Download Books For Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy #1) Free

Point Of Books Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy #1)

Title:Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy #1)
Author:Cassandra Clare
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 78 pages
Published:February 17th 2015 by Margaret K. McElderry Books
Categories:Fantasy. Young Adult. Short Stories. Paranormal. Urban Fantasy. Novella. Vampires
Download Books For Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy #1) Free
Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy #1) Kindle Edition | Pages: 78 pages
Rating: 4.1 | 21682 Users | 2131 Reviews

Rendition Toward Books Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy #1) the book focuses on Simon. meh photo: meh joker mehjoker.gif Simon being the main character was probably one of the few highlights for me in what was otherwise a very 'meh' book. For those of you who aren't familiar with the term, let me explain: - Meh refers to ice-cream that isn't blow-your-mind yummy but isn't disgusting either - It can be used to talk about that one relative of yours you only see at the annual family BBQ - It's the word Harry Potter fans use to describe characters like Ernie Macmillan or Hannah Abbott...or Hufflepuff in general (no offense at all to any Hufflepuff lovers! It's a great house.) To sum up: if something is 'meh' it just is. It doesn't make you ecstatic, it doesn't wow you, and it also doesn't make you upset/annoyed. It conveys complete indifference. I love Cassie Clare's writing. But I feel like the Shadowhunter concept has been dragged out as far as it can go. It feels sort of...boring, you know, reading a book full of characters I've already read about in six books (not counting the other novellas/spin-offs). Do I need to rehash Isabelle and Simon's relationship? Nope. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Do I need to be told again how much of an adorable dork Simon is? Nope. Been there, done that, got the $5 souvenir. Do I need to be reminded that Simon and Clary are great as friends? Nope. Been there, done that, saw him get rejected, got a box of tissues. Do I need even more explanations of how the Shadowhunter world is run? No. Seeing that this series is centered on a Simon who has completely lost is memory (six books worth, I might add) we, the reader, are forced to take a trip back down memory lane. Nearly every chapter is full of déjà vu moments that are a little tiring at times. It just doesn't feel like a unique book about Simon. It kind of feels like Cassie re-wrote City of Bones, except the main character has memory issues, is male, and is not a redhead. Hopefully the next few books in this spin-off take the plot to higher levels and really bring home a new tale that truly showcases the Simon we know and love :) Pre-reading review: Simon's getting his own book, guys! so happy photo: BABY SO HAPPY tumblr_lnfasnQnxY1qavkujo1_500.gif so happy photo: Happy Endings - Alex Crying tumblr_m4pfv2Uj1J1r3zat8.gif so happy photo: tumblr_mmm6wccW2Q1ry1utqo5_250_zps9498333f.gif After everything the poor guy's been through in The Mortal Instruments series, he deserves to have a whole library dedicated to him. It's about time he got his chance in the spotlight!

List Books To Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy #1)

Edition Language: English
Series: Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy #1
Characters: Alexander "Alec" Lightwood, Jonathan "Jace" Wayland, Isabelle "Izzy" Sophia Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Catarina Loss, Clarissa "Clary" Fray, George Lovelace, Vivianne Penhallow, Julie Beauvale, Beatriz Mendoza, Jon Cartwright, Delaney Scarsbury, Marisol Garza, Elaine Lewis, Simon Lewis
Setting: New York City, New York,2008(United States) Alicante, Idris,2008

Rating Of Books Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy #1)
Ratings: 4.1 From 21682 Users | 2131 Reviews

Rate Of Books Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy #1)
Wow this was an amazing start, I enjoyed it so much!It was hilarious and heartbreaking and I really get to see how Simon cope with what happened to him after then ending of the mortal instruments... Don't worry no spoilers.When Simon Said: He did not know the warrior ways of being bros. I was like:He had so many hilarious lines...And George... Let me tell you he was Scottish and I listened to it on audiobook.In general, the plot wasn't something huge, I don't think it had it was rather an

I have missed this world!!

SIMON. I love him so much

Why does she keep doing this to us? And the question is, do we really need more books in the Shadowhunter univers? Actually I am not a hater, I started off liking the Shadowhunter books but as time went buy I found a lot of clichés and boring parts in them. Now, you must think that I'm going to send CC to hell and all that crap but actually, no.I read Vacations from Hell, which is a book full of short stories about how a holiday can go bad, and Clare wrote a novella in it. Surprise, surprise I

Oh, by the Angel. I finished CoHF two days ago and now I find this and all I can say is: whatever complaining will come with, I'm in. It's Simon you guys

4.75/5 stars Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy was the first novella in Cassandra Clare's new bind up. I really enjoyed the take on the shadowhunter world from Simon's point of view. I can tell the new, and old, cast of characters are going to mold together perfectly. They all have such unique personalities that play off of each others really well. There were a couple of awkwardly worded scenes and dialogue that didn't flow, but other than that it was beautiful. I recommend starting this

WTF Clare?Another one.Will you ever stop?I'm starting to wonder if this is an addiction. Do you need to go to Shadowhunter rehab?


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