Books Curse of The Salute Online Download Free

Itemize Out Of Books Curse of The Salute

Title:Curse of The Salute
Author:Anastacia Moore
Book Format:ebook
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 171 pages
Published:August 30th 2012 by Amazon
Categories:Thriller. Mystery Thriller
Books Curse of The Salute  Online Download Free
Curse of The Salute ebook | Pages: 171 pages
Rating: 4.38 | 37 Users | 13 Reviews

Interpretation Toward Books Curse of The Salute

Personally, I am intrigued by this narrative and the figure of its fascinating author. One thing is for sure and that is her broad general knowledge, including her cultural awareness and adventurous spirit as well. Although I am not so much into 'suspense', I really enjoyed the casual style, descriptive language and all the things surrounding the sea, fishing and people involved in the plot. Characters are convincing indeed, perhaps based on some real-life destinies. Moreover, at first I thought the online book description was a bit short, unlike the biography info, but in fact this very fact made me want to read more and more. Finally, I assume that this great story could be interpreted both metaphorically and literally. On both accounts, of course this book is worth reading, filming etc.

Particularize Books During Curse of The Salute

Edition Language: English

Rating Out Of Books Curse of The Salute
Ratings: 4.38 From 37 Users | 13 Reviews

Discuss Out Of Books Curse of The Salute
Nice storyline with good detail. The ending seemed hurried like the author was pressed for time.

Eye opening look into the lives of commercial fishermen, and the hazards they face on the open sea, but even worse yet, the dangers of not adhering to time honored myths handed down through the centuries. The haunting of the fishing vessel Salute is ripe with danger, and will keep you glued to the pages as you discover the secrets of the Curse of The Salute.

This is an excellent novel by Anastacia Moore. She has a wonderful writing style, that captures your interest from the very beginning and holds it throughout the entire book.The story revolves around the main character Dick Frank, who is the son of a fisherman on a tuna boat that is haunted by ghosts of the past owner and his crew.As the story unravels, this character has to deal with the sickness of his father, mysterious things happening while he is out fishing for tuna, and eventually winds

Personally, I am intrigued by this narrative and the figure of its fascinating author. One thing is for sure and that is her broad general knowledge, including her cultural awareness and adventurous spirit as well.Although I am not so much into 'suspense', I really enjoyed the casual style, descriptive language and all the things surrounding the sea, fishing and people involved in the plot. Characters are convincing indeed, perhaps based on some real-life destinies.Moreover, at first I thought

If you like to be led on a journey aboard a creaky, scary fishing vessel, and want to find out what is causing mayhem and death, climb aboard the "Salute". A boat owned by Dick Frank, handed down to him via his father. Dick must face obstacles both real AND supernatural to find and deter whatever evil forces have taken hold of this old 59' fishing schooner before it is too late.

Great plot, and the character development was outstanding. When I first read the sample it caught my interest enough so that I purchased the paperback, and I hate to use an age old cliche' but it truly is a real page turner. You become so caught up in the opening chapter, that you are compelled to keep reading to find out where you will be led next. It is in no way comparable to Stephen King's The Stand in length, but it is a compelling journey into the lives of fishermen and the battle that is

This is an excellent book about a ghostly fishing boat and the people whose lives it involves. I really enjoyed the characters, some gruff and gnarly, and some just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I think readers of horror fiction will really enjoy this work by the author. She has a way of drawing you in to the action, and making you feel as if you are right there. I highly recommend this book.

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