Download Free Audio Dom Wars: Round Three (Dom Wars #3) Books

Download Free Audio Dom Wars: Round Three (Dom Wars #3) Books
Dom Wars: Round Three (Dom Wars #3) Kindle Edition | Pages: 104 pages
Rating: 4.28 | 1251 Users | 171 Reviews

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Edition Language: English
Series: Dom Wars #3

Description As Books Dom Wars: Round Three (Dom Wars #3)

Round Three is a Knockout! I am REALLY loving this series! The writing is so biting, so rich, so decadent. Full of emotional intelligence, fiery passion, and closets full of skeletons that weave a great story as we go deeper into the human plot of Dom Wars. Add to that- sext challenges and a limo equipped with a driver than can sing, and you're in for an emotional ride! Our hero shows such vulnerability and wants so desperately for the heroine to trust him with every part of herself. Lucian's hunger for trust that I felt was a character all it's own in Round Two, is still around, but plays a smaller part. Perhaps, satiated in some ways when it comes to gaining Tara's trust and yet still hyper-vigilant in other ways. Interestingly, the trust that is growing between them is often built due to sex. Which is hot, emotional and always surprising. It was clear to see that Tara's trust is growing, but incrementally. Lucian drinks up every drop of those moments of Tara's walls being down. He thirsts for true intimacy with Tara. Not to be confused with sexual intimacy, which they have in spades. True intimacy means letting the other person see every part of yourself, all of the parts you think are ugly and unsightly. The parts you hide away. Tara is so afraid to pull those parts of herself into the light of day, so afraid that Lucian will reject what he sees. If Tara could only see that her letting him in would quench every, single need in him. Repair the part of HIM that's broken. He would drink her into his soul and never let go. He would protect her with every fiber of his being. He already does. Denial is a big theme in this book. Tara's denial that the parts of her past still hurt her. She thinks all of her problems are solved because of therapy. But she clearly hasn't done the homework part of therapy. The living, the making amends. Instead, she's put coat after coat of shellac on all of those cracks and Lucian can't let that be. Lucian wants to build what they have together, from the foundation up, brick by brick. A brand new house for Tara to feel safe in and place for him to love her with everything he has. It's my dearest hope that Lucian isn't living in denial, believing that Tara will give him all of herself, if he can just be the man he needs her to be. Does that man even exist? Hopefully, we'll find out in Round Four. I'm certainly rooting for Lucian and Tara. I can't wait! Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Identify Epithetical Books Dom Wars: Round Three (Dom Wars #3)

Title:Dom Wars: Round Three (Dom Wars #3)
Author:Lucian Bane
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 104 pages
Published:April 10th 2014
Categories:Download Books. Free Books

Rating Epithetical Books Dom Wars: Round Three (Dom Wars #3)
Ratings: 4.28 From 1251 Users | 171 Reviews

Comment On Epithetical Books Dom Wars: Round Three (Dom Wars #3)
SO Round 3..I am already so emotionally invested in these books as well as Lucian and Tara. In this round we had to face Tara's Demons..yes I said We. Tara is a bit stubborn and thinks she can do this alone, she doesn't want to need Lucian, she doesn't want to seem like it is tearing her apart inside. But she does and it is. What did Lucian think of that : "I got you, love," I rubbed my face along hers and pressed her as tight as I could to my body. "You're mine. You're safe" It was my promise

the wars continue Tara set to face her past can Lucian keep her from falling ??? she finds more about herself through Lucian can she let go and trust him

Round Three is a Knockout!I am REALLY loving this series! The writing is so biting, so rich, so decadent. Full of emotional intelligence, fiery passion, and closets full of skeletons that weave a great story as we go deeper into the human plot of Dom Wars. Add to that- sext challenges and a limo equipped with a driver than can sing, and you're in for an emotional ride!Our hero shows such vulnerability and wants so desperately for the heroine to trust him with every part of herself. Lucian's

Hmmm... didn't do it for me like the first two did :(Need to think about this review - I mean a 4 is still great but...

3.5 stars for me, for this one. Well I didn't enjoy this one as much as the others. Anytime you take a trip to the south and run into an older, wiser, black man... you are also bound to find a way to come off as somewhat stereotypical. I'm really not sure if there is a way to write that kind of character without making some of us cringe a little. It wasn't awful, or offensive, I'm just stating the facts. Tara got on my very LAST nerve in this one. I get that she is trying to put on a brave face

Round 3 has been delivered by Lucian Bane in Gold Liquid form, It drips, love, raw lust, amazing sex, emotion like no other.This is a 5* amazing read for me, it amazes me the quality of writing he bring. And it kind of saddens me that I'm half way through this series. Lucian has certainly taken us on a rollercoaster. Once again Lucian Bane knows no bounds with his expression, art, creativity and simplicity of his writing. The simple fact is he speaks and writes from his heart. How he feels about

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