Books Libra Online Free Download

Books Libra  Online Free Download
Libra Paperback | Pages: 480 pages
Rating: 3.99 | 13634 Users | 801 Reviews

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Author:Don DeLillo
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 480 pages
Published:May 1st 1991 by Penguin (first published 1988)
Categories:Fiction. Historical. Historical Fiction. Novels. Literature. American. Politics. Literary Fiction

Explanation Toward Books Libra

From the author of White Noise (winner of the National Book Award) and Zero K In this powerful, eerily convincing fictional speculation on the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Don DeLillo chronicles Lee Harvey Oswald's odyssey from troubled teenager to a man of precarious stability who imagines himself an agent of history. When "history" presents itself in the form of two disgruntled CIA operatives who decide that an unsuccessful attempt on the life of the president will galvanize the nation against communism, the scales are irrevocably tipped.A gripping, masterful blend of fact and fiction, alive with meticulously portrayed characters both real and created, Libra is a grave, haunting, and brilliant examination of an event that has become an indelible part of the American psyche.

Point Books Concering Libra

Original Title: Libra
ISBN: 0140156046 (ISBN13: 9780140156041)
Edition Language: English
Characters: John F. Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald
Literary Awards: Irish Times International Fiction Prize (1989), National Book Critics Circle Award Nominee for Fiction (1988), National Book Award Finalist for Fiction (1988)

Rating Out Of Books Libra
Ratings: 3.99 From 13634 Users | 801 Reviews

Write-Up Out Of Books Libra
This book of DeLillo was a brilliant dive into the background of Kennedy's presumed assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald (with a cameo of his killer Jack Ruby). It is well-written and well-paced and a great read. I would put it on the level with Mao II and White Noise but below Underworld. So an essential DeLillo as long as you have UW under your belt already.

Spoilers -- kind of....This is a really great book -- for most of it, I really loved this -- partially because I'm an assassination buff, but also because there's a taut intelligence and poetry in much of the writing, and also (I thought, at least) some really sublime characterization and lots of Plot MoMo. The treatment of David Ferrie -- for example when he meets with Carmine .... just great writing... This is my first DeLillo - and I know a lot of people here think he's way overrated -- so I

"Facts all come with points of view." --Talking HeadsI became reasonably convinced that Libra is Don DeLillo's masterpiece about halfway through. After slogging through the first quarter of the novel -- you're introduced to dozens of characters, and they're all revealed to you in that customarily opaque way that any reader of DeLillo will instantly recognize, and the dialogue only takes you so far because DeLillo characters don't talk to each other so much as around each other, and it takes a

" There's always more to it. This is what history consists of. It is the sum total of things they aren't telling us. "The novel is a tragic, speculative account of the people, places and things leading to the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Delillo uses many of the actual words of Oswald and his mom Marguerite, as well as numerous documented facts surrounding the life and times of Lee Harvey Oswald, so that I had difficulty discerning where the public records stop and the

Libra is a conspiratorial thriller in which Lee Harvey Oswald is hired by a bunch of ex-CIA spooks with business interests in Cuba to botch up the Kennedy assassination. They hope that the assassination attempt would lead to the US declaring war on Cuba. It is not just any ordinary spy thriller. It is a thriller by a great writer who has interesting views on technology and media and their impact on human nature. I was constantly thinking about Norman Mailer's Harlot's Ghost while reading Libra.

One can read Libra as a political thriller or a voice in the discussion about who actually stood behind one of the most notorious political assassinations of the twentieth century. Shots in Dallas proved that this an event can not be easily interpreted, it melts in the mist of conjectures and hypotheses and still is a breeding ground for more and more daring conspiracy theories. (Im not a huge fan of conspiracy theories, neither in books nor in real life. In fact we, in Poland, have enough

I'm told that the Don DeLillo who wrote this masterpiece is the same guy who wrote Underworld and White Noise, but as far as I'm concerned that's a plainly ridiculous theory and I'm not buying it at all and I've hired a private investigator to get to the bottom of why there are two Don DeLillos and why this one hasn't sued the other idiot for giving him a bad name. It's a mystery. Libra is entirely great. Its vocals, its backing, the bass, the drums, man alive the drums, the harmonies -

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