Free Books Online In Flight (Up in the Air #1)

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Original Title: In Flight
Edition Language: English
Series: Up in the Air #1
Characters: James Cavendish, Bianca Karlsson
Free Books Online In Flight (Up in the Air #1)
In Flight (Up in the Air #1) Kindle Edition | Pages: 330 pages
Rating: 4.09 | 71944 Users | 3349 Reviews

Narrative Supposing Books In Flight (Up in the Air #1)

When reserved flight attendant Bianca gets one look at billionaire hotel owner James Cavendish, she loses all of her hard-won composure. For a girl who can easily juggle a tray of champagne flutes at 35,000 feet in three inch heels, she finds herself shockingly weak-kneed from their first encounter. The normally unruffled Bianca can't seem to look away from his electrifying turquoise gaze. They hold a challenge, and a promise, that she finds impossible to resist, and she is a girl who is used to saying no and meaning it. Bianca is accustomed to dealing with supermodels and movie stars in her job as a first class flight attendant, but James Cavendish puts them all to shame in the looks department. If only it were just his looks that she found so irresistible about the intimidating man, Bianca could have ignored his attentions. But what tempts her like never before is the dominant pull he seems to have over her from the moment they meet, and the promise of pleasure, and pain, that she reads in his eyes.

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Title:In Flight (Up in the Air #1)
Author:R.K. Lilley
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 330 pages
Published:October 20th 2012 by R.K. Lilley
Categories:Romance. Erotica. BDSM. Adult Fiction. Contemporary. Contemporary Romance. Adult. Erotic Romance

Rating Appertaining To Books In Flight (Up in the Air #1)
Ratings: 4.09 From 71944 Users | 3349 Reviews

Appraise Appertaining To Books In Flight (Up in the Air #1)
-Why am I not rating this book?Because I'm obviously not this book's audience. Like, at all. So rating it would be a bit unfair to the author and to the prospective readers.-Why did you read it then?I was curious and wanted to see what the fuss was all about.-Did you find out what the fuss was about?No.-Did you like anything about it?The writing was barebones and a bit dry, but not terrible. So that's a plus (really, quality writing is a dealbreaker for me, more than anything else). I actually

LOVED IT! I WANT MORE!THANKS FOR THIS R.K. LILLEY :)Merged review:OH, Sorry 'bout that. But, HOLY HOTNESS OVERLOAD!!! In Flight is is basically, Fifty Shades of Grey meets Bared To You. You know, the usual, super rich dominant (but flawed) alpha male meets equally dysfunctional but strong and beautiful heroine, and developed instant attraction.What I love most about this book are the characters. Bianca , despite what she's been through with her family, especially with her dad, has stayed

-Why am I not rating this book?Because I'm obviously not this book's audience. Like, at all. So rating it would be a bit unfair to the author and to the prospective readers.-Why did you read it then?I was curious and wanted to see what the fuss was all about.-Did you find out what the fuss was about?No.-Did you like anything about it?The writing was barebones and a bit dry, but not terrible. So that's a plus (really, quality writing is a dealbreaker for me, more than anything else). I actually

Not reading.These quotes are the reason why :D"Im going to tie you to my bed and take your hymen."..............bwahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahNow lift up your skirt and stroke the petals of your sex lightly. Seriously??? He says that???Dude...*PS, I might read it for the laughs, OMG this book has some awful quotes ahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahah**Thanks Ruth woman you are awesome ahahhahahahhahahhahah*

Unfortunately, for me, this was just a little too reminiscent of Fifty Shades, Bared To You, etc. Hot billionaire sets sights on beautiful ordinary girl, said billionaire pursues girl relentlessly, both have tales of harrowing pasts, nightmares, insecurities, throw a token best gay/male friend, a chauffeur driven SUV, guys hired to follow the girl around and a secret love of BSM that's been hidden from the media, oh and of course 'the other woman', and you've got yourself a pretty standard

****Contains mild spoilers and a lot of bitching* ***I understand that there is a thriving market for the story about dominant hot young billionaires and their obsession with a beautiful insecure/traumatised young women. I also know that we are going to get some similarities here. That's fair enough. I can accept that. I even don't care too much as long as it's done right. But...COME ON! This is such a rip off! I read it wondering if the author hasn't a law suit pending.Surely when deciding to

Anyone else have deja vous???Blah blah 20-something year old billionare.... blah blah insta-love... blah blah virgin... blah blah f-ed up childhood... blah blah BDSM... blah blah sadist... blah blah MERCURIAL... blah blah jealous-control freak...Okay, I didn't actual hate this book. It is hot and sexy and I'd rather do James than Christian any day. However, to say that this theme has been done before is a HUGE understatement. At the end of the book I DID get really drawn in but before that, I


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