Books Online 3 by Flannery O'Connor: The Violent Bear It Away / Everything That Rises Must Converge / Wise Blood Free Download

Point Regarding Books 3 by Flannery O'Connor: The Violent Bear It Away / Everything That Rises Must Converge / Wise Blood

Title:3 by Flannery O'Connor: The Violent Bear It Away / Everything That Rises Must Converge / Wise Blood
Author:Flannery O'Connor
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 496 pages
Published:August 21st 1986 by Signet Classics (first published 1962)
Categories:Fiction. Classics. Short Stories. Literature. American. Southern. Novels. Literary Fiction
Books Online 3 by Flannery O'Connor: The Violent Bear It Away / Everything That Rises Must Converge / Wise Blood  Free Download
3 by Flannery O'Connor: The Violent Bear It Away / Everything That Rises Must Converge / Wise Blood Paperback | Pages: 496 pages
Rating: 4.31 | 1773 Users | 97 Reviews

Commentary Toward Books 3 by Flannery O'Connor: The Violent Bear It Away / Everything That Rises Must Converge / Wise Blood

Flannery O'Connor is a diminutive, sprite-like woman who writes some of the most powerful fiction (of its type) that I have ever read. If you like Faulkner, you will most likely enjoy O'Connor's work as well. It is a kind of theater of the macabre, southern, holy, and surreal all at once. The characters arrive in the story as if in a fever dream, emerging from some faint mist that she has shrouded them in so that they may pop out at just the right moment; they take on their lives fully-formed, portraying real people with extraordinary personal problems embedded deep in their psyche. O'Connor's action takes place deep in the minds and beliefs of her characters, with their thoughts boiling out into the area around them to wreck havoc. I have seen stills from a movie created about Wise Blood; the characters look like they fell out of a Magritte painting, which I think is an apt tone to give to them. There isn't much action in the two main novels in this collection (at least not in the traditional sense of action), but the work still draws you in nonetheless. With that in mind, I believe that O'Connor should be read for one of two reasons (though you can get a casual reading pleasure from them both as well): 1) To study, digest, and think about. Her work is incredibly complicated, with symbolic set pieces strewn throughout. Quite frankly, when I finished a recent reread of Wise Blood, I felt like I needed to sit and talk about it for an hour with other readers just to scratch the surface of the meaning. The same could be said of The Violent Bear it Away--each of these two novels captures your (can I call it this?) critical-thinking attention and will not let it go. 2) As a writer. Just as Faulkner, Joyce, and Woolf should be read by serious writers in order to explore both their style and the ways in which they bend and break the rules of language, so too should O'Connor be studied for the ways in which she extrapolates character in the simplest of beliefs. O'Connor has a way of stretching these beliefs into monstrous proportions, pulling them like taffy to find all the little nuances that lie within. As a writer, I found it fascinating that she could pull and pull on a character like that, finding new truths hiding deep within that she would then share with the reader. Though in The Violent Bear it Away it gets a bit tiresome at in the first 30 pages, the rest of the two main novels in this collection are to be studied and admired for their scope. The Signet edition of O'Connor's work is a steal. For less than ten dollars (when I bought it) you can get two of her novels, plus a collection of short stories.

Itemize Books Concering 3 by Flannery O'Connor: The Violent Bear It Away / Everything That Rises Must Converge / Wise Blood

Original Title: Three by Flannery O'Connor
Edition Language: English

Rating Regarding Books 3 by Flannery O'Connor: The Violent Bear It Away / Everything That Rises Must Converge / Wise Blood
Ratings: 4.31 From 1773 Users | 97 Reviews

Column Regarding Books 3 by Flannery O'Connor: The Violent Bear It Away / Everything That Rises Must Converge / Wise Blood

Wise Blood: One of only two entries that I am aware of in the genre of darkly comic, grotesque Christian novels, and the superior one, as far as I'm concerned (the other being the still-interesting Miss Lonelyhearts by Nathanael West). O'Connor doesn't really tip her hat as to which side she comes down on in the actual text (though she was outspoken in defense of faith elsewhere) and the book can easily be read as vindicating either Hazel's skepticism or his faith, though it takes a cynical

There were good moments and bad moments in this collection of stories. Some were a bit humourous and others made you want to take a bath after reading them. I liked O'Connor's writing style and how she conveyed it. One of my favourite lines from the whole collection was, "They wear pants". That line still makes me laugh. Search it out and you will see what I mean. This was a Southern Gothic collection that shouldn't be missed.

I am sorry but the infusion of religion into all of Flannery O'Connor's writing is more than I can manage at this point in my secular humanist life. Her humor does reach me at times but not enough to keep me going.

Three stars for Flannery O'Connor? I wouldn't usually do that, but the stories in this book were inconsistent. All of the short stories in "All That Rises Must Converge" were pretty good. "Wise Blood" was awesome. This was actually the second time I've read "Wise Blood" and I love it. "The Violent Bear it Away," however, left me disappointed. I was really, really into the story up until the last couple of chapters, and then, suddenly, the entire thing turned completely predictable, I knew

I suppose it's no longer possible to quote the most famous line from "Wise Blood" here in public. Certain forms of reticence are easy to understand and sympathize with, but not altogether positive in their effects. "Jesus is a trick on n-words" doesn't quite cut it. I suppose we could propose replacing "kyke" with "the k-word" in Gatsby, but that sounds like a tired dodge to avoid dealing with the issue. You can't take the word out of Hazel Mott's mouth any more than you can out of Huck Finn's.

Favorite quotes:His grandfather had been a circuit preacher, a waspish old man who had ridden over three counties with Jeasus hidden in his head like a stinger WB9the old mans words had been dropping one by one into him and now, silent, hidden in his bloodstream, were moving secretly toward some goal of their own VBA 159He proceeded about the Lords business like an experiences crook VBA 160The schoolteacher spoke slowly, picking his words as if he were looking for the steadiest stones to step on


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