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Original Title: Lies
ISBN: 0061449091 (ISBN13: 9780061449093)
Edition Language: English
Series: Gone #3
Characters: Sam Temple, Astrid Ellison, Caine Soren, Diana Ladris, Drake Merwin, Little Pete
Setting: Perdido Beach, California(United States) California(United States)
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Lies (Gone #3) Hardcover | Pages: 447 pages
Rating: 4.09 | 58480 Users | 2306 Reviews

Describe Containing Books Lies (Gone #3)

Title:Lies (Gone #3)
Author:Michael Grant
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 447 pages
Published:May 4th 2010 by HarperCollins
Categories:Young Adult. Science Fiction. Dystopia. Fantasy

Narrative Supposing Books Lies (Gone #3)

It's been seven months since all the adults disappeared. Gone. It happens in one night. A girl who died now walks among the living; Zil and the Human Crew set fire to Perdido Beach; and amid the flames and smoke, Sam sees the figure of the boy he fears the most: Drake. But Drake is dead. Sam and Caine defeated him along with the Darkness—or so they thought. As Perdido Beach burns, battles rage: Astrid against the Town Council; the Human Crew versus the mutants; and Sam against Drake, who is back from the dead and ready to finish where he and Sam left off. And all the while deadly rumors are raging like the fire itself, spread by the prophetess Orsay and her companion, Nerezza. They say that death is a way to escape the FAYZ. Conditions are worse than ever and kids are desperate to get out. But are they desperate enough to believe that death will set them free?

Rating Containing Books Lies (Gone #3)
Ratings: 4.09 From 58480 Users | 2306 Reviews

Assessment Containing Books Lies (Gone #3)
The setting for Lies makes this book tricky to enjoy - a major battle has been won, but Grant still wants the series to continue, thusly much of the plot is more of a 'evil has survived' kind of twisted exploration of the FAYZ rather than the outright action.Emotional drama abounds in Lies, luckily Grant knows when to ease onto the breaks and no particular character dominates page time with teenage angst.As usual for this series, people get hurt, tortured and manipulated ruthlessly and ending is

Wow! Another greatly delivered book by Michael Grant. The 3rd installment of the GONE series is not to be missed. Just when Sam and his town have conquered hunger, Orsay is claimed to be able to see past the FAYZ wall. Lies? Unsure. Drake is rumoured to be back from the dead. Lies? Unsure. Brittney seem to be a tough little cookie who is not yet ready to give up her fight with Death yet. She is aslo rumoured to have returned. As if lies and rumours were not enough, Zil is teaming up with Caine

I am a little bit sad. For the past two weeks, my life (well, my book life) has been revolved around reading this series. I re-read the thrill rides which are Gone and Hunger-- then it was time for the main event, the newest installment in the Gone series. Lies.I have to say it wasn't my favorite in the series. The flaws I had previously brushed aside in the first too became so blatant in this one that I couldn't ignore them. Don't get me wrong- it was still fantastic and I enjoyed it immensely,

Unexpected menace. We usually think of children as little folk that need our protection and yet, they are really uncivilized savages. They've not learned the inhibitions that adults have learned and are equally capable of the tenderest caring and the most horrific violence. It's this potential for violence, this feeling of menace that makes Michael Grant's stories from the FAYZ so compelling.The third installment in the series continues the tradition and manages to find new ground to cover; new

I fell in love with series awhile ago. It is such a strong series with great character development. It describes situations that are still relevant today. I'm getting geared up by re reading the series to get ready for Monster which is releasing in October.

Who can tell a lie?Evidently a lot of people. Some times to do the wrong thing for the right reasons, and some times just to be flat out nasty.I found this book fairly univentful other than the fact it expressed that people were becoming more and more edgy. They're desperate for a way out. If the way out is death, then so be it. Not to mention the Human Crew is raging against the mutants of Perdido Beach. And now their in leuge with Caine in some master plan that could cause the utter


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