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Title:Mirror Sight (Green Rider #5)
Author:Kristen Britain
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 784 pages
Published:May 6th 2014 by DAW
Categories:Fantasy. Fiction. Magic. High Fantasy. Epic Fantasy
Books Online Free Mirror Sight (Green Rider #5) Download
Mirror Sight (Green Rider #5) Hardcover | Pages: 784 pages
Rating: 3.82 | 6929 Users | 711 Reviews

Description Toward Books Mirror Sight (Green Rider #5)

Karigan G'ladheon is a Green Rider--a seasoned member of the elite messenger corps of King Zachary of Sacoridia. This corps of messengers, each gifted with a brooch of office that imparts a unique magical ability to its wearer, was founded over a thousand years ago during the terrible time of the Long War. During that spell-fueled war, Sacoridia was besieged by the sorcerous armies of the Arcosian Empire, led by Mornhavon the Black. When Sacoridia finally triumphed, Mornhavon resorted to dark magic that rendered his twisted spirit immortal. Determined to keep the realm safe from this terrifying enemy, multitudes of Sacoridian magicians sacrificed their lives to build the immense D'Yer Wall, imprisoning the dangerous spirit of Mornhavon in Blackveil Forest, which uncontrolled magic had mutated into a perilous and unnatural place. For over a thousand years, the magic of the D'Yer Wall protected the people of Sacoridia, but as the centuries passed, memory of how the wall had been built was lost as a traumatized nation turned its back on magic. And when a malicious entity cracked the massive wall, there were none left who knew how to repair it. Desperate to regain the knowledge and repair the ever-expanding breach in the wall, agents of the king scoured the kingdom for magical relics and information. Finally, in a last-ditch attempt to gain time, Karigan, whose Rider brooch enabled her to "fade"--sometimes traversing the layers of time and space--was able to catapult the spirit of Mornhavon into the future. But how far into the future was anyone's guess. Realizing that this might be their only chance to enter Blackveil and examine the tainted peninsula, King Zachary sends Karigan and a contingent of Sacoridians beyond the wall, along with an equal number of Eletians--the immortal race that eons ago lived in what is now Blackveil Forest. But in addition to the unnatural dangers of the forest itself, Karigan and her small delegation have been followed by a secret rebel sect--descendants of the original Arcosian invaders, and during a showdown between these two groups, Mornhavon suddenly reappears. In the magical confrontation that follows, Karigan is jolted out of Blackveil and wakes in a darkness blacker than night. She's lying on smooth, cold stone, but as she reaches out, she realizes that the stone is not just beneath her, but above and around her as well. She's landed in a sealed stone sarcophagus, some unknown tomb, and the air is becoming thin. Is this to be her end? If she escapes, where will she find herself? Is she still in the world she remembers, or has the magical explosion transported her somewhere completely different? To find out, she must first win free of her prison--before it becomes her grave. And should she succeed, will she be walking straight into a trap created by Mornhavon himself?

Point Books As Mirror Sight (Green Rider #5)

ISBN: 0756408792 (ISBN13: 9780756408794)
Edition Language: English
Series: Green Rider #5
Characters: Karigan G'ladheon, King Zachary, Captain Laren Mapstone

Rating Out Of Books Mirror Sight (Green Rider #5)
Ratings: 3.82 From 6929 Users | 711 Reviews

Weigh Up Out Of Books Mirror Sight (Green Rider #5)

I just, I just can't. I don't understand any of this book. It is unrelated to the other Green Rider series which we have all come to love. We had all been clearly very anxious and excited to read this book and when it finally came out it was like HALLELUJAH, IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! Well the jokes on us. From the very first pages we were suddenly questioning everything, our excitement slowly growing dimmer with every word.I gave it three stars because, yes it was well written and would have been an

Warning: This is a blunt review and includes a very long rant. Not for the easily offended.Like so many other reviewers I had been a fan of the Green Rider series from the beginning. The first book was so very, very promising, and while Ms. Britain's writing style is not the greatest the book was enjoyable and I liked the characters for the most part. The second book was equally good. The author expanded the world decently and added in more history and characters. I enjoyed it, and it seemed to

It seems strange to give a 3 star rating to this installment which I didn't like and wished I could un-read. But I am such a fan of this series overall that I couldn't bring myself to rate this lower. In the end I left it at 3.*Minor Spoilers*This is not your grandmother's Sacoridia. I was disappointed at the world of MS. Not enough Green Ridering, Weapons, Training, or Eletians. No question that Britain is a world building machine(heh) and this book was written well and kept me reading despite

Spoiler warning!!Spoiler warning!!Spoiler warning!!Spoiler warning!!Spoiler warning!!!Give the book chance before you read this review, read a sample or something! * * * Mirror Sight reads like an experiment; 95% of the book did not posses the spirit of series. The last 5% redeemed it but not by much. I'm truly regretful to write this review as I really loved books 1-4 and followed Ms. Britain's blog and Facebook page passionately. I no longer like where the story is headed. Anyway, I'll start

I wavered between giving this 4 or 5 stars. Due to fairness to the book and author, I decided to force myself to objectively evaluate the book on its own merits. From this perspective, I feel that 5 stars is well deserved.I would be remiss, however to fail to qualify that overall, I cant help but be somewhat disappointed. While this book is an excellent read, it seems more like a standalone or a book that is part of a different series altogether. While I understand how/why this book fits into

This does not belong in the series, its not what the first "Green Rider" was about, and does not have what made the first book so good. Most of the people that rated it did so before they even read the book. The important parts of the first few books were cut off in this one, particularly a subplot the author has tramped up for years. Although, apparently its good enough to "sell" the book, but not a good enough subplot to finish properly (although I dont know why you invest so much in the first


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