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Original Title: Devil's Footsteps
ISBN: 0385732635 (ISBN13: 9780385732635)
Edition Language: English
Books Online Devil's Footsteps  Download Free
Devil's Footsteps Hardcover | Pages: 192 pages
Rating: 3.7 | 709 Users | 79 Reviews

Describe Out Of Books Devil's Footsteps

Title:Devil's Footsteps
Author:E.E. Richardson
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 192 pages
Published:August 9th 2005 by Delacorte Books for Young Readers (first published March 3rd 2005)
Categories:Horror. Young Adult. Fantasy. Fiction. Teen

Narrative In Pursuance Of Books Devil's Footsteps

Bryan was 10 when his brother, Adam, just . . . disappeared. That was five years ago, and now Bryan is the only one who seems to remember what happened. Until he meets two others with their own unsolved mysteries. It seems that Adam isn’t the first to disappear. Someone or something is after the kids in their neighborhood. The adults can’t hear it, and they can’t see it or feel it—but the kids can. And it all comes back to the skipping rhyme that every child in town knows by heart . . . and the Dark Man who haunts everyone’s worst nightmares—while they’re awake.

Rating Out Of Books Devil's Footsteps
Ratings: 3.7 From 709 Users | 79 Reviews

Rate Out Of Books Devil's Footsteps
This book was great, one of my favourite books I've ever read

Book was a quick read. I really enjoyed it. A good book to read around Halloween. It was like reading a scary movie.

I grabbed this book from the bookshare in work en route to the hairdressers one day as Id left my kindle at home. I didnt realise it was a YA book. The blurb was good and Id not heard of it before so took a gamble. Like many of the reviewers here, I did feel it reminded me of It but it is a well written book with some beautiful prose that really paints a picture for the reader. The characters draw you in and its hard not to imagine the horrors they experience throughout. While it didnt blow me

This is a YA book that sounded intriguing. I really liked Anna Dressed in Blood so figured Id read another YA book instead of moving on to something deeper. This story is about Bryan who feels so guilty over what happened to his brother, Adam, that he cant move on with his life. His parents are lost in their own misery so are no longer interested in life or the son that lived through the terror that day. Bryan meets up with a couple of other boys who have also seen the Dark Man and together they

My first impression of this book was that it was surprisingly (and conveniently) easy to get into - I was hooked from the start. That's a huge plus for me. It's exceedingly easy to become lost in the portrayed world, and take you from reality. Also a huge plus for me!I appreciated how strongly the boys felt against the Dark Man and their town; How passionately they wanted people to stop turning a blind eye to the fact that children are disappearing, and their bravery for doing something about

Bryan was only ten years old when older brother Adam dissapeared. The police questioned him for hours afterward, trying to get him to give more details on the Dark Man who he said had taken Adam, but Bryan knew even then that the Dark Man was far more than a single human man--he was the embodiment of all nightmares, and he had stolen away his brother.Now, five years later, Bryan has been reliving the moment when Adam was stolen away in his dreams. He is friendless and alone, with parents who

Not bad, not great. It basically read to me like a poor mans Nightmare on Elm Street/It. It seems Ive been having this issue a lot with books lately, which is probably why I dont come on here as much anymore. Man. And Im usually a sucker for missing kids/supernatural-type stories, but I just was bored with this one too. I couldnt connect to any of the characters, and the random occurrence of the wolves just made no sense to me, nor did the ending. It seemed like it was a super

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