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Books Download Free Mythic (Mythic #1) Online
Mythic (Mythic #1) ebook | Pages: 352 pages
Rating: 3.47 | 30 Users | 16 Reviews

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Title:Mythic (Mythic #1)
Author:Jae Lynne Davies
Book Format:ebook
Book Edition:1st
Pages:Pages: 352 pages
Published:February 17th 2013 by Shadow Bay Publishing (first published February 15th 2011)
Categories:Download Books. Books

Description Toward Books Mythic (Mythic #1)

Centuries after the death of her family, human/vampire hybrid, Gianna Marino is determined to shed the blood of the vampire responsible. Disguising herself as a human wanting to be turned, she infiltrates the enemy’s coven with the hope of bending him to her will and destroying him from the inside. But when a handsome stranger enters the scene and is lured into their seductive game that results in a heated love triangle, she discovers a secret that blurs the lines between good and evil, forever changing the course of her existence, and destiny will soon determine on which side she’ll stand.

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Edition Language: English URL
Series: Mythic #1

Rating Based On Books Mythic (Mythic #1)
Ratings: 3.47 From 30 Users | 16 Reviews

Evaluation Based On Books Mythic (Mythic #1)
* Finished it, but it was a chore* Grave POV problems...unable to determine whose thoughts are whose* Thin plot mottled with holes* Whorish, insensitive heroine* Love triangle (not a menage like the cover implies) and she picks the wrong damn guy

18 and olderMythic is a love triangle paradise! I know it has already been said but the truth is the truth This is one fun and hot read. Very sexy and lots of action. Love the difference between Vampires in this story compared to others. Really fun to read.There really is nothing else to say but.If you are looking for a hot and sexy read this one is for you. Happy Reading :)

I felt such promise in the beginning of the book. I was thinking it was going to be great. Vampires who doesn't love vampires. The plot was short of a problem for me. I was pulling into many directions. The POV was hard to figure out who's head I was in. This kind of fell short for me though. Almost to the middle of it I felt that I was having a hard time keeping my entrust. I wanted to like it more.

Loved Mythic! I really wanted to stake Mattias. Now I think I might want to stake Sofia. Love, Hate, Sacrafice, Betrayal the twists and turns in Mythic are great! I didn't see a lot of them coming. A few times all I could think was "Seriously, What the hell?!?! Love to know what Nicholas is going to do. Will he interfer with the deal Gianna struck with Mattias? What is Dante up to? What are the other characters special gifts? Can't wait to find out. Guess I will have to wait patiently *not one

Drama Paradise for the Addictive Reader & Freakn Hot!What an awesome start to a new series. Mythic is totally not what I had expected, it far exceeded my expectation due to the emotional conflict the story unfolded between the Love triangle of the three main characters Mattias (human-vampire hybrid), Gianne (human-vampire hybrid), and Nicholas (Vampire). Between the shocking events of discovery and the drama between the characters this is one book that will keep you glued to the pages

Really, really liked this book!! Can't wait for the nxt one.

I'm having a really hard time with a review for this book. There are some things that were done really well here, but there were developments that made me want to pull my hair out at the same time.The story centers on Gianna, a human-vampire hybrid, plotting revenge on Mattias, the man who she blames for the death of her parents. As the book begins, Gianna rescues the vampire Nicholas from some of Mattias' henchmen. Nicholas is only in London to try to end a feud between Mattias and his family.

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