was in the blurb for the book, so the revelation wasn't as revelatory for the reader. The characters themselves were a bit contradictory: eg the age of the character wasn't really reflected in their maturity (I thought she was about 12 for most of the book until it came up specifically). Interesting ideas though, and I liked the world being created.

I have had this book on inter library loan for 2 months. Today, I bit the bullet and skimmed the whole thing. I liked it. The writing style is easily accessible. The pace is good. Characters likable. World building is sufficient. Ending is predictable, but sometimes that is comforting. All in all, worth reading the second book.

I really, really wanted to enjoy this book, but unfortunately I just couldn't. I found that I could make no connection to the characters, they were flat and a bit boring, especially Miryo. This was an excruciatingly slow book and I found that the names and made up language were tedious and made it hard to follow what was going on. It took half the book for the two main characters to meet up and then in one chapter they had resolved to not kill each other and became friends. I liked the idea of

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