Books Free Download The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant #1-3 omnibus) Online

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Original Title: The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
ISBN: 000647330X (ISBN13: 9780006473305)
Edition Language: English
Series: The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant #1-3 omnibus, Thomas Covenant #4-6
Characters: Thomas Covenant
Books Free Download The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant #1-3 omnibus) Online
The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant #1-3 omnibus) Paperback | Pages: 1245 pages
Rating: 4.01 | 3419 Users | 34 Reviews

Details Regarding Books The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant #1-3 omnibus)

Title:The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant #1-3 omnibus)
Author:Stephen R. Donaldson
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 1245 pages
Published:1994 by HarperCollins Publishers (first published 1983)
Categories:Fantasy. Fiction. Epic Fantasy. Science Fiction Fantasy

Commentary In Favor Of Books The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant #1-3 omnibus)

I enjoyed the Second Chronicles even more than I did the first, as the conceit of Foul's millennia-in-the-making plan to bleach the Land of its inherent Earthpower through the Sunbane—and administered through the banefire auspices of the Gibbon-Raver-led Clave—as a corruption stemming from Foul's original defeat by TC proved to be, for me, an effective, even enhancing twist to the series. Furthermore, in addition to the self-loathing and lacerating personality of the eternally-tormented and leprotic Covenant we get Dr. Linden Avery, a physician with her own baggage—stuffed to bursting with shards of jagged, broken glass and the acrid smell of burning lye—who carries a guilt for not having loved her parents sufficiently to redeem them and a burgeoning talent for taking possession of other's minds, that makes her—in the end—perhaps even more of a fascinating anti-hero than the star of the show. I had always loved the three Ravers, and they are put to excellent use throughout, especially in engendering within Covenant's veins the venom that perpetually threatens to unleash the Arch-shattering Wild Magic. We also get an entire ship's crew of Giants by the end of the first novel who will carry Avery and Covenant across the uncharted oceans in search of an answer to the brutally entrapping snare that Lord Foul has lain for his pair of gaoler's keys. While the entire concept of the Elohim was a bit too all-purpose-magic-pixie deus ex machina for me, Vain, the enigmatic gift of the inscrutable ur-Viles, rocks, as does the superb sidebar to Braithairealm, the desert city perilously near to the wasteland home of the Sand Gorgons, where the Giant's ship must put in for repairs, and which will bring the sinister intrigues of the city-state's ruler, the Gaddhi, and his sorcerous steward, the Kemper, down upon the traveller's heads. The merewives are nifty, the battle between Haruchai and Keeper on the Island of the One Tree tres cool; whilst the return to the Land in the third and closing book is top notch, especially the final showdown between Gibbon-Raver and Covenant, in which the juggernaut of natural force, Nom, will earn a measure of revenge for the heart-rending death of the noble Honninscrave. Everything after this clash is, in a way, almost anticlimactic; however, the journey into the bowels of Mount Thunder and the face-to-face with a supremely confident Lord Foul—who appears to have correctly anticipated his opponent's every move and calculated the perfectly coordinated response—and his two remaining Ravers, brings things to a close well enough. It certainly wasn't as lame a resolution as the Hey, ghosts, let's laugh at Foul and reduce him to a lil' baby! grasp at the straws that comprised the painfully unsatisfying conclusion to the First Chronicles. Avery makes the choice that that weird old man, the Creator, knew she had it in her to make; and, with Covenant dead and the good doctor on her way back to the real earth, she even takes the time to straighten the spine of the husband of the First and fashion a new Staff of Law, one that avoids the old ideological rigidities that doomed the Land to the leechcraft of the Sunbane from the imperfect original. Well written—in Donaldson's rich vocabulary that ofttimes threatens to tumble over into pretension or parody but never actually fails to recover its balance—and melding the author's fertile imagination and eastern-tinged fantasy memes into the inevitable questing journey that still contains enough originality to put it in that relatively unoccupied second tier of fantasy works below the topmost occupied by the two Big Fellas themselves.

Rating Regarding Books The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant #1-3 omnibus)
Ratings: 4.01 From 3419 Users | 34 Reviews

Appraise Regarding Books The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant #1-3 omnibus)
My parents were obsessed with these books when they first met. They fashioned their wedding rings based on the books.

The second series of this masterful fantasy epic was equally enjoyable for me, though many people despised the character of Linden Avery, who plays a prominent role in this trilogy. I liked her, though, and was very sorry to see the series end. Fortunately, Donaldson is continuing on with the four book "Last Chronicles"!

I enjoyed the Second Chronicles even more than I did the first, as the conceit of Foul's millennia-in-the-making plan to bleach the Land of its inherent Earthpower through the Sunbaneand administered through the banefire auspices of the Gibbon-Raver-led Claveas a corruption stemming from Foul's original defeat by TC proved to be, for me, an effective, even enhancing twist to the series. Furthermore, in addition to the self-loathing and lacerating personality of the eternally-tormented and

Following the award-winning first trilogy, The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever, that gave birth to his cynical protagonist, bringing through his ideas, writing and imagination an up to that time more mature aspect in the fantasy genre, as well as a big success that marked his career from then on, Stephen R. Donaldson returns to the magical world of the Land, travelling us in The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the second omnibus volume of the titular series collecting the

I actually didn't finish the book - I powered through the first one, and picked this one up hoping it would be a bit less dragging (in the sense of the story pacing and the overall feeling).I was disappointed - it is slow and just as depressing as the first; I just couldn't slog through this one.

The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant picks up about 10 years after the events of The First Chronicles, but 3,500+ years have passed within the Land. In that time, much has happened which I wont spoil but suffice to say its not good.I wondered if SRD would be able to keep the story fresh or if this would simply be a lame rehash of the events in the First Chronicles. I am pleased to say, it was wonderfully done and more than met the high standard Ive come to expect from Donaldsons writing.

Finally finished it after almost 3 months. It is a nice story, but sometimes it tends to draw out the feelings of the characters a bit too much, eventhough its a big part of the storyline itself as well. Sometimes the same things are repeated too much to the point of boredom. Had quite a few times that i had to put the book away as my eyes just did no longer want to read the repetitive phrases about how they felt.. and that while thee was action going on at the same time... I did like the


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